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The Original Greaser Bob

Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by The Original Greaser Bob

  1. 3 hours ago, Thrawn said:

    JHC. I'm watching the Fulton County case on CNN right now. I don't see how you lawyers on here can do this for a living. Arguing every single point back and forth. Patience is a virtue I wasn't blessed with. I know this is important stuff being argued, but it would make me want to open up a vein. 

    Look, if I argue with you, I must take up a contrary position.

    • Drool 1
  2. Yeah, the sooner rather than later sounds right.  I've got a double bridge due to some amazingly crazy  shit my teeth were doing in my younger years (permanent tooth shooting horizontally across the roots of two other teeth) and now one of the "foundation" teeth needed a root canal.  When I asked the dentist if I'm going to need a couple of implants eventually, he said that might be a challenge because the bone has receded over the area of the bridge.

    Since your brother in law is 55, he might want to look for the package senior deal where you get dental implants, prostate TURP surgery, a free stent, and one free lumbar discectomy if you promise to stick with Spectrum for at least three years. 




    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Haha 1
  3. Will try here instead of starting another thread.

    Can anyone recommend a solid budget rucking pack?  I'm really just looking for a solid plate holder system pack that holds only plates or other weight system, but I'd also look for a relatively small pack that have removable plates that I can use to store a few things if I wanted to use it as a small day pack.  But really, would be happy with just a plate system that can hold a phone and wallet. 

    I do lots of walking and may as well put some weight on it.  I've had some back issues so I want to start with relatively light weights.

    Goruck just seems a bit pricey, both for packs and plates.

  4. 4 minutes ago, DixonHur said:

    True story, one time I was walking through the Everglades and got attacked by a panther, a black bear, a crocodile, and a 12-foot python all at the same time.  After I was done I had a couple pairs of new boots, an area rug, and some rather intoxicating cologne.  

    Literally all of your new stuff is illegal in the US and about 8 other countries.

  5. 49 minutes ago, Hmbre97 said:

    As a single dad with 2 sons, I have no exposure to Taylor Swift and I really don't give a shit about pro football so my interest in the chiefs or the Kelce brothers is whatever. I'm squarely in the "who gives a fuck" camp but I do have to admit, I was secretly hoping for a chiefs comeback last night just for the maga tears. 

    Pretty much me.  I didn't hate Taylor Swift but never found the music worth listening to.  But when it became apparent that she had a good heart and was smart and was getting shit from MAGA, I'm all fucking in.  Not as all in as I would be if she were lip syncing Madonna and striking the pose, but still, all in.

    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Haha 1
  6. William Tecumseh Sherman: In the Service of My Country: A Life Hardcover – June 14, 2016

    by James Lee McDonough (Author)
    In audio.
    Did not like.  The recent great slog of a biography of Grant got me motivated to read a biography of Sherman, but this wasn't the one. It all felt very cursory and to me lacked depth.  Mabye Ron Chernow liked Sherman more than Sherman deserved.
    Sherman's wife seemed like a beating.
  7. 13 minutes ago, Neonmoon said:

    The “media” has failed this country.

    No question, but at some point, you have to own your strategy, and that's on the Dems.  And you have to accept the fact that we live in a democracy and it's the fucking voters' fault. 

    So to me:

    1) Fuck the voters for supporting one of the top three or four cunts in the 21st century to date.

    2) Bless the dems hearts and pray to non-MAGA jesus for things to work out.

    3) Don't read, discuss or retweet shitty media.  (PSA: not going to help but may make you less crazy)

  8. Past Lives (2023)

    1) First five minutes:


    2) Movie answers the question:  Are engineers and playwrites cool asians or asian nerds?  Or does it?"

    3) Nobody stares at each other than long and hard without cracking up.


    4) No way Uber driver waits that long without saying "Hey, Mister Kim, let's get going."

    5) Would have liked a little more life out of John Magaro - I like that actor.

    6) I loved it, beautiful flick but in the end, the male lead was such a unique guy that it kind of hurt the "universality" of the film for me. But on the flip side, the film only made sense given his somewhat unique approach to the issue at hand.

