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Posts posted by BamaATL

  1. 37 minutes ago, Schulz2.0 said:


    This is really good shit right here.  Two longer range recon drones for jdams and glsdb's, both I am pretty sure can lase targets for either platform.  The smaller recon drone is perfect for the switchblade and anti-infantry activity.  Equipment and supply destruction at this point is likely more important that infantry at the moment, but they need longer range capability, this is a big leap forward for that.  

    • Hook 'Em 2
  2. 1 minute ago, The Dog said:

    No but keep an eye on Transnistria. Romania and Moldova are BFFs. 

    I wouldn't be opposed to giving Moldova a few HIMARS. That would shut that shit down.

    Having said that - Transnistria broke away from Moldova back in 1991 or so. This isn't a new development. Let them be an isolated shithole if they want.

    Well, it's a bit more than that.  There are approximately 3 to 4 brigades on non russian regulars there, with a huge ammo depot.  The Ukrainians have exhausted their stockpiles of old Soviet ammo.  That certainly has to make for a juicy target for them.  If they do it, speaking for only myself, I'd have no problem with it so long as the Moldovans sanction it and so long as the Ukrainians leave once stealing the ammo.  

    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. 13 minutes ago, NorthLoop said:

    I guess it really depends on the Belarusian people. Are they really pro Russian? Do they secretly hate Lukashenko? Or are they passive pussies who just obey whatever like Russians do?

    They hate him, in the last election, if it would have been fair done, he would have lost by 80 points.  Of course, the poll results have that flipped around in his favor, but since when does that matter.  They've been progressively more under the thumb of Moscow since putin.  Interestingly, Lukashenko was initially elected as a farmer post Soviet break up and there was general optimism for him in the earlier 90s.  Since, putin, he's increasingly become more authoritarian and now is supposedly grooming his son for leadership after him.  He's betrayed his people, they all know it, loathe him, and those that protect him are ruthless mercs.  

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  4. 5 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    Seems really risky for both Putin and Lukashenko, because asking the Belarus people to join a war they don't want maybe what sets them off.  Belarusians so inclined were already free to join Russia's version of the international legion or whatever.

    Plus, Belarus has 60,000 soldiers on active duty.  If Putin pulls a few tens of thousands of those into Ukraine, how is Lukashenko going to keep the peace in Belarus, since it'll be a prime opportunity for the opposition?  And if Belarus blows up a bit, Putin might have to send Russian troops into Belarus to put down any uprisings, and what are the optics of that going to be for the people of Belarus, and what "trained" riot control troops will Russia have to deploy?  Gunning down Belarus citizens who aren't happy seems like a great way to push things over the edge.

    I've long felt that Lukashenko is the guy most likely see the same fate as Mussolini (I'm sure he fears the shit out of it).  Or maybe he will get Gadddafi'd (stabbed in the ass and bleeding out in a sewer).  Either is good with me.  For that reason alone, I tend to think we will resist to the bitter end activating any of his soldiers towards putins goals.  

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  5. 5 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    This is their official policy.  Some jabs taken at Russia, which is surprising.  Not surprising, China urging grain and supply chain stability.




    Pure self serving poppycock, not at all surprising.

    1.  China on respecting sovereignty- that's rich, see Tibet and Taiwan (but hey one China doesn't apply!)

    2.  Abandonment of the cold war mentality - sure when you are attempting to become a superpower in your own right, I guess you might want everyone to ignore your misdeeds.

    3.  Ceasing hostilities - ok, tell Russia to leave, conflict over.  Don't see you doing that.

    4.  Peace talks - see 3

    5.  Resolving humanitarian crisis - Ok, nice thought again see point 3 (also rich coming from China, maybe they can throw more babies in the river)

    6.  POW treatment - I hope you are pointing this at the orcs.

    7.  Nothing to argue here - but hey, russia been using these as defense shields

    8.  Nuclear saber rattling has been entirely on the russian side.  So maybe we ought do something about the folks doing the rattling?

    9.  Of course they want grain deals, lots of mouths to feed

    10.  Sanctions - see point 8 and 3 a-holes

    11.  Supply chains - ok, you want to trade with the russians freely, we get it, to further your own interests.

    12.  Reconstruction - so they want in on this to give leg breaker deals to "help out"


    Fuck off Xi

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  6. 8 minutes ago, Schulz2.0 said:


    1.  I am a big fan of the Polish people, their resolve, and their decisiveness.  Personal opinion, I'm tired of seeing the Germans hold such sway in European matters.  Give me the Poles any day of the week.  

    2.  As to the Portuguese Admiral's point about the inoperative nature of their Leopard 2 tanks its quite clear to me that much of Europe (specifically Nato) countries were quite literally asleep at the wheel on defense maintenance.  Of course no one really thought anything this stupid would happen, but it did, and here we are.  

    • Hook 'Em 3
  7. 25 minutes ago, texasdago said:

    Guys like this dick with his shiny medals as the problem... get rid of Putin and this mindset is still around.  These old Soviet blowhards need to be deposed, too.

    These guys remind me of scouts with a bunch of badges.  I bet his medals are for cooking and calisthenics.

    Merit Badge Sashes of the Boy Scouts of America - ScoutStuff4Sale.com -  Page 2

    Is he the top bell hop at a Radisson?

