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The Original Greaser Bob

Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by The Original Greaser Bob

  1. 1 minute ago, nineliveslost said:

    I love this bullshit. Fuck this win . Yea, its a win but fuck if it wasn't a cluster fuck. Clutch your hope and wish we win a championship with this crap play And coaching. 

    Yeah sure.  I'm the standout pearlclutcher in this titty-baby thread.

  2. 1 hour ago, Mittens said:

    She couldn't be more liberal in quite literally every action she takes.

    I'm not arguing that she's a bad person. But this a political forum.  I'd love for good actions to actual affect the way people seem to go about their political choices.  The vast majority handle it as a team sport, and one has to ask of each person, are you doing the right thing by not choosing a team?

    A wealthy person can do a whole lot more good in the world than a poor person, just by putting their blessings towards charity and good works.  That is enough for me to believe that good wealthy people should stay away from politics and joining a team, just to preserve their marketability. 

  3. All of this makes me kind of pissed that Dolly Parton plays it so safe.  Granted, if she was forced to pick a side, she might be pretty Trumpy as far as I know, but still, she's the type of celebrity who could do some good.  Or at least give me some satisfaction that she shat on some MAGATS.

    “My mother was a Democrat and my daddy was a Republican, so I'm a hypocrite,” the Tennessee-born entertainer quipped in a 2017 interview. “I've got as many Republican fans as Democrats,” Parton said at the time, “and I don't want to make any of them mad at me, so I don't play politics.”

  4. Demon Copperhead (2022)  (Audio)

    I'm glad I read it.  I had read David Copperfield a few months ago, and considering the source material, this was a fantastic improvement, and I think an important piece of Americana. In other words, it worked mostly, if you like all that David Copperfield kind of crap.

    Seems like someone could turn this into a pretty good one season on Netflix kind of thing.   3800.jpg?width=620&dpr=2&s=none

  5. 15 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

    Yeah, women often look 50 when they're . . . 50.

    You must be quite the connoisseur of vocal fry and up talk.   

    But if acting like you liked Chasing Amy got your date to hop into bed with you, you're the winner.

    Her voice made me want to reach up to the screen and punch her larynx. 

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