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The Original Greaser Bob

Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by The Original Greaser Bob

  1. 15 hours ago, Beau Vine said:

    watched a Drunk History episode on Grant.  I think that would also suffice and be about 12 hours quicker than reading a Chernow book.

    The point of the Chernow book is that it's a slog - which is sort of what Grant's trajectory was.  I think you need to go through that slog to get an idea of Grant's greatness.

    Although perhaps the most interesting thing learned was what a great man Sherman was.  Fuck the haters.  I wish Sherman was the Attorney General.  Trump would be holed up in Eritrea.

    • Hook 'Em 4
  2. Yep.  It's weird that my fantasy is that Liz Cheney would forgo this election to focus on her inevitable retaking of the white house in  2024 and that the mouthbreathers (I mean, the really crazy mouthbreathers - not the good mouthbreathers like Liz Cheney) would slowly be being purged right now as the Republicans prepare to sweep the midterms.

    What a relatively beautiful world that would be.

  3. On 9/2/2021 at 11:43 AM, elfenix said:

    I think you're giving the Hoover institution far too much credit. The whole point of the thing is to give intellectual cover to climate change denial and other bullshit.

    I worked at the Hoover as an undergrad.  This is a pretty astute comment.  When I was there, Thomas Sowell was the wackiest they were, now they have anti-vaxers.  I think the key is less in the name but the "intellectual cover" mentioned above.  People just seem to be willing to suffer fools a whole lot more these days.  And I'll even throw in some both sides-ism in there as well.

  4. 2 minutes ago, wildcat09 said:

    Much like the problem of foodborne illnesses, there's no simple regulation that will solve the problem of gun violence. Any actual solution is going to require attacking the problem from many different angles. People keep pretending that there are simple solutions to complex problems and that's just absolutely not the case and really distorts the public debate around possible solutions.

    If we had reasonable state and federal leaders I'd agree that a short term solution should be thorough and complete.  It's not going to be, so we need to aim for the low hanging fruit, at least prior to the elections.  Either need to show that something got done in anticipation for the elections, no matter how small, or show that the GOP would not accept even a simple, partial solution.

  5. 8 minutes ago, wildcat09 said:

    Getting rid of food safety laws would be incredibly stupid. Foodborne illness used to be a huge fucking problem and the fact that we've practically eliminated it from our lives is an example of regulation working very well to solve a serious problem. 

    I guess what I'm saying, inartfully, is that we need to legislate some very simple, straightfoward regulation.  I don't think focusing on how burdensome some regulation is, no matter how important, is the best selling point for weapon regulation. 

  6. Not sure if you all have experienced the same thing I have.  The tragedy of the GOP not being willing to move on this is that this issue is one that I've found is one of the only ones where I can have a decent conversation with people who I know who wouldn't vote for a Dem but aren't particularly political.  I'm not a gun owner but as a Texan I have to be able to talk about firearms and their necessity in rural areas.  And hunting.  

    Of all of the issues where there is room for some non-partisan dialogue, this is it, and it's too bad that our Texas GOP leaders are such scumbags.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Longhorn_Fan68 said:


    I firmly believe that Heller is a disaster of a case and that we should regulate firearms, but my first inclination on seeing this is that we really need to deregulate tacos and focus on more existential things. 

  8. 16 minutes ago, FirstTimeCaller said:

    Add prairie dogs to the chickens and wild hogs list.


    I've always discouraged getting rid of prairie dogs on our spread.  I've found the holes are an advantage during frontal attacks by the Comanche.



    16 minutes ago, FirstTimeCaller said:



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