    • Haha 1
  8. In so far as putin and money, we really need to stop thinking of that as a singular part of the equation.   The only thing that matters at this point to him is power.  The outcome of this conflict is now existential to him, meaning if he doesn't win, or doesn't manage to somehow spin this into a victory at home of sorts, he won't exist.  His personal wealth no longer matters as a matter of course to him, because if he doesn't win or spin a win, he's dead.  So whatever the cost to him personally or to Russia, he will do it.  We think of him as stockpiling wealth for his own greedy means, but in the end, it isn't as if he can spend it to retire to Fiji.  putin, I think has long thought of himself as Russia, and as such whatever it costs for Russia, at least in his mind, is his to spend as pleases or needs.  

    • Hook 'Em 1
  9. 20 minutes ago, SquishMitten said:

    Bolded is the only part I'm not totally convinced of. Sure, many won't return because they find a better life elsewhere, but I don't think they will all be scared to return. If we assume Putin actually saw their flight as a positive (on the belief that those would be the most likely to rise up), then there's no reason he wouldn't happily welcome them back in peacetime. They will definitely be needed. 

    Historically speaking, when a group of people flee, they never return, even if it is their original intention.  Invariably, what happens is that they find new lives and more or less move on.  In this particular conflict, the Ukrainians might be different, because when they win there will be great pride, hope, and reconstruction within the borders of Ukraine.  However, if history tells us anything, many won't return, especially the longer this goes on.  For Russia, those that left, unless they find themselves in an even worse situation, say Tajikistan, they aren't ever returning.  

    • Hook 'Em 2
  10. 44 minutes ago, Al Bundy's Napoleon Hand said:




    My wife and I watched the Discovery Plus homemade rocket people with this idiot in it.  I swear I've never heard someone laugh as loud or hard as she did when they showed the final "flight".  If you have no qualms about watching stupid people kill themselves, and can enjoy that as comedy, I highly recommend it.  

    • Haha 1
  11. 17 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    Wow, Prigozhin is straight up challenging Gerasimov and Shoigu.  Dude clearly wants to commit suicide by shooting himself multiple times in the back of the head and then throwing himself out a window.

    At this point, the only thing that makes sense to me is that the MOD, and by proxy guys like Gerasimov and Shoigu are legit scared of this guy, probably because of his relationship with putin.  I think he will get it in country with himars glsdb strike in the next few weeks or days.  However, I suspect it will be a long time but eventually it will come out that someone in the MOD leaked his location to be done with him.  

    • Hook 'Em 2
  12. Jdam ER now in theater.  




    As some one earlier said, now you are locked in a room with me, and there is nowhere to hide.  This ER version gives the Ukrainians at least 50 mile range of precision guided aerial bombs.  With some flight strategies this range may be significantly extended.  

    • Hook 'Em 4
  13. 6 hours ago, MagicSoccerSpray said:


    The Ukrainians have been firing their own ballistic missiles (Tochka) throughout the war. The only thing holding back ATACMS had been our (silly) hesitancy.

    This is true, the Hrim-2 has been operational since at least August, and the Tochka is an old soviet weapon in theater.  However, both are much shorter range and their service ceiling is lower, while still suborbital.  Also, and perhaps most importantly, the russians are well aware that these exist, so if/when they are used, this shouldn't come as a shock to them.  ATACMS flies much higher and could easily be confused by them for something else (also, it was designed as a tactical nuclear warhead carrier).  We've learned that their air defense is no where near what anyone thought it was, so I don't think its a big leap to think that their radar isn't very good either.  

  14. 35 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    ATACMS would be nice.

    I don't think we will actually send these for a few reasons:

    1.  Their accuracy is reportedly somewhere between 10 to 50 meters.  Considering the Ukrainians would actually be bombing their own country with them, the potential for civilian casualties is significantly higher than glsdb's.  Obviously, that would include unintended infrastructure damage.  

    2.  While the warhead is significantly larger, well, see point one.

    3.  Cost per launch, glsdb's cost approximately 40 to 60k per shot, these are millions of dollars (which is dead money in our stockpile, as they are being phased out) however, they could be sold to partners.

    4.  And this is the big one, they are ballistic, meaning they are suborbital (the reported ceiling is 160k feet).  Considering the proximity to a nuclear power which we are right on the edge with being in a war with, we don't want this there.  A launch of this sort could easily be misunderstood by them as a nuclear attack.  Given that we have ballistic nuclear missiles positioned not too much further away, that's extremely dangerous.  

    As for benefits

    1.  Huge destruction (one accurate shot and the Kerch bridge is toast) and enemy losses.  

    2.  Because it's suborbital, it's supersonic, mach 3ish on impact.  You ain't shooting it down with an auto cannon, that's for sure.

    3.  Range 190 ish miles

    But I'd be surprised if we deployed these, simply too much risk.

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  15. 14 minutes ago, KYHorn said:


    I'm confused. What do y'all think the Bradleys are doing in Mariupol?

    Based on the auto cannon fire he thought they might be Bradley's.  Given the locations, behind enemy lines, I thought the fire was russian air defense shooting at glsdb's.  It could be neither, it would nice if both were deployed and in operation near or in Mariupol.  That isn't what is going on.....yet.  

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