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The Original Greaser Bob

Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by The Original Greaser Bob

  1. 20 minutes ago, wildcat09 said:

    Haven't read the book, but my guess would be that the argument is more about the intellectual left's development of postmodernist thinking and how it got appropriated and twisted by reactionary forces on the right.

    That's how I read it.  The postmodernist approach was obsessed with the idea that there was no objective truth.  Everyone had their own subjective truth.  Since truth didn't matter, the Right created a violent grievance culture designed to react immediately to threats (BLM) and their reaction is fierce, uniform, and absolutely unconcerned with factual truth.  Because all that matters is their subjective grievance. 

    By creating intellectual attempts that arguably attempt to find the nature of truth (deconstruction/CRT), the Left has given license to the Right, in the idea that true objective truth is likely unattainable, to not give a shit at all about the search for truth.

  2. 3 hours ago, Neonmoon said:

    That is part of it. I also think society as a whole is becoming worse at critical thinking. Now, I could write a novel on why that is happening, but it doesn't matter, idiocracy is taking over. And everyone should plan accordingly. 

    It's oversimplified, but I thought "The Death of Truth" puts an interesting spin on some of this stuff.   I find it almost healthy and refreshing that lots of the blame is heaped on the deconstructionists and the Left-- how their intellectual preciousness has been co-opted, in brutal ways, and turned into a sledgehammer by the idiots on the Right.

    I don't think there is anyway to remain sane throughout by not remaining brutally self critical about ones on beliefs and more importantly, one's canonical and knee jerk solutions to all of our problems.



    • Hook 'Em 2
  3. We are all good on the physician care.  We are at the stage of trying to assist with in home care and trying to get the parents open to assisted living/memory care.  So the reading/books are more about understanding the issues and trying to get perspectives on the patient, the spouse who can no longer handle the patient, caregivers, and mostly to just give us siblings some things to understand/think about as we go through the process. 

    The real issue we have is that non-dementia spouse does not want to accept any help.  Has a bit of a martyr complex that we need to work through.  That's the kind of stuff that the siblings need help on.


  4. Hey guys, I will read this thread, but any recommendations on good resources for just dealing with the two main issues that kids have to deal with?  The patient themselves and the spouse who doesn't want to give up control?    Any good resources would be appreciated.

    I've been in denial myself and am way behind the eight ball in terms of educating myself. 

    So anything touching on "How to Deal with Dementia"


  5. 16 minutes ago, Nicole44 said:

    I don’t think the PAC is even playing anymore. Like they don’t give a fuck about sports or winning.  My father used to say that not playing to win is like sleeping with your sister. Sure she's a great piece of tail, with a blouse full of goodies, but... it's just illegal. Then you get into that whole inbred thing. Kids with no teeth who do nothing but play the banjo... eat apple sauce through a straw... pork farm animals.

    I really associate those kinds of people with the SEC.

    This is the ugliest girl in California:


    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Haha 2
  6. On 4/18/2022 at 10:13 PM, The Original Greaser Bob said:

    Fell asleep during the show.  Re-watch is not on the bucket list. 

    Rewatched since wife got the disc via netflix.  ("You still do that?")

    Liked it a lot more.  Keep putting my self in the place of the son, and got very uncomfortable with how close mom got to me throughout the flick. 


    I go: Mom just give me a Pepsi, please
    All I want is a Pepsi, and she wouldn't give it to me
    All I wanted was a Pepsi, just one Pepsi, and she wouldn't give it to me
    Just a Pepsi

  7. Persian Fire by Tom Holland (audio) (2005)


    As it said in one of the comments - a meandering study of the Persian Empire from the Greek perspective.  I enjoyed its quick pace.

    I liked it when they impaled.

  8. Having children has worked out for me.  Very fulfilling.  But pretty basic biological function.  Wife wanted kids.  I could have waited.  As in forever.   

    I know some childless lesbians who don't have any kids and spend all their rather large incomes on travel and nice homes.

    Their life is pretty great.

    Short version:  Spending a childless life with a chick you dig sounds like it could be great.



    • Hook 'Em 2
  9. On 7/9/2022 at 12:58 PM, jimmyjazz said:

    Our youngest is 18.  I can't imagine the world without him or his siblings.  This isn't to criticize your choice, but kids can be a blessing.  Maybe that's selfish.

    Relative to the survival of the planet, it is.

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