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The Original Greaser Bob

Certifiably Surly
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About The Original Greaser Bob

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  1. O don't think thin the Dems have an SEC-ready O-line until 2037.
  2. I bet the pome isn't as good. I loved this and it bears repeating.
  3. I turned on the TV and I do like Melania's hat. Unlike this whiney woke Dem yellow dawg.
  4. God Bless Our President. Plus, day 1 is almost over. (I can't imagine any of my posts over the next -- well, the rest of my life -- being more substantive than this.)
  5. What's insane is how some people think that how an agency is run matters at all to any of these folks. These guys are there to fuck shit up and progress will be measured by the percentage depopulatioin of the agency (at least in DC) they can achieve.
  6. We need an enforcer. Maybe the guy on the right from the portal for next year.
  7. Disagree. The next four years are going to be surprisingly tolerable for those of us who can no longer muster a shit.
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