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The Original Greaser Bob

Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by The Original Greaser Bob

  1. Lone Star always tasted like club soda with natural and artificial metal flavor.  Which I kinda fancy.

    In any case, I find it hard to imagine that surly would think that getting sick on Mickey's is more of a right of passage than a pussy move.

    Surly hates wasting beer and littering in our lovely brown Texas lakes.

    Have to score this one for Dennis.

  2. Belfast (2021)

    Really enjoyed this movie and made me think.  Things that were good but distracting:

    The mom was just too fucking beautiful.


    I know I'm a grouch because even though I love Van Morrison, I thought the soundtrack was just lazy.  I kind of thought this would be great if you have some Them and some very early Van Morrison during the main part of the film.  I don't begrudge the opening instrumental and certainly not the final (1979) closing credit song which was perfect, but they just threw Van Morrison in there willy nilly.  They really could have used it more intelligently.  It looks like Van did the music so maybe there were licensing issues, or maybe he just had too much leeway.  In the end I thought it was distracting and it kind of pissed me off.     

    Things that were great:

    Ciaran Hinds.  He's always good and he's always got that edge but he's so damn perfect in this.


    This movie compares in a weird way to Roma.  It's 100 times more accessible, but I thought Roma did a much better job of throwing you deep into another world that was weird but also felt really true.  This movie was a simple and pretty affair, and a nice love letter and well done, but it doesn't seem to rise much above a great pretty love letter.

    You young kids, be mindful of things.  Life goes by fast.  I used to relate to the kids in movies.  And then when I should have been related to parents my life was going by so quickly that I wasn't able to think about a damn thing.  Now I watch a movie like this and I kind of relate to the grandparents.  My takeaway is that I've decided I want my new (and first) grandson to call me "Pop".

    Best Picture Rankings - boy I have some catching up to do:



    2)Don't Look Up

    Drive My Car


    King Richard

    Licorice Pizza

    Nightmare Alley

    3)The Power of the Dog

    West Side Story

    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. 22 hours ago, fellside said:

    I'm curious if a lot of the unanimous dislike of this film on here is coming from people now watching it at home.  Because I can totally see not liking this movie if I had the option to look down at my phone or do something else while it's on.

    I've seen one Wes Anderson movie at the theatre - Moonrise Kingdom, and it's the only one I was really disappointed with.

    I may be different because I'm ALWAYS distracted by shit at the theatre, and never at home where I control the environment.

  4. "But, even as this behavior frustrated the Democrats in the group, it didn’t make them more committed to showing up to vote this fall. When asked by the moderator if the GOP obstruction made them feel discouraged, or if it instead inspired them to go out and “beat those Republicans” in the election, most chose discouraged. In other words, while Trump’s conduct in the White House was a major factor in getting them to the polls in 2020, GOP behavior in 2022 isn’t providing that same level of interest or intensity."

    Well, fuck these bitches, then.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. 25 minutes ago, Brandywine said:

    2 of the most pathetic ignorant so called humans on earth. They’re vapor, worthless. They offer nothing regarding human decency and they have zero intelligence. Every person in their district should be embarrassed to have them represent them.  

    My representative is Beth Van Duyne.  So I've got my own problems that I need to fix before I worry about the neanderthals in other people's districts.


    Who is your US Rep?


    • Rage+1 1
  6. 3 hours ago, horn4life said:

    I will say that the one thing I like about Amy Comey Garrett, she is the only GOP politician that actually has adopted one of the unwanted Children the GOP pretends to love so much.

    She adopted two Haitians.  I'm sure ACB thought - any schmuck could adopt one kid.


    • Hook 'Em 1
  7. 20 minutes ago, wildcat09 said:

    Joining the majority in their SB8 decisions looked pretty fucking partisan.

    I didn't realize there were a bunch of SB8 decision on the books.

    Do we just want to say that every position is partisan if it agrees with a position that one party favors?

  8. 11 minutes ago, Willfully Horn said:

    I was taught Catholicism required a person to adopt the teachings of the Church. Neither party is in lockstep with the Catholic Church. So, I don’t agree with your premise.

    That's fine, although it's clear that the Republicans are in lockstep with Catholic anti-abortion teaching.     

    Five of the conservatives on the court are Catholic (Gorsuch looks Cath/Anglican).  Only one of the liberals are Catholic.  That's an over-represented group. 

    The Dems over the last couple of decades have been having a long debate about whether they should figure out a way to open the tent more to conservative Catholic blue collar types.  I think it's been a mistake that they haven't been more successful.

  9. Work ethic.

    And no, not a complete purge.  But does seem like there is less room in the Dem Party for hard core Catholics now, as opposed to thirty years ago. 

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