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The Original Greaser Bob

Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by The Original Greaser Bob

  1. 34 minutes ago, Biff Tannen said:

    Shocking.  Lawyers, what is stopping them from objecting to every single special master candidate for eternity?  What is to stop them from dragging this out forever?  Serious question.

    Judges tend to be pussies, especially when they are dealing with powerful people OR really good lawyers.  They've got brass balls when they are fucking with the indigent. 

    They don't want to be overruled or chastised when they make ballsy ruling, and hence, not enough ballsy rulings are made, unless those rulings go against people without the know how or $$$ to keep fighting.

    • Hook 'Em 6
  2. I retract my initial misgivings.  I kind of dig this show.  The hobbitty people are a bit "Midsummer Nights Dream" for my taste, and if British African Americans lived in middle earth then there had to be some metsicans too, so I would appreciate maybe a cameo or two from Luis Guzman or Neto from Narcos -- hell, I don't care if they are dwarfs.

    The orc in the cupboard was kind of scary and badass.  I wish they were all kind of like that. 

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