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The Original Greaser Bob

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by The Original Greaser Bob

  1. So I'm looking for some cool, well made books for young readers -- I'm thinking stuff like Call of the Wild with illustrations that might be in a series of other "boys books" that I could start giving to the grandson. I remember I used to have a really great "boardbacked" High Wind in Jamaica by the Modern Library. Not really looking for the super-high end "folio" type stuff. Just solid well made stuff that feels good in the hands.
  2. I'm out on following politicians just to follow them. When it's time for elections I'll do my research but too depressing to learn about the private issues of some of these odious sorts.
  3. Born to Run (2016) - while I was in the third quarter of the book I was getting a bit tired of the kudos, but by the time I finished, it fit in as an old guy just trying to use mindfulness and gratefulness to help calm his demons. As a guy who is learning the guitar, I would have liked a bit more about his early stages of learning. But all in all, a very nice memoir of a guy who was always solidly in the background of the music I grew up with.
  4. They were sold out by five in the afternoon.
  5. It will just be a bit wetter and chippier..
  6. Most people in in red states in this country believe that a solid few tens of thousand people dying every year (maybe a few more if they are school children) due to guns is a small price to pay for a fucking free for all in terms of gun ownership.
  7. Had forgotten last cup's Schadenfreude. This one feels better.
  8. Not sure why this hasn't made it to my netflix queue.
  9. some beautiful set pieces. A true masterwork. But everything past the visceral opening scene and the sine parts of the terrific tank/final battle scene is vapid waster of cinematic bravado when all is said and done.
  10. I know there are still climate change deniers, but it seems to me that there might be some way that reduced emissions, especially if couched in market solutions, might be a subject that there could be some bipartisanship on. Everything is divisive. Some things are less divisive than others. To me those would be Hank Williams, burritos, and a slightly cleaner earth.
  11. I'm thinking that the best most of us can do is to just ignore Trump. Not because it's not possible that he will get the nomination. I genuinely think that he feeds off of ANY attention given to him by his enemies. I'm not going to play as big a part in that as I did last time around
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