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The Original Greaser Bob

Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by The Original Greaser Bob

  1. 50 minutes ago, Willfully Horn said:

    That said, regulations that put the AR platform in the hands of landowners beset by hogs is how I interpret the 2nd Amendment’s first clause.

    First time I went to Boston, I visited Bunker Hill.  The feral hogs had tore that hill up.


  2. Yeah, I'm in episode 7 and the biggest beating is 11 not just losing her shit completely and destroying the world already.  I'd be fine with that and her taking Steve, the lesbian, Eddie Van Halen and the blond chick who got hit with the roller skates to Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy/Alien territory.  Can even have Wynona as chaperone.

    Certainly thought going down through the portal should have been more beetlejuicy.


  3. 12 hours ago, F250 said:

    He is running against Abbott not Trump and saying "Abbott has a flaccid dick, it's a fact" is Trumpy.

    Tapping into the anger of Texas voters and directing it at Abbott isn't Trumpy, that's just politics.

    That's not what you implied earlier, when you said Beto should be a non-Maga version of Huffines and hit below the belt.  Hitting below the belt is unfair, and Trumpy.  Huffines just says stupid shit.  If your argument is that Beto should truthfully abuse Abbott more than he is, no issue with that.

  4. So our approach of killing all snakes, no matter their markings,  with machetes/garden tools and then claiming they were copperheads is frowned upon?

  5. I thought this was going to be a "normal" PTA but it wasn't, which was great.  Hoffman is terrific.  Haim was good.  Like all the punch drunk love sisters rolled into one.

    Holy shit, the dude with the Japanese wives scenes...

    I don't know where it ranks with his others but I was pretty impressed.

    Unrelated:  Reminded me of how the Doors have always tripped over their own dicks.  Peace Frog is the greatest fucking song. 

    I mean, 50% of Peace Frog is the greatest fucking song.


  6. 5 minutes ago, hookem2010 said:

    It took all of 2 months living in Decatur, TX for our car windows and sidewalk to have asian slurs written on them. Fuck those people, they were exactly who expected them to be.


    Are y'all Chinese or Japanese?

    • Haha 3
    • Rage+1 1
  7. 1 hour ago, DefinitelyNotHollywoodColt said:

    I'll say it again...the cops fucking up was the best thing that could have happened for the GOP. ALL focus is on their response, not the GOP policies that continue to allow this to happen.

    Look at the front page of the DMN. 

    Agreed.  Bottom line is that Hispanics in south Texas need to increase their gun purchases and their SWAT style intensity.

    The day after the shooting, a Uvalde mom was talking about how teachers need to be armed when teaching. 

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