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  1. attic floor is the blown in insulation
  2. Started getting quotes from the various trades to get the attic project moving. Plumber: Install a tankless on the side of the house. 2000 for the heater. 5000 for labor. Electrician: Update the main panel and install a sub on the other side of the house. 20,000 Hvac: 12k to swap out two systems. This one felt reasonable. The trades are still crushing it right now. The project is delayed now. I am grumpy enough to save 5k on the water heater and make the 3 connections myself. Same with the electrical to save 20k. It will be just a lot slower for me to do it myself. I aint crawling in a million degree attic. I will hopefully knock all this out in the fall.
  3. 69% that the caliper guide pin is getting stuck and just needs to be lubed.
  4. apologies. meant this for @Jiggy-Z
  5. @Catpfish Couple of questions that hopefully you can help address. I have had two spray foam installers at the house and one is saying I need to swap out my furnaces and water heater to closed combustion systems. The other one says its fine. I would rather not blow up my house but if i can avoid a huge bill by keeping my existing equipment that would be great. What did you recommend when you were doing installs. Anybody have good recommendations for the following trades in the Houston area. I'm currently lining up bids for the furnaces to be swapped and the water heaters (plumber quote was outrageous) to be be updated. Electrician - need to add a panel next to my existing panel (out of circuits) Plumber - tankless water heater Hvac - swap out furnaces. Anybody have experience with a straight electric furnace?
  6. Also, it will be pain to run wires through external walls after this so I'm doing a bunch of shit to prepare for that. Anything that I should go ahead and run that you guys can think I'm missing. Subpanel for Evs is going in the garage. Some other random electrical shit I've been wanting. Anything yall can think of i should address. Thanks
  7. I'm pulling the trigger to retrofit my house. The breakeven will be when I die so financially its a shit move. I'll try to report back drop in kw useage in the future so you guys have some data. Pie in the sky salesman says I should drop about 50%. My buddy has a very similar footprint from me and sprayed the entire house. His kw useage is 17000 annually. Mine is 41000. Fuck.
  8. 30 year old house. Its super inefficient. Going up into the attic is almost death during the summer. Ac struggles to keep the areas of the house cool that are not protected by a second floor. Buddy has a new construction house and his foam sealed attic peaks at 90 degrees right now allowing everything to be more efficient. Is it possible in a spray foam retrofit to get good results or is it basically only a thing for new construction. Anybody on this site install this stuff or has anybody personally done it and can talk about the results? Thanks
  9. Self motivation post of the week. Down about 10 pounds from a week ago. That first bit of fat just drops off when you stop living like a idiot. 25 pounds to go. Goal 232 to 197. I'm ready to leave the 200 pound club.
  10. finally got off the sidelines and created an account to join this weight loss parade. hopefully if i post once a week or so with updates i can keep the momentum going. goal is to go from 230 to 200. onward.
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