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Posts posted by BamaATL

  1. So I've been wondering for a while if the development of the Neptune as a cruise missile, rather than an anti ship missile is a bit of a work around for everyone.  The Ukrainians obviously have the knowledge on how to build one, but the secret sauce is the guidance.  I know these missiles use either internal navigation or satellite navigation to fly to their targets.  In lieu of giving the Ukrainians cruise missiles from the US (and approaching another bullshit red line), it would have to be easier to covertly give them either guidance data or access to nav satellites ("hey guys, if you happen to just modulate to this code at this time, the satellite will just happen to grant you access, wink, wink").  

    I'm not trying to take away anything from the Ukrainians, as this all may well be wrong.  Either way, whenever this is all over, there will certainly be an interesting story to tell on the development of this.  Of course it will be years and years before it is ever told, but eventually it will be.  

    In the short term, because this is a Ukrainian weapons platform, it gives them more stocks to hit within Russia, I hope they can build a lot of them quickly.  

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  2. 7 minutes ago, KYHorn said:



    Secret squirrel is prone to hyperbole and getting ahead of his skis. I'd take it with some salt for now.

    Not seeing anything else of yet, so yeah.  However, perhaps the urgency we are seeing in Russians attempting to offload fuel in Rostov is that the situation is getting desperate fuel wise at the front.  This coinciding with a Ukrainian attack would at least make some sense.  

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  3. 36 minutes ago, Laxtonto said:

    Johnny Carson Nbc 90Th Special GIF by NBC


    LZ3 would be to keep the forces in Melitpol from rolling up on the troops west.

    Blocking force over the Deniper would ensure that the force driving up from Armyasnk has to engage with the troops from Kherson proper instead of contesting the landings the at LZ1 and LZ2.

    I did not expect the amphibious landings of LZ1&2 as a major salient, but they may be a token force or something of substance. It is hard to tell with something like this. Amphibious assaults and the required coordination at large scale are extremely hard to pull off and should be something that would be instantly sniffed out days before the attack due to the need to mass-landing craft/boats to be able to make a move in mass to be effective.  But the battle plan is pretty obvious. Hopefully, they noticed an approach to roll up many Russian troops dug in on the banks of the Dnieper and this is so obvious that if forces a withdrawal or a quick encirclement of the Russian troops and so this makes sense to attempt a major amphibious landing.


    If this is true and is the real move and not a feint, godspeed, and good luck.

    LZ 3 I think will be critical to tie up reserves.  God Speed.  


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  4. 49 minutes ago, B00M said:

    With Modi trying to play both sides, making him think about the innocent Ukrainian children killed by the Russian Terrorist state he continues to fund is a great strategy. We’re either going to discover Modi is just as inhumane as Putin, or he’ll suddenly oppose buying cheap resources from Russia. I realize it’s not that simple, as Modi ultimately has to act in the best interest of India and they’re competing with China, but sometimes doing the right thing ends up being in your country’s best interest

    Ask Muslims in India how much Modi gives a shit about innocents and children.  

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  5. 3 hours ago, atomheartbevo said:

    We know that Russian troops are definitely not prepared for such a thing, and he wouldn’t use one outside of Russia, so it’s not much use to Putin.

    He's more apt to use chemical weapons than anything (I've seen the Ukrainians allege this multiple times, never seen anything verified).  Mistaking that Putin gives a shit about his own guys is a mistake though, if he did, he wouldn't have already gotten over 600k killed or seriously wounded.  The same could be said for his civilian population as well, he doesn't give a shit about anyone in some backwoods village in Kursk.  Hell, killing any of them potentially saves him $110.  

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  6. Just now, Bateshorn said:

    Jesus Fuck. Nothing says I’m with it and ready to take the helm like……….:.Leon Panetta. 

    Killing Bin Laden isn't exactly the same talking point it once was, that's 14 years ago, and 9/11 is now 23 years.  Not dismissing those events as unimportant, but their relevance in today is ..... lacking.  

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  7. 15 minutes ago, TeeDubya said:

    well, not sure about prevailing winds, but even a low-radiation bomb in parts of Ukraine or Kursk is really close to a spread to Moscow.

    That wouldn't be a huge concern (certainly not for Putin, like he fucking cares), but a low yield tactical weapon wouldn't create enough fallout to be of a concern that far away.  The danger would be in the immediate area, and serious fallout would last only a matter of days (beyond ground zero).  A decent rainfall would knock most of it down, what's left by half life cycles dissipates pretty quickly.  

    We tend to think of nuclear weapons release like Chernobyl, but that was entirely different, it was an open core just spewing radioactive isotopes for days on end (and really months).  This would be a completely different ball game (of course still not good).  

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  8. 17 minutes ago, The Dog said:


    At this point, might as well, the Ukrainians have called the Russian's nuclear bluff.  Russian nuclear doctrine is that if the sovereignty of Russia is in any way threatened they will respond with nuclear weapons.  I can't think of a bigger threat, than, you know, being invaded and partly occupied, no matter how small.  This is still a dangerous period because Putin may well use a tactical nuke on the field, but in Russia, and justify it by his claims to sovereignty.  

    I don't think he will do it, because we've told him if does, we are in it.  However, nuking his own country was probably actually never clearly communicated (who'd have thunk it?)

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  9. 7 minutes ago, Parliament said:

    So if they can’t protect a valuable asset that’s been getting shwacked all week, their ability to air defend ANYTHING is down to about zero.

    What all long range weapons are we still waiting to give Ukraine permission to use?  Seems like a few volley’s every night can do some serious work.

    That they currently have, that I am aware of, it's ATACMS and the F-16s and ordinance associated with them.  There are other things we dangled out there that might be on the table to include JASSMs (surface to air cruise missiles, stealthy from what I've read, with longer range capability).  

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