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The Original Greaser Bob

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by The Original Greaser Bob

  1. It's disruptive and kind of brilliant and in retrospect I wish Biden had had the balls to appoint lots of our younger assholes. Wouldn't it be much easier if we just merged the entire Cloak Room into a "This is Fine" thread?
  2. A member of government can execute a rival and this is what seems odd?
  3. Based on my daughter, the amount of panic in the DC underpaid-with-a-shitty-marketing degree circles is also quite fascinating.
  4. If you titrate each ESPN+ you have with four moles of Pac12 Network you'll get one ESPN and four Mountain Wests up past channel 4000.
  5. MAGA's attempt to retaliate will certainly verify MAGAs vileness. Their stepping on their dicks while doing so, even with all branches of govt. on their side, will verify their competence.
  6. So the majority of the electorate is ill informed at best. And many of those ill-informed are indeed stupid. How is this anything other than a marketing issue? It certainly isn't a policy issue. It just is. Left needs to get beyond being angry about it. And while Biden did some great things in terms of infrastructure, climate, etc., they didn't on the border and they obviously aren't tight with Isreal and they couldn't get past their own identify politics. Those are big fucking deals and the optics on those were bad. Lesson has to be a whole lot more than "they never had a chance because of inflation". Shit, they could have made some lemonade out of the infrastructure bill and full employment in an argument about inflation and they didn't.
  7. The AOC responses make sense. If the enemy of great is good or okay or the status quo, then wanting to blow shit up is completely and totally understandable. You gotta break some constitutional norms to make an omelet. So get with it. This is going to be a ride.
  8. The user name, Incredulity, checks out. Keep that in mind and his posts make total sense.
  9. So I was born in San Antonio, and went to a high school that at one time had one of the largest FFA groups in the country -- lot of kickers. We all wore wranglers. Now I live in Dallas and wear chacos most of the time. I was talking to my brother in Helotes and he's always talking about going to ranch parties. He's a lot more comfortable with Trump's America. I never go to ranch parties. In Trumps America, I think we all need to go to more ranch parties. I've asked him to include me on the ranch parties and I'll drive down. Hopefully I can get by with Levis and Red Wings. I figure I'll just smile and say "Ain't that the truth." or "You gotta laugh to keep from cryin'." or "Man that's good brisket."
  10. You do realize that people outlining particular speakers who are misusing the quote is not the same thing as: The Left has literally declared anyone who said they wanted to, “judge people by the content of their character, not by the color of their skin” as racist for the last decade. By your logic, MLK's kids think MLK was racist for making the statement. No argument that the Left has used identity politics at its peril, which is what my statements on this and other threads about going forward is about. That's crazily different from your bombastic and silly statement -- and none of your links (that's not behind a firewall) support it. They simply support a debate on whether considerations of should play into the statement.
  11. Keep what up? Suggesting that people who don't treat others with respect are assholes? Okay, will do.
  12. What's really something is you believing something so fucking moronic. The Left has literally declared anyone who said they wanted to, “judge people by the content of their character, not by the color of their skin” as racist for the last decade. Some links of those literal statements would be helpful.
  13. Counterpoint. Only someone interested in distorting the truth would make such a claim.
  14. America shouldn't focus on either. I don't see the advantage of making "caring about others" and "treating all people with respect regardless of race or gender" as an issue. You're an asshole if you don't. You can't convince assholes not to be assholes.
  15. So, tell most of their base to fuck off? I don't see a problem with demonizing unfair or illegal competition. I do in demonizing rich people.
  16. Those 2/3rds benefit from the financial security of the other 1/3. So the appeal should be universal if communicated correctly. Small businesses and large alike would benefit from 1/3 of the population being more financially secure and thus more willing to spend.
  17. Primary foundational national dem platform should be all about assisting those who the market economy is leaving behind. Secondary foundational national dem platform should be climate friendly policies as required by scientific evidence of existential threat. Foreign policy and social issues like abortion - just whatever the candidate can intelligently communicate.
  18. Oh, not sure if you've mentioned it, but the Dems racial identity politics has to change. Whether moderate or hyper aggressive progressive their approach to poverty and opportunity has to be based solely on economic challenges/poverty and has to be completely and totally color blind. This is the only way they can push back on the race-baiting bullshit.
  19. The correct nomenclature is "Lake Highlands' Tre Johnson".
  20. I think you are way overestimating the power of fact-based messaging.
  21. All the information I need is that America wants a grifter asshole to be its President. How in the hell can we blame this election on disinformation?
  22. Thing that has to change is non-gerrymandered districts. If that were the case I could accept my shitty representatives. What I can't accept is people on the other side of DFW being responsible for my shitty representatives.
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