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The Original Greaser Bob

Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by The Original Greaser Bob

  1. 2 hours ago, Snake Diggity said:

    Biden needs a good SOTU.  Then he needs to stay away from cameras and microphones as much as possible until September, at which point he needs 70 days where he campaigns like hell without looking like he’s on death’s door.   If that happens without the economy tanking, he should win.

    I'm thinking there are some other big landmines.


    • Rage+1 1
  2. I mean once you get past the fact that a little less then half the country prefers a treasonous scumbag for President, then you have to decide what the best option is to run against that treasonous scumbag.

    That ship has sailed.  I think a number of other dems could have beaten Trump, but I'll never know, and those folks didn't have the balls to try to run anyway, so here we are.

    Let's hope the state of the union goes well and Trump shits himself.

    • Hook 'Em 3
    • Haha 1
  3. 4 minutes ago, chainsaw said:

    Has there been proof of anything more than someone fronting a bill and getting reimbursed later?

    I also am not sure how that relates to Trump getting a fair RICO trial. Like seriously why the fuck does it even matter?

    Not that I've seen on the first question and agree with you on the second.  At least not now.  Let the Georgia bar take it up or let the county start an ethics investigation.

    If Trump can drag out cases for years, Fauni should be able to drag out hers as well.

  4. 18 minutes ago, South Austin said:

    I'm not suggesting she join a convent, but she can't take a break from the nookie for the sake of justice?

    I mean, the issue are the trips and the expenses associated with those trips.  It seems to me a reasonable compromise is to fuck in the supply closet after hours and start taking trips after the case is over.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. Comfort Crisis by Michael Easter (2021)

    I thought one of the better books on the current fitness/mindfulness etc. zeitgeist.  I thought the parts on nutrition and contemplation of death were particularly good nuggets, if covered move fully elsewhere.



    • Hook 'Em 1
  6. I like that theory, wildcat, but I don't think it gives enough credence to the fact that Dems in recent decades just can't make a fucking decision.  They agonize and move slowly while the GOP shoots first and lawyers up second.

    I've got some relatives who are hard shell liberals who work in DC.  Working under the GOP is a breeze they say, because the republicans just make a decision and everyone moves on.  The Dems fuck around with 20 policy preogatives and nothing gets done.

    You're mostly right but Dem pokiness adds insult to injury.

  7. Fuck.  Looks like I'm going to have to be defending Allred the next few months.

    I think the book "Dress for Success" came out a fuck long time ago. Anyway, it basically said minorities should always wear conservative suits.

    Allred is the epitome of that playbook. He's a black man that most whites are comfortable with. 

    I don't begrudge him sticking to that playbook.  He's not going to get in the dirt, like Gutierrez will.  And that's no fucking fun, but neither is rope-a-dope.

    The progressive angry Hispanic or Hispanic wannabee hasn't worked over the last couple of cycles for state wide office.

    When Allred beat Pete Sessions, there were plenty of people in our district who thought he was too milktoast, but miltoast still tastes better than horseshit, and I guess that's the longshot play.  Especially when the dems are going to show up to vote against Trump.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  8. Allred's style and approach are perfect -- perfect - for suburban Texas.  Including the siding with the GOP now and again.

    We'll find out if that works out on the state level. 

    (I wish he had played for the Pokes or whoever the Oilers became. I especially wish he hunted and kilt animals.)

  9. Just heard a short discussion (Houston Chronicle) with Allred and Roland Gutierrez.  Gutierrez sounded pretty good I thought.  They didn't talk guns, but this should be the absolute standard profile for any Texan trying for a statewide office.

    As a gun owner and an avid hunter and fisherman, Gutierrez said he does not want to take away anybody’s guns, but he doesn’t want AR-15’s to be sold anymore.

    “I own a lot of guns, and I believe in the Second Amendment, but I saw and continue to see what is happening across this country,” he said. “In Uvalde, I saw exactly what that weapon did to those babies. It is not something I want to see any parent have to live through again. We know it continues to happen. We have a lot of work to do in this country.”

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