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The Original Greaser Bob

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by The Original Greaser Bob

  1. Just heard an interview of Yuval Noah Harari (I liked his book, Sapiens). He was making this point. Arguing that having all the information you can possibly get will lead you to the truth is like arguing that eating all the food you can possibly eat is healthy. The ethical curators of information have given in to the flood of AI curated information - true and false.
  2. I'm the Manwich Generation. And I wershed them down with Handy Andy brand cokes.
  3. Haitians in Ohio eating cats, and acting like they are chickens, just to fool us.
  4. What's that floating at the bottom of the photo... Dammit, missing again. In DC.
  5. Fuck y'all how is this close? [merged] I mean, Fuck you all. How is this close?
  6. *spiced up with large black man tackling your white daughter.
  7. Do not appreciate you using my likeness and my favorite shorts.
  8. Yeah that ad. Getting tackled by a black man much bigger problem than getting raped or dealing with a problem pregnancy. Thanks for protecting our wimmins, Ted.
  9. 1) Rex, Fuck Texas. 2) Pics or GTFO (would) 3) This should be a sport by sport, individual by individual decision and goddammit it shouldn't be publicized and politicized. There is decent science on whether there is a big advantage
  10. Well, my prayers are cancelling out some of those folks' prayers.
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