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Hornius Emeritus

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Posts posted by Hornius Emeritus

  1. 14 minutes ago, GopherRock said:

    It's interesting to see the fates of the various right-wing parties around Europe.

    The right is back on the rise in Germany, Belgium, and France. Macron's snap election is an attempt to force their hand in France before they're ready.

    Meanwhile, across the Channel, the Tories are heading for a flogging so severe they may not even be His Majesty's Opposition.

    Everything is a reaction to enshittification.  "The current guys are shitty!  Maybe the alternative won't be so shitty!"

    Meanwhile, those who say things are shitty are living better than 99% of the planet ever has.

    Having said that, Fareed Zakaria pointed out something interesting a few days ago.  In 2008, the United States and the euro-zone economies were roughly the same size. Today, the American economy is nearly twice the size of the euro zone. Average European income is now 27% lower than in the United States, and average wages are 37% lower. When the British left the European Union, they fantasized about forging a close relationship with the United States, almost becoming the 51st state. Were that to happen, Britons would find themselves in the 51st poorest state in the union, with a per capita gross domestic product below that of Mississippi.



  2. 5 minutes ago, Sgt Hulk said:

    Guys have we even considered that we won’t need DTs?  If we put up 65-70 points a game with 5. 5 stars being thrown balls by a couple of 5 stars  we won’t even really need DTs. 

    the game is evolving 

    Good point. You don't need DTs if the other team never stops you from scoring.

  3. 15 hours ago, Whitewater Horn said:

    Yep, forgot about our own champion. That’s impressive for any world tour team. I wonder how many milliseconds it took for the cleaner than thou, smug Vaughters to shitcan Piccolo when they got word of his shenanigans. 

    Re: Vaughters, Johan Bruyneel is not a fan.




    • Haha 1
  4. 2 hours ago, Chewbacca said:
    3 hours ago, closetohumping said:
    Nah.  Wemby joker luka

    I'm going Jok, Luka, Wemby. But no bad answers there.

    Despite him being dead for 25 years, I'm going Wilt, Jokic, Luka, Giannis, Wemby, Embiid.  That's how dominant/great Wilt was.


    • Haha 1
  5. None of y'all will watch it for ... reasons ... but PLEASE watch just the first episode of "Tour de France Overdrive Season 2."  Holy shit.   My female friend who doesn't care about cycling (or even sports, really), watched this with me and got hooked.  It's a badass documentary series and the action shots, taken with cameras mounted to the bicycles as they race down mountains at 65 mph, and the crashes are insane.  Really gripping stuff about a sport that most Americans know very little about.

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  6. Putin is done. It's just a matter of when. Amazing to think that about 3-4 years ago some were thinking he is the richest man in the world.  He could have just abdicated and lived the rest of his life on a South Pacific island that he owns.

  7. You can tromple on the Constitution. You can support a man who cheated on his wife with a porn star, paid that porn star hush money in order to win an election then lied to the American people about having done so ---- but killing a good boy is a bridge too far.

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  8. 12 hours ago, gsoda3 said:

    how does it fit?  i tried another texas guayabera on and it fit like a box.  

    I don't have any experience with that particular guayabera, but I believe guayaberas are meant to fit loose and boxy, right? They are designed that way because they are worn in hot, humid climates where you want ventilation.

    I only have one guayabera, but I wear it open, with a colored t-shirt underneath that matches the color of the embroidery.  Looks spiffy.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  9. After his injuries I just don't think Jonas can win again.

    Re: the new TDF special on Netflix, one thing that bothered me is that Adam Yates got no face time at all and was barely even mentioned. They kept talking about who was going to end up on the podium and I get that they had to choose their horses before the Tour began but surely he deserved a bit more than that.

    Phillipsen came off as an ass and I thought Ben O'Connor did, too.  Allanphillippe, Carlos Rodriguez, Jai Hindley and Thibault Pinot came off looking the best. I liked Pogecar and Vingegaard, too, though Vingo is a bit robotic. Alaphillippe's girlfriend is a smokin' hottie. All of those guys have attractive, fit girlfriends, though.  Pidcock's woman is definitely easy on the eyes.


    • Hook 'Em 1
  10. About 25 years ago I was out on my road bike coming back on a training ride out to Hutto and back. I was on the Sprinkle Cut Off road, which was a narrow road that was twisty and winding and hilly and there was absolutely no room for anybody to pass me safely, so I was out in the middle of the lane. I'd already ridden about 40 miles and was tiring. As I was going up a hill this jerkoff in a pickup comes up behind me and starts gunning his engine, like he was going to run me over. I was doing probably 18 mph, hammering really, and there was no place to safely pull over. And back then I was in my "screw you, I have every legal right to this road" stage. So I kept my line.  Dude keeps revving his motor and I was getting pissed off. I got up to Ferguson, made that right turn on to Ferguson, and it's a screaming downhill all the way to Cameron/Dessau.  Dude was still right behind me but now he's not revving because I'm doing about 40 and he can't really go any faster than that.  I got up to Cameron and right there Ferguson split into two lanes. I was making a left so I pulled up to the stop sign in the left lane. Dude pulls up in the right lane and I can see it's a burly sheetrock worker with a burly sheetrock worker friend in a 1975 Ford truck that look like it had been beat with a tire iron. I can also see that he's holding a 16 oz Busch beer in a brown paper bag.  His window is rolled down and he says, in a thick, Texas drawl,  "Hey little buddy' you's impedin' the flow of traffic."  Now, at that moment, normally, I would have launched into my lecture about how I'm a vehicle and how in that situation ---- one narrow lane going both directions with no shoulder ---- I'm legally allowed to be in the middle of the lane and that allowing somebody to pass me would be unsafe blah blah blah.  But I realized I was in my spandex and cleats and that they'd probably jump out of that truck and beat the hell out of me before I could even get off my bike.  And I don't know how or where this came from or what came over me but a divine spirit seized me and I said, in an equally thick Texas drawl,  "Well, the road is long and the road is narrow and all God's children gots to pass."   And suddenly, the glower in his face softened as he contemplated my wise, peaceful words, which called on the inherent Christian, godly nature he no doubt thought he had, and he smiled, nodded, and said "Well that's all right, little buddy,"  then raised his 16 oz Busch beer in a brown paper bag to toast me.  

    Beat down averted.


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