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Everything posted by AUinHsv

  1. well crap.. Just got email from shop working on my 1962 MGA. The head is toast - cracked/repaired and cracked again. Not that I really want matching components but they only made that engine for one year and it had a special head. Otherwise known as unobtainium. Good news is you can modify an early MGB head to replace it but still wanted original.
  2. Back in the 80's my Dad knew someone who had 2-3 boats and 4-5 cars stashed all around Huntsville. Always wonder what happened to all of them
  3. Correct - and I think that was why he rarely wore the Daytona
  4. Actually read an article that made more sense. It was not unworn. He bought it fro scuba diving and never used it for that but did wear it some. Still probably the best example of a slightly used Daytona
  5. fake an injury and take body bag back.. actually I have been in body bag - not as much fun as it looks Edit - never mind. Further reading says lift was going up before down.
  6. Obligatory reposting of first gen SAA. I have posted before on other forum. still haven't had it worked on though
  7. saw a special the other night on making that one. Lot's of interesting stuff - filming all night etc. Plus for part of the chase they needed special permits since the race car is not street legal. still liked BMW's "The Hire" better
  8. Read about that on Rlex forum. Very glad they were honest and no one tried to lowball him out of it. Very odd story though - unworn
  9. or give them an old HP calculator with Reverse Polish Notation and watch them fumble away with no "=" key. And before someone yells - RPN is actually what it is called
  10. Eastwood in Pale Rider - at the end where he goes one against the entire posse.
  11. Both my ER trips were at BC. Going down Hill of Life the front wheel stuck and I flew like Superman. Landed groin first on a pointed rock. Had some really interesting colors for a week (no pics).
  12. Crap - he was a tremendous passer in the SEC 3 yards and dust era. Looking at some old video (which is really hard to find since a lot of games were on radio and the teams didn't keep a lot of old video) - he would have been very good in a RPO offense in today's game. No idea on the cause but he battled throat or mouth cancer a few years ago. Loved the old mesh jersies - pretty sure they were banned because they tore away when grabbed
  13. Is this just a tee it up anywhere arrangement ? Sure don't see any tee markers
  14. You can usually find it locally at boat shops.
  15. Kinda surprised no one on TV or radio mentioned this - but it has been 50 years. Juan Marichal hit two Dodgers as a pitcher and then while at bat turned and started hitting the Dodger catcher - John Roseboro over the head with his bat. One of the few things I could think of that was close - using a weapon during a game. Poor quality but there wasn't a lot of video back then
  16. https://www.historynet.com/second-naval-battle-of-guadalcanal-turning-point-in-the-pacific-war.htm Found this link on another football forum. The second naval battle pretty much decided tat the US would win Guadalcanal. It wasn't mentioned but Lee was absolutely the right man to be in charge of gunnery. Before Mark Spitz won 7 Olympic gold medals the record was 5 by Lee - all in shooting. He then specialized in gunnery in the Navy. He viewed the 16 inch guns on a battleship as part of a "gunfight" with other ships. It's a little dramatic - one ship versus a lot of others but still a good read on how the Washington carried the fight. I think Lee's message to the PT boats that couldn't identify him was "This is Lee, stand aside and I am coming thru". The challenge then was what was written in the article.
  17. No sub for grass. Before I moved I used Avery Ranch range. They went to turf mats for about a month for some maintenance. Man could I hit very good iron shots of the mat versus real grass. If you hit a little behind the mat just let you "bounce" into the ball perfectly where grass would just grab the club sole.
  18. No argument that he was faked out. However any US Admiral would have considered the carrier fleet a main target. The issue I have with this is the lack of common sense by both Halsey and Kincaid. As background the battleship force had been attacked the day before. Halsey relied on incorrect reports from his pilots that it was decimated. In reality it made a U turn and looked like it was retiring and then made another U turn and came back. Kincaid was generally responsible for searching since he had responsibility for the landings. His search efforts did not figure out the second U turn. Halsey or probably his staff didn't examine the pilot's reports very well to determine how much was left of the fleet or search themselves. Even Halsey said that a split command where cooperation replaces orders is a disaster. Halsey and Kincaid were trying to figure out what each would do by eavesdropping on their radio messages instead of talking to each other. My personal opinion, again, is that Halsey's staff deserves a lot of scrutiny here. I would love to see the papers of his Chief of Staff (Adm Carney) but searching doesn't find them. I know Carney had them sealed until at least the early 70's for some reason.
  19. Not to be that guy but Halsey did have orders that allowed him to act that way. A lot blame to go around - King for allowing split commands where Halsey and Kincaid each thought the other had Leyte, Nimitz for not specifically telling Halsey in his orders that he was to protect the landings and Halsey for ignoring his junior admirals who tried to tell him (this part is interesting because some historians have said that Halsey's staff was responsible and had not shown him much of the information that was received that indicated wild goose chase) it was a wild goose chase. Again, however, his orders said if the main Japanese fleet shows up than it is the target. Also as mentioned, Last Stand is outstanding.
  20. Skiied at Banff in early 90's and you are correct. It was very cold.... Also for some reason I remember that almost every ski run seemed to end a couple hundred yards below the next lift. They seemed to enjoy making you push your way uphill to get on the chair
  21. Not quite as bad as the mess that the Colts tried against the Patriots a few years ago but you have to wonder how much they practiced this - like a shot put to the Auburn player. By someone who isn't a shotputter...
  22. Even with the carriers avoiding Pearl Harbor there were several estimates of how long the war would last - made by leaders of the military. In 1942 a lot of them said the war would last until 1949 or so. The Europe first decision meant almost no resources for the Pacific in 1942. Adm King stuck his neck out at one of the Allied high command meeting and got a guarantee of something like 20% of the war material and men committed to the Pacific - which was a huge increase. It took the Army until 1944 to realize that there was other places to fight except Europe and they discovered that the Navy had almost won the war by then. You would think the US would have wanted to hit back against the country that pulled them into the war but there were a huge difference in bringing the war to the Pacific vs Europe. For Europe you staged in England and jumped across the channel to fight. For the Pacific you had to bring everything with you (thousands of miles) and then do it again and again. The logistics of the Pacific war were totally unknown until it started. One of the forgotten heroes of the Pacific was Adm Calhoun who headed the logistics and supply - basically he was responsible for getting everything from men and material to a battle. jh
  23. Friend of mine in high school had very close to that. More candy apple red with white interior. Awesome 400 cubic inches for the win
  24. What were you thinking could be applied to Japan also. After the war the US interviewed the Japanese Army and Navy commanders and discovered that Japan really did not have much of an end game after Pearl Harbor. They had the huge misconception that the US would just sign some sort of peace treaty. If you are going to start a war you better have figured out what to do after the first shot.
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