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Everything posted by AUinHsv

  1. No argument on the cost but if you have a complicated prescription (-9 and astigmatism) then mail order is probably a crapshoot. I use progressive lenses since I need reading correction and those with a high index lens are the highest prices. I may try to get a mail order pair someday but have no idea where they will put the transition points without me sittting there. On the other hand I buy cheap readers on line for wearing with contacts
  2. Know the feeling. In 2013 I did a reverse endo on Picnic - basically tried to pull the front up over something while going uphill and went backwards on a cedar tree and stump. Had a really nice slash across the kidney for a few weeks
  3. Will always remember growing up and NASA testing that engine. We lived about ten miles from the stand and it shook the house and windows like a large earthquake - plus a huge amount of noise came with it. You never knew when they would light on either.
  4. I went in before 6 and saw nothing.. Early bird avoids the mess
  5. Living here in Huntsville and growing up with other rocket scientist kids - this is absolutely true and a shame. Most of the engineers from Saturn are long gone. Went to an estate sale last week just because it was one of the top German scientists and I wanted to see what was in his house. To echo ramjets comments - about 20 years ago IBM had a meeting at the space center and a veteran of Apollo and I were looking at the Saturn flight package that IBM built. Guy was part of it and told me it was interesting to work on something that if you screwed up would probably kill a group of astronauts.
  6. Be sure take lots pictures with your cellphone
  7. Even Nixon tried to release his recordings as an edited transcript and Supreme Court said that wasn't going to fly. I don't remember him claiming executive privilege so it may not be a valid comparison.
  8. Was going to say that the coin on that is going to be huge. Any idea if it left the factory as triple black..
  9. Looked up 76 relay team because of his age. Knew the lead off runner was 19 but the third runner was also around 20. USA won the gold with three of the four runners barely out of high school.
  10. yeah I still remember one class my final quarter at AU in Chemical Eng. Without a curve no one would have graduated. First test was 140 points(yep - not 100 for some reason). Class average was 17 ( that is seventeen out of 140). Glad to have made around 30. Without a curve they would have flunked every senior.
  11. Loved his comment about the golf course he grew up on - Goat Hills. When they razed the course for future development he said the bulldozers proved you could take a divot there. All of his books were fun to read.
  12. Crap - was trying to post the exaxt same thing. The youtube link would not imbed for some reason
  13. I didn't do this but some people learned that you could redo the big Graddick billboards. Apparently if you cut out the first D and turned it over the color came thru so you could put it back on the sign as a B. Others replaced the G with an H and reversed the A and R. Almost drove into a tree laughing when I first saw that sign.
  14. As long as the PTB don't try to remove them from the voting rolls
  15. 1986 was an incredible year for politics in Alabama. Learned that just because you win the primary doesn;t mean you will be on the ballot.
  16. You could pretty much bet that either Rockford or his car or both was going to get the crap knocked out of them every show
  17. No one has mentioned Saturday Night Live?????? Or Monday Night Football??? And the fact that there were really only three channels - ABC, NBC and ABC to produce all this. Also Fantasy Island provided a nice place for actors to land if a series was cancelled.
  18. Have to add Columbo to make it correct. Four series and each was shown once a month
  19. Let's toss Rosemary under the bus for that one. The interesting part is that several people confirmed that Nixon was so uncoordinated that they felt he could not have figured out how to do this. IIRC the taping system was way more complicated that the reel to reel device you saw at the opening of Mission Impossible.
  20. The crony was Alexander Butterfield and he did not let it slip, he was asked the question by the investigating committee and answered it correctly. And I am pretty sure all the committee members did a double take when he said that. The game was changed dramatically
  21. I like the idea of outlets every five feet. You can't have enough. If I ever get to build my own garage it will also have some 220 volt electric heaters and lots of insulation. Spent two much time working on cars in cold garages.
  22. Did the rock/front wheel endo on hill of life. Unfortunately I landed groin first on a pointed rock and off the ER. Had some real interesting bruises on parts of anatomy for a few days. (luckily no pics)
  23. We had this discussion a few years ago on the old forum. I did post it and they had mixed opinions on that trigger. All I can say is that it has been in the family since the 40's and was probably last fired in the 50's. I know I never heard of Dad firing it. I was going to get it worked on but never got to it yet
  24. Ha - found out I could host my pictures on the domain I bought for email
  25. testing - found I could host on my domain
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