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The Original Greaser Bob

Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by The Original Greaser Bob

  1. 2 hours ago, Sbbruin said:

    My brother has been in Portland for 25+ years in commercial real estate, and he said it has gotten so bad downtown that office landlords are literally just leaving the keys in the lobby and calling their lenders and saying the building is now theirs.  No tenants want to be downtown anymore.  Sad, because it really is a beautiful city.

    I've always thought of it as a dumpy/grungy city in the middle of a pretty part of the country.

  2. 12 hours ago, Satchel said:

    If, as the story goes, Abbott is only up 5 points with an angry, motivated base in his corner, what explains a purportedly de-energized Democratic electorate chomping at his heels?

    This state will always be 45% hairy legged women and liberal fruitcakes thanks to Austin and big hunks of Dallas and Houston.  San Antonio gets a pass because of "Me Terrace."

  3. The Northman (2022)

    Eh, I really wanted to like this more.  I thought The Witch was terrific - I liked the simple story and the idea of surrounding evil.  This one had the obvious plot with a nice plot twist, so not sure why this didn't work as well.  Certainly a beautiful flick and worth the time.  (I just found the Lighthouse to be too off-putting to have a fair opinion.)


    I'd like to see Eggers do something like a historical epic (Conquest of New Spain or Donner Party-ish) or maybe a police procedural in some outback area.  I think the Viking revenge thing is just kind of tiresome.  He didn't even have white trash hair like Utred son of Utred.


    Still Egger's best character:



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  4. 2 hours ago, trauma babe said:

    I think "slog" does a disservice to Chernow's writing. It's a vividly written and beyond fascinating accounting of the man's life.

    It's long.  The comment was referring to another comment which found it wasn't short enough.  The slog reflects his long and sometimes tortured and yes interesting career. 

    It's a great book.  And very well written.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. 6 minutes ago, Longhorn_Fan68 said:

    it's really lucky that these people were as stupid as they were corrupt. had it been anyone else this would be entirely different conversation - probably not being had on the internet

    Yep.  Trump embraces early voting and isn't a total moron on the pandemic and he wins easily.

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