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Hornius Emeritus

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Everything posted by Hornius Emeritus

  1. Behold the power of vodka (second tweet). New meaning to tigers in your tank.
  2. I say bring Dijon Lee in for the Georgia-Texas game and let the chips fall where they may. If we win, we're off to the races. If we lose, we'll see. He's a great player, but "found money" at this point.
  3. Sooners are a mess on offense. On first down against Tennessee: 15 total plays 7 total yards 3 turnovers 1 safety Somebody who brings a hair brush to a football game, apparently.
  4. He is making himself some money. Another 18 months of getting stronger and bigger and he's going to be an early round draft pick.
  5. Texas leads the SEC with seven interceptions. Those seven interceptions have been made by seven different players.
  6. Why would he? Compared to Norman, Knoxville is paradise. And he's already built it. He'd have to rebuild OU.
  7. 14-21 for 216 yards, three TD's and one INT. Duke is now 4-0.
  8. What did the announcer say there at the end about Kaliq's English class?
  9. Kenny Wayne Shepherd playing Jimi Hendrix' Woodstock stratocaster in a show tonight. Holy crap what a rush this much be. https://www.threads.net/@kennywayneshepherd/post/DAHZ7_XSh-H?xmt=AQGzfa63Kumnht31AQPGJ22AaibxheikcAo1yqRjNSXSeQ
  10. I don't even have to look this up. There are no American cities with higher populations than Germany, nor any cities on earth. You seem pretty dumb.
  11. Stabbing deaths per 100,000 people in the United States, 2022: .52 Stabbing deaths per 100,000 people in Germany, 2022: .16 Stabbing deaths per 100,000 people in the United Kingdom, 2022: .08
  12. Wout re-signs with Visma. Will end his career with the team: https://www.bbc.com/sport/cycling/articles/cn4z2n78212o
  13. Poor northern Michigan!
  14. Umm ... that seems like a pretty dangerous thing to say. It almost sounds like he's trying to incite somebody to assassinate the President and Vice President. If I was the richest man in the world you can bet I wouldn't spend a day tweeting 145 times.
  15. Taylor Swift just endorsed Kamala. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/taylor-swift-endorses-kamala-harris-rcna170547
  16. I hope not. I have a hotel reservation there on Sept. 17th.
  17. One of the dumbest movies I've ever seen. I want those two hours back.
  18. It's almost like there's no rhyme or reason.
  19. To DREEEAAAM the impossible DREEEEAAAAMMM ..
  20. The rest of Tiger Droppings is having an epic rant. Complaining about their new lights and how awful they are, complaining about Brian Kelly and how he is a slimy man, complaining about their playoff chances, complaining about the defense, which apparently has a dysfunctional secondary. Their fans are miserable and I'm here for it. https://www.tigerdroppings.com/rant/lsu-sports/
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