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The Original Greaser Bob

Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by The Original Greaser Bob

  1. 2 minutes ago, Dnaguy said:

    What's an organic chicken anyways

    One that can actually walk.

    Sorry to go dark, but the poultry industry is the cruelest.  It sucks because drumsticks taste good.  Omelettes taste good.

    Since I'm not eating much red meat I'm trying to spend a bit of money for lack of cruelty, but I honestly am not that well informed.

    As far as eggs go, I'm doing egg whites more and more.  Frankly don't even know the whole backstory on the most humane egg whites.

    When shopping around, be sure to look for "Certified Humane" and, even better, "Animal Welfare Approved" stickers on your eggs. They're your best bet if you love egg products but want to be sure the hens laying them are being treated well.Oct 19, 2018
    • Hook 'Em 3
  2. 1 hour ago, 'stache said:

    I’m actually on board with buying Greenland. As the name implies I’m told it’s full of lush vegetation, could draw tourist dollars. Also, have you looked at a map recently? It’s like the size of South America. That’s a lot of land, a whole continent to ourselves, well worth the cost.

    The cost of sweeping the lush forests to prevent fires is arguably prohibitive.

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  3. 2 hours ago, BeardIP said:

    This is probably the one movie that is a classic/iconic that I've been meaning to see for well over a decade but never had the opportunity arise to watch it. I need to rectify that.

    Forget about it Beard - it's set in Chinatown.

  4. Many latinos and blacks believe that the upper classes (thus dems) are trying to stop them (whites, latinos and blacks) in their social class) from advancing  Thus their willingness to vote trump.

    The only word in the above sentence I will stand by is "believe".

    Who are the latinos and blacks working with and befriending?  Whites who fall into demographics that vote for Trump.


  5. Ha ha.  On another thread, someone said they wouldn't pay for a streaming service because of the principle of the thing.  I realized that I stopped being able to talk about contemporaneous movies/tv not so much of the principle but just because I am lazy. 

    Which is to say that I finally got the dvd from the dallas public library. Me:  You got a DVD player?  Everyone:  No one's got a DVD player.

    Anyway, cut out the two main love interests and this was perfectly fun.   Although Francoiseses could have been in every scene.  In the background.  Not talking.

    Stanford fight song to close the endeavor was perfect.

     -- Look who finally caught up guy

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