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The Original Greaser Bob

Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by The Original Greaser Bob

  1. Kinda of nice getting the old allies back together.  You know, working towards a common goal. 

    Even though we aren't giving up any blood, it feels good to be on the just side of things.



    • Hook 'Em 2
  2. Spencer (2021)

    What a beating.  The "discordant jazz" background did it's job, it its job was to make the viewer miserable.

    Stewart is interesting. She can look like quite beautiful in an instant and like a 10 year old boy the next.  It's a bit discombobulating unless you are an ancient Greek warrior.


    I feel like I need to go watch "The Favourite" so I can watch some relatively pleasant, happy royals.

  3. I wasn't able to post this a few weeks ago but the New Yorker profile on Amy Comey Bryant. was really interesting, given the divide in our times.  Here is a person who I will not be able to understand, culturally.  But she truly is an amazing human from an intellectual and work ethic standpoint and an arguably truly good/saintly person in terms of her family and interpersonal relationships.  You want to dislike her while reading the article because of her problematic legal interpretations but she really is a someone who you just have to respect and admire.

    Sort of a reminder about to stay calm and try to understand people.

    Sorry if paywell.


  4. The Eyes of Tammy Faye (2021)

    Watched this dutifully, like I watch most biopics. I guess it was fine.


    Biopics to me generally run like bad documentaries - I have a really hard time enjoying them - especially music ones.   In any case, made me think that the last one I liked was probably Love and Mercy.

  5. On 2/21/2022 at 7:51 AM, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    If Beto runs his good guy campaign like he did with Cruz, he won’t come close to winning. And even running a mud slinging campaign probably wouldn’t be enough but at least it would change things up.

    Beto needs someone that can be the bad guy by tying Abbott to Patrick and Paxton. That could peel off 1-2% of Abbott’s lead. Or refer to the 80k Texas Covid deaths as Abbott’s Deaths. Bringing up Covid is something Abbott doesn’t want. You have conservatives that think Abbott overreached so Abbott wants to forget about Covid.  Or have commercials about Abbott using the Texas guard as political pawns on the border.

    Of course if Beto refused to go negative with Cruz, when he has a chance to win, he isn’t doing it with Abbott.

    Beto needs to do a photo op killing some hogs from a helicopter and at least one axis deer. 

    Locks in the victory if we can get a photo of him executing a hog in a trap with a handgun.

    This is my stance before and still is.  If he's not a hunter he needs to go out on a lark with Peter Attia and Lance Armstrong "and have good Texans know he understands responsible gun ownership and sustainable meat harvesting*."


    *That's what I'm talking about.

  6. 4 hours ago, Dahobbs said:

    Feel free to explain why you feel so strongly about Canada's response to protests. As part of that, I'd also like a comparison between your feeling on the US's response to protests under Trump, and Russia's response to protests under Putin, and Erdogan's response to protesters on US soil and Trump's acquiescence.  Can you explain why you post more opposition of Canada's actions than any of the others? Thanks. 

    I wouldn't like any of that. 

    At all.

  7. 4 minutes ago, Blotto said:

    I'd stick with your original assumption. If the GQP controls the House and Senate after the midterms, and that seems likely, you're more likely to see Biden impeached and facing god know what, than you are to see any Trump family member in trouble. They just need to run out the clock another 6 months and they will. 

    Yep, unless you rock solidly firmly believe the above, you're going to be disappointed.

    That's not to say you shouldn't try to oust every republican you can this election cycle.

    If only for fun.


  8. 1 hour ago, Jerry Callo said:

    We watched it last night.  I wanted to turn it off after about 20 minutes, but the wife wanted to keep watching.  2 hours later, I wish we'd turned it off after 20 minutes.

    This concept is interesting to me.  We've always had a zero tolerance policy regarding the movie that one person wants to turn off.  That person leaves the room and pursues other endeavors while the other person watches it solo. 

    Our second date was a foreign flick at UT, and my wife walked out of it in a huff.   This was a week before the Jackson Five's "Love You Save" came on the radio and she switched it, saying "I never liked that song". 

    We agree on about three Woody Allen movies and not much else.  My analyst cautioned me against marrying her, but she was so beautiful I got another analyst.


  9. As to the B12 v. SEC, I for one think we deserve to get the clap for going to that fucking well eyed conference. 

    So to me we are going to have to take this kind of shit as penance for making that deal with the devil. 

    Not begrudging the financial impetus.  But we gotta pay, so may as well start paying now. 

    Lord knows we've made a nice deposit in terms of football.

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