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The Original Greaser Bob

Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by The Original Greaser Bob

  1. 3 hours ago, thrillhammer said:

    It's not too late to turn this around and build democrat momentum going into the election, but it needs to start soon.  where have all the leaders gone that ran against biden?  warren, booker, bernie, klobuchar?  they've taken a backseat since biden took office, and were much more vocal and better leaders until then. 

    Don't worry, my sister.


  2. The Lost Weekend (1945)


    Jeez, what a lousy drunk.  Didn't particularly enjoy this, but glad I saw it.  I've never really been a particular student of Billy Wilder but he's obviously great and I think I need to line up some of his movies to get a better grip on him.

    The story to me seemed a bit overly simple on initial viewing but after following up on the backstory (and thinking about my own experiences with folks who were a slave to the bottle) it rang a bit more true. The "New York" street scenes were cool.  

  3. 24 minutes ago, Immaculate Vibes said:

    It would be wise to examine why that’s the case rather than say it’s all the dumb people. 

    Open to critical analysis but I think a critical thinker would assume, based on the large number of persons in our country who are willing to believe in perfectly obvious lies and disinformation, that the correct starting point of critical analysis is that the vast majority of poll respondents may have been uninformed, or morons. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    I don't claim to remotely understand what everyone is saying or doing, but I've been surprised by the relative silence about abortion basically become illegal in Texas. By all appearances, it's not even a major issue for the Nov elections. Obviously it's early in the year.

    I don't think it's that surprising that underrepresented poor women are getting fucked over and no one gives a shit.  I am like you, when I momentarily assume that other people are thinking this through intelligently, surprised that this issue so fundamentally affects one group of persons, and they don't hold politicians hostage who oppose abortion.

    I'd like to think that if the government mandated castration after age 20 about 99% of us would stick together to fight it.

  5. 2 hours ago, WhatTheBuck said:

    don’t know. I’m not a believer but I think there are a lot of believers who are more influenced by that movie, and by A Charlie Brown Christmas, then by reading actual scripture.

    One of the best lines from All in the Family was when Edith was talking about Moses and she starts talking, if memory serves, about how he was left in a basket among the reeds and her story ends with "And he grew up to become Charlton Heston!"

    • Like 1
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  6. El Viejito Enrique (2021)

    I enjoyed but kind of meh.  I thought the son was kind of terrible - perhaps I'm too expectant of the quiet, moody type.  Even just quiet and surly would have done.  This kid seemed just out of place.  Would have liked more of an edge in the flick.  Clever idea at the heart though. Just didn't move beyond that.  


  7. On 4/5/2022 at 4:37 PM, DFWTexEx said:

    Yes.  Same as Dune.   I guess it's a style of filmmaking that I just don't enjoy.

    People are finally coming around to my approach to music and films.  It's no fun concentrating, so that if you ignore lyrics and dialogue, it's more fun.


  8. 45 minutes ago, landman said:

    The tagline is wrong.  It's not 2.5 hour flights, it's flights to places that can be reached by a bus or train in 2.5 hours.  So more like a 45 minute or so flight, such as Austin to Houston.

    So naive question.  I drive a honda fit which gets close to 40 mph on the highway.  When it dies I'm going electric.  Is it absolutely crystal clear that me doing the drive both ways between Dallas and San Antonio clearly produces less emissions than my being an extra passenger on a Southwest flight both ways? 

    Any studies out there that show "emissions per mile per person" in terms of both modes?

  9. SIAP.  Gave some $$$ to this.  This seems to be to be a good charity.  Or at least the idea seems very sound.  The argument comes from the book Doing Good Better and is essentially that you'll do a lot more good by giving bucks to help preserve rain forests directly than you will by running your dishwasher on the correct cycle, or getting a more efficient care (not that those aren't things you should be doing anyway.)  The guy actually had a figure that by giving $160 dollar per year to this charity you would essentially cancel out the carbon footprint for that year for one dirty American.    



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