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Posts posted by BamaATL

  1. 9 minutes ago, MissingInAction said:

    Yep thats some frantic firing into the sky because New Years type shit.

    I'll reserve my freedom boner for now until the armor arrives.

    I've only got so many left.

    Maybe we'll get lucky and its both glsdb's and Bradleys.  I might have to call my doctor for having a freedom boner that is lasting more than 4 hours.  

    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. 2 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    If you ever want to see how many different law enforcement agencies there are in Travis County, head over to Austin-Bergstrom, stand outside the fence, and try to hit aircraft with sling shot.  It's impressive the response you'll get.

    I'll take your word for it.  I think you might wind up in Federal pound me in the ass prison for that one. 

    That having been said, I was doing some math, presuming perfect conditions, you'd have a horizon line of approximately 13 miles to hit one of these.  I don't know how fast they fly, but I would guess at or above 300 mph.  The range of the auto cannon wouldn't be more than 5 miles, with a cyclic rate of around 700 rounds per minutes.  Even with those conditions, if my math is right, at best you'd have about 11 seconds to shoot it down, which is a fire window of 54ish rounds. That'd be one hell of a lucky shot, especially since you'd neither see it nor hear it until it was already gone.  

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  3. 1 minute ago, atomheartbevo said:

    People are wondering if we gave them existing GLSDB stocks and they are being used.  Would be cool.

    I think that is what is happening, which is great.  Shooting an auto cannon at these would be a lot like me taking a sling shot, going down to the airport and trying to hit commercial jet liners.  I mean, I suppose it is possible to hit one, but extraordinarily remote.  

  4. 42 minutes ago, MissingInAction said:

    I could be wrong, but probably not.

    That's the sound of a bunch of 20mm auto cannons wrecking shit.

    The Bradley's have arrived at the front.



    Most likely ZU-23-2 air defense auto-cannon.  Which would sound much like the Bradley 20mm auto-cannon.  What's interesting is that they are apparently shooting air defense like this over several hundred kilometers.  I figured the Ukrainians would have a one year fuck you anniversary present for putin, hopefully this, whatever it is, is just the start.  (its glsdb, I think further cutting supply and bridgeheads that the ruskies thought were out of range).  Eat a big fat dick putin.  

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  5. 22 minutes ago, Rimbo said:

    This is a great hypothesis and all, but I have two issues with it.

    First, China really doesn't benefit from the West winning here.

    Second, it demands of Xi a level of brains he has yet to demonstrate.

    China doesn't care who wins this.  What they have gotten out this is the destruction of the largest military on their border and its cost them nothing.  Further, China, is now buying oil at near 1/3 of what they were paying a year ago.  That's two pretty large wins for them, and again, its cost them really nothing.  

    As to the point of Xi not demonstrating brains, that's a pretty big leap.  This is a guy who grew up in poverty after his father was "resettled" during the cultural purge, who is an educated chemical engineer who has managed to rise to premiership of the largest population on earth.   I think he's done pretty well for himself, for not being a smart guy.  Maybe it was an accident that he got there.  

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  6. 2 minutes ago, Grade of D as in David said:

    I agree that he's going to escalate and fully mobilize to what extent he can/hasn't already. I also agree that the one year anniversary makes sense. My point is he's had ammo dumps blow up inside of Russia and other things that he could have used as a way to declare war and hasn't.

    Also, I don't think Putin is going to let a technicality like actually declaring war stop him from doing whatever he thinks he needs to do to win.

    I think this speaks more the fact that he is going to escalate the terror on his own people, not that it will have much in the way of immediate bearing in the current theater of combat.  There have long been rumors that his intention was to eventually mobilize about 5 million people.  He may well be setting the stage to do exactly that.  

    • Hook 'Em 1
  7. 1 minute ago, Grade of D as in David said:

    So they've been holding back until now?

    I wouldn't say that, but he's been looking for a reason to justify escalation internally for a while, and this will at least be part of it.  Russians have a history of dates and numbers being important to them, so him waiting for the 1 year anniversary isn't all that surprising.  It will be interesting what sort of language he uses on the 22nd.  Dictators have a tendency to refer to their subjects as children until they are in trouble, and then suddenly they are brothers and sisters.  

  8. 3 minutes ago, Schulz2.0 said:

    I believe that account mainly repeats Russian propaganda.

