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The Original Greaser Bob

Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by The Original Greaser Bob

  1. What an epic turnaround.  Story 3 cops cooking was perfect Anderson.  Out of the park.  I thought the French intellectual thread was still mailing it in but it was fine. 

    The strong third story and the nice closing credits were really terrific.  While I wish the first two stories were stronger, probably a signal that I should just put it aside and revisit again. 


  2. Holy shit, I had to turn it off halfway through.  So far a strong contender for his worst.

    In fairness, naked women are generally the highlight of any film for me, but so far, that's literally the ONLY light.  The Benecio segment was joyless.  I'm almost always joyful when watching Wes.  Fonzie was out of place/wasted

    Chalamet, who I generally find irksome, is promising so far.  I too, would be befuddled if forced to be a French intellectual.  But this is where I turned it off. 

    I promised 500 words in this review, and I will finish the movie and report back

  3. West Side Story (2021).

    Like there was even a chance Spielberg would fuck this up.   The two main characters were far superior to the originals and everyone else held there own.  I liked the way it looked at things from slightly different angles. 


  4. 11 minutes ago, Trey3216 said:

    No.  Because I’m not that old and I’m not a fatass.   I just hate when athletes have to start a game/match at 10PM local.  It sucks 

    Well, if you want to be all serious and all, they are playing in the equivalent of Vegas.  They'll be acclimated.  This isn't like Rutgers flying to USC on Sat morning for a Saturday 7:30 game.

  5. 4 hours ago, Captain Ron said:

    Mexico in black has been a hit with a younger generation. But the bulk of their fans do want to see them in green again. According to leaks, they are going to come the World Cup. This is the World Cup uniform (note the new crest)


    This one's scratching his ass, and this one is scratching his ass, and this guys saying "whadaya  want from me"?

    (But yes, this is what the Mexico uniform should always be.)


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  6. On 3/25/2022 at 8:55 PM, Macanudo said:

    I still wish Hardy was just seen walking away from the fire rather than knowing he was caught.  

    Oh, man, I could not disagree more.  Again, I just finished the second viewing, and that, as well as the fact that Commander Bolton was staying behind, drive home the fact that it's going to be a long fucking war.

    I'd like to think that the Hardy character traded some wisecracks with Chuck Bronson in The Great Escape. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  7. On 3/23/2022 at 8:14 PM, Incredulity said:

    Pussy is undefeated.


    61’ version is the first classic movie/musical I really “got” when I saw it in JR High.  

    Identified with Lt. Schrank, eh?

    "Oh, yeah, sure, I know: It's a free country and I ain't got the right.. But I got a badge. Whaddaya you got?"

  8. 3 hours ago, ztejas said:

    I was just talking about soccer but okay. 

    Heh.  I meant to write "rapists" instead of "racists" to make the sarcasm more clear.  Sorry.

  9. 17 hours ago, ztejas said:

    His Spanish heritage is huge here. Gives him a very high IQ when it comes to understanding shithousery and the best ways to handle it. 

    Just want to point out as to people with Spanish heritage, yes they are shitbags and whiners and racists, but some of them are very good people.

  10. 39 minutes ago, WhatTheBuck said:

    I think it was just to make up for the fact that he got screwed out of his seat on the Supreme Court. It was a nice gesture but I don’t think it’s working out. 

    I join with Justice WTB in this opinion but comment only to say that Garland appears to be a pussy as well.

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