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The Original Greaser Bob

Certifiably Surly
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About The Original Greaser Bob

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  1. Walked by one in Boerne a couple of weeks ago. Weird, because Boerne seems so un-MAGA...
  2. I don't know how to update the top post, so I'll just update as we go. I'm cheap, and I've gotten some fine recommendations from surly. So why not. Here are the rules. Not putting a cap on the price of the wine but in reality, yeah, let's put a cap on it - say $25? But I'm really looking for the crazy bargains. You recommend a budget wine that just has really blown you away - specify whether you are comparing it to all wines or just a fantastic value that can be appreciated. If it gets another mention (not just an upvote but an actual mention, it will go on the list. If you have a bad experience, say so, and it comes off the list. The idea is to build a list of top 10 - five reds, three whites, two sparklings. I just want a cheat sheet when I go to specs.
  3. Give Tom Izzo, I don't know, ONE MILLION DOLLARS!
  4. He saved the farmers! It's so fucking crazy brilliant.
  5. Everyone just stop!
  6. I disagree. It's not subjective. If you believe it.
  7. Fiscally conservative means balancing the budget. A government that spends 100 trillion and taxes 101 trillion is more fiscally conservative than a government that spends 10 trillion and taxes 9 trillion. Hence, I can be the most generous provider of benefits for the people in the world and still be fiscally conservative. Depends on how you define socially liberal. I've always thought of that as liberal in the sense of providing freedoms to people. I don't really think of it as one who necessarily thinks government should only be about "charity". I think government should be involved in charity (assisting people) when it benefits the common good. Hence, hefty government spending for education, social security, health. I'm fiscally conservative and favor a real, actual progressive tax system.
  8. Fuck the usual suspects for making my daughter have extra stress about the birth of my new grandson expected within the next month. The Texas idiocy is bad enough (caregivers not able to be honest with their patients).
  9. May as well go here. I just finished a stint on a jury in criminal court. Very short case, judge was great, attorneys were great (very young prosecutors, wizened old "voy d-yer" defense attorney. Jury very young (except me) but we all had the same first instinct. I left feeling pretty good about "local government" and the lower court system. Everyone trying to do well, a case that could have had racial components but didn't, everyone just doing their part to make the system work well. At least for a moment, it got the bad taste out of my mouth. And for a moment felt that this vulgarian fuckwit and his henchmen might not break everything.
  10. I find him a malignant and a turbaned Turk.
  11. When my wife were still newlyweds we went to a wedding in DC. We didn't have time to see the monuments so the day we flew out I woke up early and did the early morning nighttime tour by myself. Was great. When I got back I told her no one was at the Lincoln so I had crawled up on Lincoln's lap when no one was around. She was furious and lectured me for climbing up the monument. Not me ^^^
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