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The Original Greaser Bob

Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by The Original Greaser Bob

  1. 1 minute ago, Brisketexan said:

    I believe that. Both can be true. We’re giving more, but merely rude and selfish people are now emboldened to be openly mean assholes, and they celebrate it.

    There's eight billion people in this world.  I have no doubts that your observations are correct, but there are plenty of nice people to go around. 

    The irony of my "8 billion" comments is not lost on me.  People are assholes in airports more because we're being crowded than they are because of their politics.  We also see videos of assholes everyday, which adds to the perception of more asshole behavior. 

    All I am saying is that in terms of real interaction in the real world, I'm not seeing what you guys are seeing. Many of you are younger and still give a shit about more shit than I do. 

    Either that or Ryan Holiday and the Daily Stoic are having an effect on me.

  2. 14 minutes ago, immamac said:

    This has been my recent observation as well. There is no greater good or “enough for both of us” mentality anymore. Everyone wants theirs and if that means fucking everyone else over that’s okay, which is just an absurd stance. 

    Unprecedented charitable giving in 2020.




  3. Granted, I live in a relatively Trump free world (real world as opposed to the internets).  But I'm not seeing any real difference in how people act with each other on an individual basis.  Am I likely to befriend a bald guy wearing a "Let's go Brandon" t-shirt at Love Field?  No, I'm not going to engage with that fucktard unless I have to. 

    But actually going about and engaging in the world doing things you want to do?  I'm not seeing a huge difference.  Neither am I in terms of the labor and employment cases I deal with. 

    I actually think that the bullshit has kind of run its course and people are actually taking more affirmative efforts to try to counter the hate.  Again, assuming you are making wise choices about the friends you keep an the communities you favor. 


    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. When my girls were tiny, they got a big kick out of reading a menu at some asian place and seeing "pu pu platter".

    So since then, when my wife made a veggie tray (hummus instead of guac/salsa) she calls it a pu pu platter.  It got laughs when the girls were still young.

    Now when I suggest she make an actual pu pu platter, instead of a crudite with hummus, she just says "that shit will make you fat".

    • Haha 2
  5. The Glass Wall (1953)

    I really liked this NYC film noir.  You want to stop it and just read all the billboards and advertisements and signs in the subways of 1950s NY.  Plus, it's just a good simple story.   Have always been intrigued by Gloria Grahame as well. 




    • Hook 'Em 1
  6. 21 minutes ago, UrbanAchiever said:

    I call B.S. I used to work in San Rafael (not holding or spinning signs), and I can't think of any local who made reference to a West Marin. Maybe I wasn't part of the Marin 2% crowd.

    I'm certainly not part of that crowd, but I do hear "West Marin".  Basically just implies you are over by the national seashore or Bolinas up through Pt. Reyes Station as opposed to San Rafael or Mill Valley.


    • Hook 'Em 1
  7. On 6/18/2022 at 9:45 PM, SaucyJack said:


    What what your all caps globalist RINO McCain nickname be?


  8. I loved Spenser Tracy in Bad Day at Black Rock.  I don't think I've really liked him in anything other than that. 

    Problem is I just think I haven't seen enough of his films, other than the more popular ones including the Kate Hepburn ones.     

    Any lesser known flicks you'd recommend where he is fantastic?  Especially the early ones?



  9. Leo to me was much better in This Boy's Life (released the same year as Gilbert Grape).  It was a better movie (Tobias Wolff autobiographical).  Plus, I learned this trick from the movie that drives my wife crazy.  More than naming nuts.


  10. I was mulling over the idea that the Left should probably take this opportunity to put out some signs that say "Back the FBI" and when I did a search, holy shit, the right wingers have certainly co-opted the idea of signs mentioning the FBI.

    The only decent one was one that said something like "FBI" (Female Body Inspector).

    In any case, there is probably too much water under the bridge for the left to comfortably embrace a pro-law enforcement sign on the front lawn. 

    But has anyone seen such a positive sign.  Or even one that is more generic - Back Good Law Enforcement (Even if Federal).

    (The Back the Blue fucktards have ruined it for the rest of us.)




  11. 54 minutes ago, SamMan said:

    In my opinion, the only arguable generational qb (ie. dominated his peers in hs, walked into a college program and did not miss a beat, becoming one of the best at his position early in his college career) I can think of is Lawrence. .

    I know we have lower standards at Stanford, but A. Luck was a generational fucking player.  Especially since Stanford only matters about once every four generations.



  12. Given that I had an attention span of about five seconds, I have always remembered the first line.  I recall thinking "Hmm, that makes sense" and them my mind likely started gravitating to my current level of jock itch, latest crush, or whether liking that Chuck Mangione song would make me gay.

  13. If you think you’re beaten, you are.
    If you think you dare not, you don’t.
    If you’d like to win,
    But you think you can’t,
    It’s almost a cinch you won’t.
    If you think you’ll lose, you’re lost,
    For out in the world you’ll find
    Success begins with a fellow’s will,
    It’s all in the state of mind.
    If you think you’re outclassed, you are.
    You’ve got to think high to rise.
    You’ve got to be sure of yourself before
    You can ever win a prize.
    Life’s battles don’t always go
    To the stronger or faster man,
    But soon or late, the man who wins,
    Is the one who thinks he can.
    –Walter D. Wintle

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