    Even so, I suspect Putin will use this as a pretext for full scale war, which is only to meet his end of declaring marshal law and full mobilization.  He's due to speak on the 22nd, 1 year anniversary, and this is the sort of thing he will point to for justification. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Gravy Train said:

    Chineses just chasing Ruble on this but I wish Western media would put their shit on blast and sanction Chinese industry which operates close enough to military industry for the CCP to realise we're watching their shady asses.  Aren't we all watching them closely for action upon Taiwan within the next 2-3 years?

    I'm reminded of the scene in There Will Be Blood where Daniel Day-Lewis yells at the religious huckster "I drink your milkshake!".  It certainly doesn't surprise me that China has been sending material support to the russians (we all are well aware of this), or even if they do wind up sending a level of lethal material support.  To me, it would just be them opportunistically selling them stuff (I suspect inferior, and deliberate).  A la the film, on the surface it would appear they are helping them, but in reality their real intention is to bleed them financially in their favor, quite frankly until there is nothing left or the trouble isn't worth it to them.  The "special relationship" between the two isn't what either of them would have anyone believe and in my opinion Xi and his people have to be looking at putin like he's a giant rube they can exploit.  As evidenced by the oil cap, and the Chinese new found ability to buy at a severe discount, truth is China is already are massively exploiting them.  Once the Chinese get the most they think they can, again a la the film, I suspect they will do their own version of beating them to death with a bowling pin.  

    Is giving weapons to a country committing a war of terror morally abhorrent?  Certainly.  But since when has China ever shown that morals were something that concerned them? 

    *For the record, and just to be clear, I have met plenty of people from China, and my interaction with each of these individuals has been very positive.  So when I am saying negative things about China, it's in relation to their government and Xi, not to Chinese people in general.  

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  10. 19 minutes ago, Orange&White said:

    Russians must have some distorted idea of how easy it is to print new books. Or, I don’t know, create more websites that relay the exact same information.

    For a like comparison that they may understand, it seems like the cost of one HIMARS could reprint everything they’ve attempted to destroy.

    So has it ever worked out well for anyone that decides to burn books?  I'm sure in ancient times this was somewhat effective as a means of cultural suppression.  To your point, it's almost more cost effective now just to give kids ipads or some other tablet in lieu of books anyway.  I value notion of actual books themselves, and I believe libraries are still important, but when it comes to 7th grade social studies, does anyone really care once you consider that ipad thing?  

    I think it speaks to the larger point of the russian leadership being so grossly out of touch with reality.  It's sort of like when they bombed the old tv tower in Kyiv in the first few weeks of this war.  Someone (I suspect putin), quite literally thought that was important, because they were under the misguided impression that taking out over the air tv would allow them to start controlling the information space.  Both of these things just scream, "I don't get the modern world at all."

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  11. 36 minutes ago, Gatorubet said:

    If you got that from my post, then my Vape pen wants your cartridge. Nothing is going to change the Russian Federation’s pariah status for some time.   Europe will not go back to buying gas and oil from Russia, and China and India will still demand a deep discount for what little oil they can produce.   Russia will be fucked for quite some time.  Russia is great at propaganda, and they are working South America and Africa like a $10 whore. The sanctions will eventually ease up a little over time.  That is an entirely different thing than “Going back to Disney World with those people”.  I agree that ain’t happening. 

    No that little rant wasn't directed at your post, just in general.  It's all just such a lazy and unrealistic narrative to think that once one guy is dead magically things are going to get better.  A single death isn't going to solve massive and ingrained systemic issues with anything, and yet I hear it all the time (not here but lots of other places). 

    That and vapes are silly, if you don't smoke tarltons, fuck you.  (Bonus points awarded for knowing the reference).  

    • Hook 'Em 1
  12. 6 minutes ago, SL Xpress said:

    There's literally no telling what kind of leader emerges, other than they'll be an autocrat and ruthless. It might not be someone who is part of Putin's inner circle. Like Petyr Baelish stated, "Chaos is a ladder." Given the reluctance of Putin to allow any challenges to his power, it may have to. Anyone who could have been a significant threat was eliminated. But let's not pretend they'll be filled with western values like respect for the rule of law. At best they'll pretend on some level to get the money spigots turned back on.

