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The Original Greaser Bob

Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by The Original Greaser Bob

  1. On 1/26/2023 at 8:19 PM, Dbeasy said:

    I’m clearly in the minority but I thought Everything was garbage. After just over an hour, I finally bailed.

    I didn't like it and I bailed -- not looking forward to trying to rewatch. I thought it was a screechy mess, but I'm a bit intrigued by the best actress nomination now. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. Wife and I have been using "It's like Africa hot" about 40 times a summer since we saw the movie.  Kids use it as well but don't know the reference.

    Now that everyone is so goddam woke, my wife only says it when no one other than me  is around.  Me on the other hand, will say "jambo" to any group of African Americans I see, especially in a cafeteria/dining hall.  Just being friendly..



  3. 4 hours ago, GoPokes83 said:

    Michelle Yeoh will win best actress.

    Kate B. will win.  She learned conducting, German and piano for that role and she's mesmerizing and terrifying.   It's a very Kate B. part but it's such a pure and perfect performance.

  4. Tar is kind of a badass movie.  I am starting to feel like it might be the best of these,

    I was actually bored by All Quiet and haven't finished. 

    If Elvis got in on style points, fuckit, they should have nominated 3000 Years of Longing.

  5. Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis.  Been trying to get around to this for about 40 years. I actually thought it was pretty good.  I thought it terrible on why God exists and there was some pretty dated nonsense, but I thought he did a good job on Christian discipline - faking it until you make it, what "it" is, understanding that you may waiting in the hall and not already admitted, and I liked his explanation as to why Christians are likely to be assholes.



    • Hook 'Em 3
  6. 7 minutes ago, AnTiM said:

    Other than the one that gave Green Bay the Ice Bowl win, there is no clip that I hate more than this one.  Screw the 49ers.

    I was never a cowboys fan growing up - fucking hated them to be honest, but I moved to the bay area for school just a bit before this play.  Kind of made me an instant SF hater and erased my hate for Dallas.  By the time I moved to Dallas, and when Jimmy Johnson came on, I was okay with the pokes.

  7. So for lots of reasons, I'm trying to limit red meat consumption - but limit, and not eliminate.  Same goes with fowl.  I have no limit on crawdad.

    I'm trying to locate recommended sources of wild game meats as well as sources of poultry that is a bit kinder than factory poultry and fish that might be more sustainable than most of the stuff I currently buy unthinkingly at the grocery store.

    I'm not a hunter and don't plan on becoming one.  The Peter Attia podcast had a guy a while back who ran Maui Nui Venison out of hawaii -- Axis Deer.  I recently sat through a painful podcast on the hidden cost of cheap meat (Ezra Klein) so that has me thinking as well.

    Do you all have any recommendations for any mail order, specialty stores or grocery stores that have a good selection of "sustainable/low factory imposed cruelty" meats?  (and fowl and fish as well.)

    It's a pricey approach, but I figure some of you might have some advice and some "it was good and suprisingly cheap" experiences.

    I'm in Dallas so have access to Whole Foods and Central Market.  For all I know I just haven't tried hard enough and I can get everything I need there.

  8. 23 minutes ago, Dahobbs said:

    think that is apparent from this thread that pretty much everyone agrees that requiring an additional compensation as part of a non-compete would be a reasonable solution. But, the question is how much more compensation should be required AND how that is enforced. Pretty much everything else you've said has been wishy-washy gobbledygook. 

    Your doing good with my gobbledy gook, so kudos. 

    Trying to be clear:

    1) Contracts are generally a matter for states, so preference would be for states to handle.  Especially true since in this federal environment, fed law is subject to greater change than state.
    2) If Feds have to act, would prefer them making it simply about increasing consideration and allow for attorneys fees and damages if there are violations. As stated previously, making 50% of wages and retaining benefits is pretty good for doing nothing if your only restriction is not to violate a non-compete. 


    18 minutes ago, Dahobbs said:

    Also, I just want to be clear, you are in fact asking for government action, right? You just want it to be state government action and not federal?

    To be clear I never said anything about "no government action".  I think the federal plan is a poor plan - it doesn't go the the real issue, and since most contracts are a matter of state law, I think it should stay a state issue.  IF the feds decide to get into the issue, I think a simple consideration law would make the most sense.  But I personally would be fine with the states dealing with the contractual issue.

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