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Hornius Emeritus

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  1. If true, why did she request to be severed?
  2. So you think that somehow, in the five months between the time she spoke at the convention, she was converted to the side of Lumon and is now a double agent? That doesn't strike me as being true to her character, given how much effort her innie has put into trying to escape the clutches of Lumon. It also seems like a cheap "out" on the part of the writers of the show.
  3. If that's Helly's outie in the office with them in this first episode of season 2, how would she know who they are when she's in the office with them? How would she know how to do the work the data mining work that they are doing?
  4. Grammar-wise, there's nothing wrong with "where we're at," especially in this context. Colloquially, "at" is often used to describe a metaphorical location, i.e., where we're "at" mentally or, in this context, where our tight end situation is at. "Are" is used to describe a physical location. Grammatically, neither is wrong, although using "at" to describe a physical location is a tad informal. Not incorrect, just colloquial.
  5. Perhaps I'm crazy in the head, but I think it might be Aaron Butler.
  6. No kidding. You save a child you save the hopes and dreams of one family. You pay for UT football to win a national championship you save the hopes and dreams of millions of people. It's all about perspective.
  7. Stock Up: Jordan Whittington Argues Jordan should be getting some of Cooper Kupp's targets. https://www.turfshowtimes.com/2025/1/8/24338337/rams-stock-report-jordan-whittington
  8. It reminds me of being on Hornfans 20 years ago. Same divisions. Mack knocked on the door several times before he kicked it in. Sark may have, too. We shall see.
  9. They were there for Margaret Moser's birthday party.
  10. I'm calling it right now. He kicks a walk-off field goal to win the game after a drive-ending targeting call on Ohio State on the prior drive. It is written.
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