  9. 20 hours ago, grazinhorn said:

    While I understand the question and look at history, why would you ever give up the "incumbency" advantage even if the opponent has effectively the same thing?  I wouldn't care to give up an advantage that puts me notably ahead, but it is pretty silly to give it up if it just brings me even.  Why start from (near) zero?

    Pretty great question, and all I can say is that you'd give it up if the alternative gave you a better chance of winning.  I've always been relatively upbeat about all the other alternatives.  But I'm a bit of an optimist on that front. I think the Dems picked their course and have to stick with it. Again, I wish that perhaps they had fine tuned an alternate strategy a couple of years ago.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  10. 13 hours ago, gmr548 said:

    The narrative if Biden were to step back and not run for reelection would be a Democratic party in shambles, and all of the campaign/white house infrastructure built over the past four years ceases to matter

    Biden should have been elected, got all the shit he needed done, and then a year in should have said he's not running.  This would have given the Dems a chance to go through the election/debates and use it as an opportunity to talk about all  the shit they were getting done and how they would fine tune things and we would have had multiple forums of taking brutal pot shots at Trump. 

    So I get the idea of him winning now and stepping back.  it would have been a risky strategy for him to step back in the first term but it would have been a heck of an anti-Trump message for him to say he wanted to put everything he had into this one term and take age-ist shots at Trump.

    We all knew deep down that it would come down to this.  It's not the same thing as what Ruth Bader G did to the Dems but it sure as shit may turn out that way.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  11. 17 hours ago, Js1 said:

    Because giving up the incumbency advantage is the dumbest thing you can do in politics. 

    I was shot down on my previous concern troll thread about this.  I'm not sure this holds for two reasons. 

    1) Are we certain that the whole "incumbency" advantage counts when the opponent has served the immediate term before this.  I'm thinking most voters view both as having whatever advantages come from incumbency.  Certainly, the only historical example, Grover Cleveland v. Benjamin Harrison (1892) proves the exact opposite.   Incumbent Cleveland loses to Harrison (1888), and then beats the shit out of Harrison in the 1892 election.  So literally the ONLY similar situation we can look at historically is that immediate incumbency didn't help Harrison.

    2) Although Harrison looked old as shit, he and Cleveland were both hovering about 60.  But note that Harrison's wife died right before the election. 

    And this interesting wiki tidbit:  The tariff issue dominated this rather lackluster campaign. Harrison defended the protectionist McKinley Tariff passed during his term. For his part, Cleveland assured voters that he opposed absolute free trade and would continue his campaign for a reduction in the tariff. Cleveland also denounced the Lodge Bill, a voting rights bill that sought to protect the rights of African American voters in the South.[23] William McKinley campaigned extensively for Harrison, setting the stage for his own run four years later.

    I don't think the electorate is astute enough to get past Biden's softer speaking style and remnants of stutter to get to the substance of what the guys are saying. To them, the loud lunatic "seems" younger than soft spoken intellect. 


  12. 1 hour ago, Woland said:

    Except that Biden can now campaign heavily on the Republicans refusing to vote in favor of the very border deal they proposed. "You want a secure border? Vote Biden!"

    Bold strategy, given the shape of the border during Biden's watch.

    The border strategy needs to be about how the Republicans didn't help solve the problem, and then Biden needs to pivot to the job creation and the economy. 

  13. 2 hours ago, bolverk said:

    Wasn't Lincoln kept from being on the ballot in several southern states? If so, what was the legal basis for that?

    MFer was too fuckin' woke.

  14. 9 hours ago, jimmyjazz said:

    I have no fucking clue what you're saying, but I've been playing guitar all night and might have drunk some beers.

    David Crosby got inspired by reefer, not Stella Artois Lite.

    You're doing it wrong.

    • Haha 1
  15. 2 hours ago, jimmyjazz said:

    We're talking about crimes here.

    I am talking about immunity in terms of actions within the course and scope of his duties.  I haven't read the case, but my assumption is that the President making presidential decisions - for instance order someone to take out people who are trying to ransack the Capitol and attack members of Congress -- has some immunity from prosecution related to those decisions.

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