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The Original Greaser Bob

Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by The Original Greaser Bob

  1. On 1/19/2022 at 8:02 AM, PittsburghTiger said:

    Last night we watched this. I remember having gone to the theater with my dad to see it when it came out. I still enjoyed it.



    For a split second there I thought you were talking about "Where Eagles Dare" (which I saw with my dad, I think), and I was taken aback at your lack of enthusiasm. 


  2. Norm McDonald's semi-faux biography.  The ghost writer sidetracks are pretty funny and I liked the book but boy it got dark at times.  Was great hearing Norm read the thing.  (Audio)




    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. On 1/9/2022 at 10:55 AM, Lobo said:

    So there’s a ham-handed 

    there’s a ham-fisted (south Austin’s mom on Yom Kippur)

    And there’s heavy handed.  

    Don't forget "ham, foot and mouth" and "hamberder".

  4. 26 minutes ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

    The best comedy is played straight.  Jonah Hills character, and some of his scenes like chucking water bottles, and bags of pretzels in a room, and telling Jennifer L. they'll lay down some paper so she can piss was about as ham handed, and stupid as it gets.    One of his best scenes is sitting in the situation room waiting for mama to come back.. She's coming back.. she's coming back.  That was funny as shit.

    No not at all. You aren't changing the world with this movie so don't dumb it down to the lowest common denominator of cartoon characters. Sarcasm is much better, funnier, and more biting than blunt force trauma with a bat. 

    I actually didn't think much of the movie was "funny as shit".  I think the idea that "the best comedy is played" straight is just something that sounds good to you but I'm not sure it's true.  In addition, after saying straight comedy is best, you talk about the benefits of sarcasm -- I'm not sure sarcasm is a particular element of "straight comedy", however you want to define it.

    Finally, I'm not arguing that this movie is changing the world.  I'm kind of arguing simply that you're finding an overly complicated way to say the movie is not all that.  That's totally fine.  To me it was just on the good side of a worthless waste of time and a worthwhile waste of time.  

    This is a wiki article, but it would probably characterize this as Black Comedy.  I would probably but say "In the Loop" is a perfect political "Black Comedy" or satire - but this article calls it a farce.  Would you say you would have liked the tone to be more like that, and if so, maybe what you are looking for is just a better quality farce.





  5. 14 hours ago, Hozz said:

    Have you read any Erik Larson?  All of his stuff is pretty good but Devil in the White City and Dead Wake are particularly good IMO.

    I'm stoked.  The only Erik Larson I have read is Isaac's Storm, and that was fucking fantastic. 

  6. On 1/8/2022 at 2:36 PM, Onboard 2.0 said:

    I'd agree, but the way characters were so blown out of proportion to any reality  was what Mars Attacks did, but so much better.  Mars Attacks was playing purely for yucks with no political agenda.  

    That's what holds this one back from being so much better, in that they just hit you over the head with it on such a cartoonish level.  I guess this is getting too CR'ish though.  I think it could have been so much better if they played it just a bit straighter. 

    Interesting perspective.  In your first sentence, you appear to imply that this one was more reality based, but your last sentence complains about wanting them to "play it straighter".

    So it sounds like you are saying that yes, this one is realistic in it's capturing the wave of outspoken narcissism and  proactive denial of reality we are currently experiencing but that you wish it had been nicer to those practicing the narcissism and denial?

    Solid flick, nice waste of time.

  7. 11 hours ago, TonyTexas said:

    Just watched the movie then read this entire thread and I have only one thing to say: You miserable fucks can squeeze the joy out of just about anything. 

    Even a story about the destruction of the planet. 

    Go figure.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  8. Green Lights (Audio)

    I guess you can get some insights from someone who is the polar opposite of you in just about 95% of you in terms of his approach to life.  Probably would have enjoyed this a bit more if it were just about the process of acting and filming and less prescription for a well lived life.  Dude is who he is.


  9. On 1/10/2022 at 2:30 AM, ulukinatme said:

    Stingray was definitely a happy return.  He was sorely missed in Season 3.

    I honestly didn't even remember who he was.

    Gotta take this series more seriously.

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