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Posts posted by BamaATL

  1. 1 minute ago, The Dog said:

    Yeah the question is does Ukraine have what they need to spring the trap?

    My guess is that just with FPV drones the Russians are fish in a barrel there.  While not listed on that map, those fields of fire are by my estimation artillery ranges.  So it comes down to ammo.  

    • Hook 'Em 3
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  2. 6 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

    And I think the part going into her "bikini line" ends in an arrow that says "enter here."  And it should probably be preceded with "Abandon hope all ye who."

    It's the Sarlacc pit of vaginas 

  3. 13 minutes ago, KYHorn said:




    I think this would only be the 3rd of 4th loss of a HIMARs the entire duration of the conflict.  Hate that it's happened at all, but that's pretty amazing considered how highly prized they are.  I've read that in Ukraine they pop out, fire and immediately retreat to fortified underground bunkers, which is why they haven't been hit, in Kursk, that may not be as readily possible.  

    • Hook 'Em 3
  4. 13 minutes ago, ABSR said:

    If you read this it actually says the commander was well liked by his men, but that he was shot and killed by other officers.  So my guess is he didn't want to send his men into a meat grinder and he was executed for this position (Shot 11 times).    The key is for the grunts to follow these officers lead and shoot and kill the "normal" Russian officers. 

    I feel pretty confident killing the commander that didn't get his guys killed won't be overly popular with the rank and file.  

    • Hook 'Em 5
  5. 1 hour ago, Parliament said:

    Where do thsie POW's go?  To something monitored by the Red Cross or similar?  Can we presume they're being fed and housed well?  I hope.  And word needs to get back to Russia how good it is to surrender.

    I've read in the past that there are multiple places in western Ukraine used for POW camps, and I've seen footage of the camps.  The POWs are well fed, taken care of medically, and clean.  Andersonville, it ain't.  They are shown footage of Russian behavior and crimes committed.  Lastly they are given the opportunity to more or less defect and be removed from the exchange pool.  

    • Hook 'Em 8
  6. 8 minutes ago, InkaUtexas said:

    So what is the end game here? Hope Ukraine won't shoot them?

    I don't know, you have to figure the Chechens will shoot them if they retreat.  It's probably going to be a shit show.  At least some of these guys are totally against this for the right reasons, and the reality is they are still going to die.  That sucks, the world isn't always a fair place.  I certainly feel bad for them.  

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  7. 7 hours ago, mdmost said:

    Sweet Christ, wokeness didn't kill country music. Corporations killed country music by making everyone cookie cutter and having them do nothing but namedrop products and things that showcase the American way of life like trucks, guns, beer, etc. It's selling nostalgia. No wonder it's popular with a certain set of people who vote for MAGA candidates. 

    I'm offended


    You left out Applebees.  

    • Haha 1
  8. 16 minutes ago, AUS-97HORN said:

    Lithuania and Poland have both blocked all military access to that enclave.  which works the other way as well, not allowing military to leave.  

    The only way they could be transferred is via an airplane route that requires them to fly out over the Baltic, follow an international air boundry route until they get to Russian airspace over St Pete.   Or they have to take a boat from the harbor and sort of mirror the same water route as the planes do.

    seems like it would take them more than 7 days to organize a military transfer to a boat that can handle that many troops, and of course their equipment and then sail to St Pete, offload and then make a run towards Kursk.  


    These are Russians after all, they dont take a dump without a plan... and the logistics say their planning sucks ass and is slow as fuck and would take 2+ weeks to be put into real world action,


    Correct me if I'm wrong here, but aren't the trains running, and while they couldn't put equipment on them, they would be allowed to transport units thru those.  

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