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The Original Greaser Bob

Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by The Original Greaser Bob

  1. On 10/17/2022 at 9:06 PM, Satchel said:

    I get a kick out of laughing at Hershel, but my laughter dies in sorrow when confronted with the very real reality that he has no business running for a US Senate seat. Hershel should be regaling the public with stories of his glory days at Georgia. He should be signing autographs at tailgates and posing for pics with Uga. He should not be running for the US Senate. The people who will vote for him know this. Shame on them.

    What is this "shame" you speak of?

    • Hook 'Em 2
  2. So landing in Dublin in March, and leaving 9 days later.  Flights are set but nothing else. Me and the wife.  We are both at "thinking about retirement age".   

    General idea is to have base camps at no more than three places (Dublin being one).  If you were to tell me I had to make a decision right now I'd maybe pick Galway and Cork as the other two places to go.  I know nothing about the country.

    Our idea of a good vacation is just doing lots of walking.  "Hiking" is fine as long as there is no scrambling or edges.  We certainly aren't climbers. Sleeping arrangements have to be above average. Some foodiness is in order, but mostly beer and simple stuff to power us on.

    Seaside hike/locale ALWAYS preferable to landlocked or even river location.  Country preferable to city, but assuming Dublin is a good walking city.  We will do some "historical site seeing" but mostly just like to be outside and get the feel of a place.

    Key question:  Wife wants to rent a car (she will do just about all the driving).  Should we?

    Any suggestions on locations to focus on, walks to take, places to stay, and especially if you don't recommend driving, modes of transport. 




  3. I'm actually surprised that any Republican would drop out for this type of thing.  You just blame media and deep state and talk about communists and brown people.

    I thought we had gotten rid of any bar for Republicans.

    • Hook 'Em 5
  4. On 10/4/2022 at 9:10 AM, The Original Greaser Bob said:

    Have to go in for a cystoscopy and CT scan. 

    Sucked down about 100 cubic meters of laughing gas during the cystoscopy.  It worked.  Not sure how I could have made it through without it.



  5. I'm only posting this for informational purposes. Had three tiny distinct clots of blood in urine over past week.  Two urine samples with no blood.  Urologist opined that it was probably just passing a couple of small kidney stones.  No pain.  Hyper sensitive about the whole tract now so I'm having zen like mindfulness whenever I pee.  

    Have to go in for a cystoscopy and CT scan. 

    Freaking the fuck out about the cystoscopy. 

  6. I'm actually kidding.  Collier laid the groundwork the last time he campaigned.  He's the most affable, accountant like government type you could ever meet.  It's hard to imagine anyone not thinking the guy could be good in a statewide office.

    Garza is much less known.  I'd love for people to really focus on her in these last few weeks because both her race and Collier's are winnable.

    • Hook 'Em 1
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