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Hornius Emeritus

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Posts posted by Hornius Emeritus

  1. 14 minutes ago, Gravy Train said:

    First day into SEC membership and the Alabama beat writers are already bagging on OU:



    While I appreciate the sentiment, that seems like wishcasting. Oklahoma may not be in the Southeast, but they are directly north of the DFW metroplex, which has 8.2 million people --- and that doesn't include talent-rich East Texas.

    They'll get theirs.

  2. Pederson really misjudged how far it was to the finish. He had it with 100 meters left but started to wilt just a little bit and Girmay surged past him.

    Great stage win for Biniam and for Intermarché-Wanty

  3. 22 hours ago, YGIFS said:

    If he goes to lockup, even briefly...he will be in GenPop.  It will harm a lot of other inmates that don't deserve the same fate, but when you know where a prison gets its food supply from...it's that hard to tamper with it.  Yeah, we've all seen movies where they shank one another or whatever.  And that's not entertainment.  But when you know what and when somebody is going to eat or drink something, it gets real easy...real fucking quick.  Now trouble is you may have otherwise harmless prisoners eat/drink before him and start to show signs of illness and so Steve gets wise and doesn't eat.  But it ain't all prison yard brawls and carved-up toothbrush stabbings.  

    Now the problem, aside from taking out people who don't deserve it, is if it doesn't work the first time---they lock down and install new food distributor safety procedures.  So you really only get 1 or 2 cracks at it.  It's harder to do with a guy like Trump who moves all around the country, not just Mar-a-Lago and Trump Tower and Burger King.  The easy parts are knowing when and where exactly someone will be eating, not that hard to ascertain when they're in lockup.  Then getting to the facility food distributer, harder but not impossible.  Then trying to minimize fallout to other inmates so the target doesn't suddenly lose his appetite.  It's a delicate balance but it's been done hundreds of times before.  

    csb/ I've told this story before.  Most former Presidents still have plain-clothed SS agents go to random grocery stores to buy groceries for the former first families.  You can't taint the entire supply chain for every single grocer and takeout joint in a whole metroplex.  But when somebody eats 80% of their meals from the same kitchen at the same resort which also caters private events, all using the same delivery invoice.  Getting to that warehouse isn't that difficult.  The cartons are checked upon departure from the warehouses and again at arrival and again in the kitchen.  But Sysco and Eurostar don't grow/slaughter that shit themselves in an industrial park .  They just aggregate it, process it, package it, and deliver it.  

    Nobody gets to bad men like this with a knife.  When you know precisely when and where and what meal they will be having, the situation becomes much more clear.  Tight as security may be around me, if you know I'm in the cell block C commissary every day for oatmeal at exactly 8:03 am because my order in the line is first for the second tub of cereal.  Or you know that 4 days a week, I eat a deconstructed hamberder at 8:45pm before going to post social media rants.  It's just a reverse engineering of logistics and chemistry.  This isn't the Roman Empire, there are no royal food tasters anymore.  Just transportation dossiers and publicly released schedules.  

    You scare me, man.

    • Haha 4
  4. On 6/28/2024 at 9:38 PM, henrygandorf said:

    so i'm on my way through for like the 12th time, and i want to take a moment to appreciate lois.

    she's stuck on the switchboard, which she hates. then peggy gets promoted off don's desk, so lois gets off of the switchboard. then don goes to the movies instead of attending a meeting, but she doesn't know what to say when peggy asks where he is. she tells him that she covered for him, he tells her that she is not suited for this job. she goes back on the switchboard.

    then, right before the merger, the crew senses something is going on, so they go grab lois out and ask what she has heard. she says she's not allowed to talk about what she hears in there, but then goes ahead and tells them every detail of the ppl merger anyway, and makes them promise to get her out of there. they tell her of course.

    i don't know if she ever made it back onto a desk, but the next thing you know, she's running over a guy's foot with a fucking tractor.

    yet somehow she didn't get fired, because she appears in another episode later in s3. here's to you, lois. enjoy the switchboard forever.

    The actress who played Lois appeared nude in Playboy about 15 years ago. They were real and they were spectacular.

    • Drool 2
  5. 12 minutes ago, TotallyLegit said:

    I'm not sure if this post adds any value to the conversation, but my question regarding IDL NIL allocation is this. Is the strategy similar to (what I assume is) the IOL NIL allocation strategy because these players shouldn't be immediately playing for a healthy program and need to be developed for a couple years, and for some reason, the strategy works better on IOL than IDL?

    At least two reasons 1) Flood's track record 2) there are a lot more good IOL than IDL

  6. He was 79. Irreverent, iconoclastic, but with a heart as big as Texas, he lived on his own terms. Truly one of a kind.

    I'm trying to figure out what my favorite Kinky quote is. Among them:

    1) "If elected, the first thing I'll do is demand a recount."

    2) "A fool and his money are soon elected."

    3) "There's a fine line between fiction and non-fiction, and I believe I snorted it in 1976."

    4) "I believe musicians can run this state a lot better than politicians. We just won't get much done in the morning."

    5) "Remember: Y'all is singular. All y'all is plural. All y'all's is plural possessive."

    6) “Money can buy you a fine dog, but only love can make him wag his tail.”

    7) "Friedman's just another word for nothing left to lose."

    Kinky was not a native Texan, but he once said that he had to come to Texas because we were the only state that would put up with his nonsense. It was here that he caught up to his future. There will never be another like him.


    • Hook 'Em 7
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  7. 30 minutes ago, G650 said:

    Man, if we could get another LeMond 1989 type moment that would be insane

    That was my favorite day ever in the history of cycling ... Fignon with his stupid hair flying in the wind, Lemond stealing his cornbread, Fignon collapsing in shock at the end.

    • Hook 'Em 2
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  8. 6 minutes ago, Whitewater Horn said:


    I always want a close, competitive race for the yellow jersey, but there’s also a sick part of me that wants to see Pogacar just go savage on Stage 1 and blow the race apart. 

    I do not want that at all. I want to see 5 men within 30 seconds of each other going into that final time trial on the last stage in Nice.

    • Hook 'Em 1
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