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Loop 1604

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Everything posted by Loop 1604

  1. Is this the (humble) brag thread? Asking for a friend.
  2. Why does LHN/Texas baseball social media continue to push the “Hispanic Titanic” nickname? It’s so cringey and could easily be misconstrued as racist. Isn’t Melendez on record saying he doesn’t like the nickname anyway?
  3. How about the top 25? That’s where they’re heading at this rate. 7-7 in the last 14.
  4. Sorry but making the CWS most years is the expectation at Texas. Until we dogpile in Omaha, Pierce ain’t the guy. He’s just the guy following the two legends. We haven’t won a national championship in 17 years in baseball or any major sport. Fuck!
  5. Fire burning out near Medina Lake this afternoon/tonight. Not great Bob. Looked so much closer than that on 1604 West this afternoon. God damn, we need some actual rain. https://www.ksat.com/news/local/2022/03/25/watch-live-fire-in-medina-county-draws-large-emergency-response/
  6. Nat gas creeping toward $5.50/mcf
  7. My general theory is we will continue to suck until we take the stupidly redundant collar Longhorn off the jersey. Your move Nike.
  8. Sweet, can’t wait for another 0.1” of rain for SA. Take that, stage 4 drought!
  9. I’ll take that bet. This team will be very lucky to go 8-5. Why do you guys fall for this shit every year? Is 12-13 years in a row (save for the 2018 aberration) not enough to convince you?
  10. That wasn’t a compliment to him…last year was exactly who he’s shown himself to be as a HC in the past.
  11. Why is the SEZ okie lite orange? God damn that expansion sucks compared to NEZ. Looks totally out of place.
  12. Fire weather in the western/southern hill country this week. This summer is gonna suck.
  13. I can’t imagine anything more terrifying than a rain-wrapped wedge tornado tearing through the piney woods…at night. Glad everyone got rain today. We barely got shit in SA. Southern Hill Country is a fucking tinderbox.
  14. A shitload of dry air, wind, and fire hazard weather.
  15. “You’re welcome” for the reverse jinx. Looks nasty now…
  16. Austin about to get dry slotted lol Dry ass SW winds here in SA. We got fucked. At least we got like 0.1” No rain in sight on the forecast. Thanks La Niña.
  17. Storms look more linear mode which is good (and bad). Sunny here in SA now lol.
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