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The Original Greaser Bob

Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by The Original Greaser Bob

  1. 7 minutes ago, 4th&Five said:

    You're not serious, right?  The same segment of voters that either ignored or were never going to be swayed by the 1/6 hearings are going to listen to a reasoned discussion on economic policy?

    No, but they are going to really engage in a discussion about abortion and how they themselves are a danger to democracy. 

    None of this shit gets done on the national level.  If we want to turn shit around it means getting involved in school board elections and dealing face to face with relatives and friends  In the neighborhood, not on twitter.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. 7 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:


    Have you not been paying attention?  What do you think it means about our "democracy" when one party has literally dozens of candidates and a good chunk of states prepping to ignore D votes?  I mean, doesn't that strike you as a new paradigm?

    For fuck's sake.

    I agree completely, but the issue isn't the paradigm, it's how you combat the new paradigm.  And Dems aren't doing a good job on that.  They are just screeching - new bad paradigm.  They need to sell stuff they do well (economy) and figure out ways to sell stuff they are seen as not being interested in (crime prevention).  And they need to think outside their box -  embrace hunters in the environmental area and responsible gun owners in the gun area.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. Mike Collier breaks through the ceiling.  All else is lost.

    I'm letting politics get to me.  My solution is to avoid tv news, and I'm cutting off podcasts.  Strictly DMNl and whatever political figure Marc Maron has on. 

    It's just not good for me.  I'll vote, and perhaps even continue to block walk, etc. for a low level candidate I like.  But from here on in, I'm simply voting on who I think is the better leader for the future going forward.  And the only mega issue I have is the environment and climate change.  Everything else MIGHT be a tiebreaker.


    • Hook 'Em 4
  4. 3 hours ago, South Austin said:

    Yes, the stick is still lodged so far up your ass even my mom can’t take it out.

    Actually, it's not a stick.  It's bBenign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) (and hopefully it stays that way), and I don't wish it on anyone.

    In any case, this flick is next up on my netflix queue.  (Old school.)  Will report back.

  5. Last weekend I bought a bag of Sizzlin Cinnamon Jelly Bellys at Slovachek's in West (which happened to full of goddamn aggies.)

    Holy shit, the candy was delicious.

  6. 8 hours ago, Js1 said:

    None of what you just said is true. Why are you posting false data? Dems have about a 500k vote lead on the GOP in PA and are returning their ballots at a higher rate.  They have almost 3/4 of a million votes already in.  Marist just released a new poll showing Fetterman up 51-45. The “Oz surge” is also purely from right wing polls. 

    Hmm.  I had decided not to vote at all, given the inevitability of GOP takeover.  Maybe if I have some time on the 8th I'll rethink it. 

  7. 15 hours ago, SubliminalHorn said:

    Case in point. As I was leaving the rec center, there were about 3 late teen/early 20s girls? I don’t know, young. As they walked by the room where voting was taking place, one of them says, oh I need to remember to vote. Another girl said, yeah I need to do that tonight. 

    You can pretty much take all the liberal voting angst in Texas and compact them into these two sentences.  And make sure there is a spanish translation just under it.  Asking young people and mexican americans if they have already voted will drive you insane.

  8. 18 minutes ago, Macklemore said:

    Abortion is towards the bottom of the list of key issues for voters according to polling I’ve seen. Tied with January 6th towards the bottom well behind inflation and crime. Those 2 issues are important to suburban women and they’ll most likely come back to the GOP fold. At least that’s my hope.

    Here's hoping your hope follows this trajectory:


  9. 24 minutes ago, Voldemort86 said:

    Many of the more moderate house democrats strongly believe that the “defund the police” comment, and things like it, were a major reason why millions of voters unfortunately split their ticket in 2020. People saw that Biden was going to win and didn’t want to give him and the Democratic Party too much power. 

    I agree that's probably what happened. 

    But in a better world, where even the best republicans didn't suck ass, I'd love for an intelligent debate about whether moderates or progressives should run the Dem party.  But fuck anyone who gets their panties in an uproar about that given what the GOP is trying to do.

    I'll be all over attacking progressives and identify politics types once we sow the current Republican party with salt.

  10. 15 minutes ago, SydneyCarton said:

    Ha. I must have missed you by 10 minutes. I think I walked out at 735 after proudly doing the same as yourself. There were about 8 folks in there with me. Then I saw an Aggy truck pull up next to me also sporting this bumper sticker and my good mood went to shit immediately. 


    Dude, that's a Go Stanford, Beat Notre Dame sticker.  Dude probably got a biology degree from Stanford and then went to the world's best vet school.


  11. Life by Keith Richards (2010). 

    Reminded me of the Grant biography I just read.  Both were a bit of a slog but I loved both. 

    But then again, who doesn't think of one when the other comes up.


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