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The Original Greaser Bob

Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by The Original Greaser Bob

  1. 8 minutes ago, RomaVicta said:

    The people will not consider the change an imposition. The vast number of proles (in the book) are totally content with the dissolution of truth, the limiting of language, and the choreographed displays of emotion.

    The trick is to understand this, but not to let that understanding ruin your day.

    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Rage+1 1
  2. Just to keep things in perspective, current anthropologic theory suggests that the original hunter gatherers were extremely happy - arguably more so than men at any other time in history.

    (Except for their final day, when they were (hopefully) surprised and murdered due to their inability to pull their fair share.)

    So things can, indeed, get better. 

  3. Going Zero - by Anthony McCarten (2023) (Audio)

    Meh.  Great idea for a novel.  Starts out fine, cleverness peters out in the last 1/3.  Dialogue stilted.  Narrator on audio not great.  Technology perfunctory.  (Probably sexist, but women narrators trying to differentiate between male characters run into trouble.  You don't sound like a man in the first place, so why try to not sound like a man ten different ways.)

    The movie will hopefully clean that up.


  4. On 2/29/2024 at 9:02 AM, NorthLoop said:

    igured I'd read Streets of Laredo since I finished off Lonesome Dove in January. Almost done with it - but man, this book is bleak. I'm gonna need something funny and uplifting after this one.

    Yep.  No country for old men.

    Below is still the funniest book I've read in the last few years.  Just an incredible portrait of his mom and dad.  And as a Coen Bros fan, I loved the stuff on the Coen's early days.

    Barry Sonnenfeld, Call Your Mother: Memoirs of a Neurotic Filmmaker 2020

  5. Depressing amount of fuckery being done by this Court. The irony is that the lower courts at least held up against Trumps "steal" lawsuits.

    We should be have been debating over the last two years how the courts arguably overreacted to Jan. 6 and imprisoned too many  and barred Trump from ever running all before Jan. 6, 2022. 

    Much like we are discussing Covid overreach, our debate now should be about insurrection overreach, and how depressing it is that Meatball Ron is going to claw his way to the nomination.

    Not the high likelihood of everyone being fucking pardoned.


    • Rage+1 1
  6. The Supreme Court is going to copy the Appeals Court's work, tweak it just enough to make it look like their work, but in doing this will give Trump at least a month of delay.

  7. Dreamin Wild (2022)

    I kinda thought I was okay with Mopey Casey, but this seemed like a nice simple story that might have been a little fun, but the final cut was captured by Colin Robinson at  the last minute.

    Good Time is a nice song though.


  8. 3 hours ago, Biff Tannen said:

    don’t understand why they don’t see this. 

    Yeah, like there is any time to actually confirm a replacement.

    Get real.


    • Hook 'Em 1
  9. On 2/23/2024 at 9:00 PM, Mo Horn said:

    Kamala might come out on top, which I'm fine with, but the dems would leave the convention with excitement. I will absolutely vote for Biden, but would love a younger more lively candidate. 

    Which is the point I have utterly been unable to communicate. 

    Why not both?  Excited about Biden continuing his efforts and also supper pumped if he is unable to and Kamala takes the reins.

    I think Kamala is a huge fucking selling point, especially in comparison to the shit the Republicans are bringing to the table, and the Dems needs to sell and not be defensive about the fact that Joe is long in the tooth.


    • Hook 'Em 1
  10. 3 hours ago, Incredulity said:

    always a sign of a well thought out, reasonable position is a pre-declaration of playing the race card.  Bravo.

    All I'm suggesting is that the BEST argument someone has to preferring Trump over Kamala is that she's black and their guy is white. 

    Don't get your panties in a wad.

  11. I know that many of the posters on this board laugh at anyone who is reluctant to throw down the racist claim or the sexist claim when it comes to Republican bullshit, and I'm one of those just because, frankly I was raised that way. Both of those claims are big deals so they should not be used lightly.

    But all that goes out the window when it comes to that orange, treasonous, rapist, racist cunt. 

    IF someone has evidence that Kamala sold nuclear codes to the North Koreans, MAYBE there is an argument that she would not be a better President than Trump or gingival retard asslicker Tim Scott.   Maybe. Close call.

    SO I've thrown those two cards down.  There, I said it.  

    From now on on these boards I don't want to hear anything negative about Kamala.  And if you do say something negative you're nothing but a racist, sexist prick Russian puppet.

    Sorry for the rant, K-Girl.


    • Hook 'Em 2
    • Haha 1
  12. That dick Sununo was being interviewed, and yeah, Trump is a treasonous Russian puppet "but Kamala" so he's going to support whoever wins the Republican nomination.

    Fuck him.  Kamala is awesome.


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