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Loop 1604

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Everything posted by Loop 1604

  1. Jordan was probably making another shitty AT&T commercial anyway.
  2. Offshore reservoirs don’t typically require additional stimulation (frac). Turbidite reservoirs are typically very well sorted clean sandstones with high permeability. Unless I’m missing something?
  3. Would honestly marry the Amazon chick. Then again I’m 6’4 and it’d be fun to fuck a girl from behind in the shower without cramping up.
  4. For SA/Hill Country, looks another less-than-ideal set up for any actual precip to miss north, south, or east. La Niña is the worst.
  5. In all seriousness, would love to see how it would perform with a modern frac design- 3-4k lbs/ft slickwater. None of that cross link gel bullshit. Still probably uneconomic but would be a cool science project haha. I’m a conventional guy so I don’t know shit about fuck though.
  6. We ain’t getting shit, meanwhile DFW getting pwned. Fire weather should be nice and dicey this week.
  7. This is mostly a north/NE Texas event. Maybe some will get lucky and squeeze a 1/4 inch out of it. High of 96 here in SA on Tuesday. Then the west winds pick up again.
  8. What’s with the gap (s)?
  9. This is a fringe top 25 team. Doubt we host unless we go on a nice run (which our bullpen likely won’t allow). Having this poor caliber pitching at Texas is simply inexcusable. Then again, most things about major Texas sports have been for a while now. Nobody does less with more.
  10. Tried to tell you guys. We are fucked this spring/summer/fall. Yesterday’s “overachieving” high temp is drought-feedback related. It’ll only get worse as SC Texas gets drier and drier over the next few months. The Hill Country tinderbox is already burning up and it’s not even April. Help us tropics you’re our only hope? (although it’d probably just go all Don 2011 and vaporize at landfall). Tuesday night’s rain looks minimal QPF-wise. Probably won’t offer much relief unfortunately.
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