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Hornius Emeritus

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Everything posted by Hornius Emeritus

  1. Ryan is an extremely likeable guy. Glad to see that he signed his contract and is good to go.
  2. He got a new truck out of it, if I recall correctly.
  3. It comes in handy sometimes, like when you're accosted by LEOs in West Texas.
  4. Two freestyle skiers, Miro and Flora Tabanelli, jump above Pogača as he ascends.
  5. I laugh at y'all's problems. Try having more than 1.3 million followers on social media, with multiple emails for various functions plus DMs on every social media platform. And then there's the SPAMMERS on all of those means of egress. Some days I get more than 500 emails/DMs. Many are legit but the vast majority are not. My idea for a killer APP is an AI widget that collects all of these into one central location, color codes them based on the likelihood of their legitimacy, and tells the majority that are likely bots, sorry, my AI widget, who I will call Samuel, indicates that there's a high likelihood that their email is SPAM and that any emails/DMs they send in the future will be blocked.
  6. Agreed. One time my friends Dave and Eric and I decided to do a 60-mile ride though the Sam Houston National Forest --- from Huntsville to New Waverly and back. We got to Huntsville and holy cow it was a torrential downpour. We got about three miles in and saw a tree get BLASTED by lighting about 500 yards out into a field. I wanted to give up. I said to Dave "this is crazy as hell." Dave said "and that's why we're just the men to do it." So we did. Got back to Houston after the ride and I swear my bike has never been so grungy. It took me about an hour and a half to get the damn thing clean and I swore I'd never do that again.
  7. Don't worry about it. Shit happens. You don't owe us anything. However, I'm about to get evil on those assholes in the 2025 recruiting thread who insist on discussing whether Katy is in Houston. Jeeze.
  8. Myron Charles is a beast and we are going to have some openings next year.
  9. Stevie Nicks at Steiner Ranch, 1976 ... about six months before Rumours came out and elevated Fleetwood Mac to an insane level.
  10. "This bum splitting turd (coprolite) was found in 1972 beneath the site of what was to become the York branch of Lloyds Bank and may be the largest example of fossilised human faeces ever found, measuring a whopping 20cm (8 in) long and 5cm (2 in) wide! Analysis of the stool has indicated that its producer subsisted largely on meat and bread whilst the presence of several hundred parasitic eggs suggests they were riddled with intestinal worms. In 1991, York Archaeological Trust employee and paleoscatologist, Dr Andrew Jones, made international news with his appraisal of the item for insurance purposes: "This is the most exciting piece of excrement I've ever seen... In its own way, it's as irreplaceable as the Crown Jewels". The layers that covered the coprolite were moist and peaty. They preserved not only the coprolite but also timber, textiles and leather. Put simply, this is a fossilized human turd. Possibly the largest and – bizarrely – most valuable poo on record. It dates back to approximately the 9th century and the person responsible is believed to be a Viking."
  11. It's all fun and games until a grouper shows up.
  12. Embarrassed? Because a team I support lost a game? If that made you feel embarrassed I'd suggest you need to get a different perspective on what's important in life and what's tangential to that.
  13. And Kelshaun Johnson to just blow the top off the defense.
  14. Hugh Hathcock? That has to be a made-up name, like I. P. Freely or Connie Lingus. I mean, were I a recruit, as soon as they introduced me to him I'd be saying "wait a minute, am I on Candid Camera?"
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