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Hornius Emeritus

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Everything posted by Hornius Emeritus

  1. Agreed. I hope they're not doing it just because they need the money. I'm hoping the script is really good.
  2. Wait a minute. Alfred is gone at Ohio State? That has got to help us with Jordan Davison, right?
  3. It was the 7-Eleven and it was a decapitated head. The only reason I remember if because one of my asshole friends made a disgusting joke about it.
  4. Oh, yeah .. the dog is loving life, no doubt. He's got a yard the size of Austin to play in.
  5. It feels like every player in anybody's top 100 is going to visit Texas. What a 180 degree turnaround since five years ago. Literally EVERYBODY, especially receivers, wants to get themselves in front of Sark and staff.
  6. My sophomore year was the best four years of my life.
  7. I've written about my niece on this thread. She lives with her husband near Galena, Alaska, which is a very small settlement on the Yukon river. Galena demands a lot of its residents. About seven months ago she sent me a few photos of her husband with a moose that he shot. She said it took about 8 hours for him to field dress it and that he didn't get home until 2:30 a.m., but "at least now we have food for the winter."
  8. I am an experienced photographer. I am also quite skilled at sussing out digital manipulation in photos, having used Photoshop daily for almost 30 years. I refuse to believe that there has been any photoshopping of the image in question.
  9. If you think I said I came away unimpressed you need to brush up on your reading comprehension.
  10. I must be the only obsessed recruitnik who looks at Lockett's HUDL video and just don't think he's ALL THAT. He seems to have good hands and good body control but it feels like he could be more elusive and should be faster for his size. He's supposedly a 5-star but he doesn't appear to be close to Wingo's level from last year, nor does he appear to be any better than about 10 other receivers we're after.
  11. Probably ceramic overlays aka veneers. Personally, I think it's a bit much, but a lot of entertainers (think Dolly Parton) have them.
  12. Hank Williams at the Ryman Auditorium in Nashville, 1951.
  13. After watching their HUDLs, all of this gruntles me very much. We need DL in the worst way.
  14. Xavier's mom with the nice tweet. If I'm Sark, I'm making sure every WR recruit in the country sees this.
  15. There is a 16-foot Tony Soprano at a train station in Vilnius, Lithuania.
  16. Paul and Ringo earlier today, March 4, 2024.
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