    My desires for the ruler of Russia are extremely limited at this point. Don't invade neighboring countries. Don't start a nuclear war. I've given up on how they treat their own citizens. Skull fuck one another for all I care at this point. I used to. I read Gulag Archipelago and wept. But I've given up all hope. They have a history and culture uniquely suited for treated each other like pieces of shit. Just be incompetent enough that it's more difficult to export your toxicity to the rest of the world.   

    Given the circumstances, your desires for a russian ruler may well be the best we can hope for, save some other level intervention which quite frankly won't be happening.  I just tire of people saying, "well once putin is gone or dead or whatever," thinking that this will all be over and we can go to disney land with these people and ride its a small world together.  Get fucking real, that isn't remotely on the table.  Additionally, if there were some organic uprising in the making in russia, it would have happened long ago.  In order to believe that this is still possible you'd have to shit rainbows.  

    • Hook 'Em 2
  13. 1 hour ago, Gatorubet said:

    very few of us can understand the nuances of politics and Russian culture.  I don’t.   But it seems to me that the glue holding it together is the fact that tomorrow, next month, next year, and the year after that the favored elite can hopefully rely on continued favorable treatment from Putin.   If Putin will not survive 2023, or at least be non compos mentis in 2023, that has to terrify everyone who relies on his favor.

    As it seems there is a razor’s difference between earning billions of dollars and falling out a window, every Putin toady should be terrified and focusing 100% of their efforts to figure out how they will survive his death. They all have to pick a winner or bad things will happen.  Wait too long to side with a winner and you might be out.  Move too quickly to support a successor while Putin is still in charge and you die.

    The best roadmap for ending the Ukraine war is that asshole no longer able to lead.  The new guy can point to all the corruption and fuck ups, and blame it all on Putin for the reason they could not win the special military operation.    Or make him out as a hero who battled on despite his illness trying to defend Russia, who made mistakes because he was sick. . Same same

    You presume that that there is someone waiting in the wings that isn't worse.  You might be right, but there is a much better chance it will be someone as bad if not worse.  Putin hasn't spent the last 23 years collecting boys scouts to surround him, these guys are all thugs.  They advance by out-thugging the next guy.  

    • Hook 'Em 2
  14. 7 minutes ago, RDCanecutter said:

    It's 100% this. I missed it because he is not bearded or obese. I can see every conversation with him turning into the best way to store hard tack in a bedroll. Also, that far-away gaze like he's just visiting from a simpler time. In his defense, those Budenovka Elf Caps are awesome.



    Well, since you brought it up, this gets a bit stranger.  So as I said, he started off as a history student that openly advocated the return of the monarchy.  However, apparently when doing reenactments, he prefers to portray a figure that was instrumental in the overthrow.  Now I suppose if you are truly a buff, and doing a reenactment, the important thing is that you get the history correct, not whichever side you might agree or disagree with.  That having been said, its typically human nature to want to portray someone you agree with (at least that's how I would think).  I'm sure there is further nuance that I don't understand, but there is a lot of odd involved with this guy.  

    • Hook 'Em 2
  15. 4 minutes ago, Gatorubet said:

    lol.  I was wondering how they get the Bradleys to Ukraine. If it’s not by train, then they put them on trailers and drive them?  I noticed there’s a road that goes from Berlin through to Ukraine, although it has  to go through Poland. 

    I assure you I can ask much stupider  questions than this.  in my defense I have a 102.6 temp, a negative Covid test and just started my Z-Pak for the pneumonia

    One of the failures of russia's campaign has been to cut rear line supply.  To my knowledge, none of the rail lines into Ukraine have marginally even disrupted, let alone cut.  The cheapest and most efficient way to get them in would be by rail, so I imagine that's at least how they get into Western Ukraine.  From there, I'm sure if a very covert matter. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Drool 1
  16. 6 minutes ago, RDCanecutter said:

    Girkin has an odd look for a Russian terrorist. He looks like somebody's quiet neighbor from 1972 who just putters around in his garage with his ham radio.

    He's a weird guy.  Not kidding, he does civil war reenactments, russian civil war, but yeah.  His career is also strange, he started in school as a monarchist supporter and history student.   Somehow, from that, and there are parts of his life and career that are unclear, he rose to the rank of Colonel in the FSB.  We know he was in Moldova and Chechnya, but there is some confusion as to who he was there.  At the time he went by Igor Strelkov, however, the word strelkov roughly translates to rifleman, so there would be many Igor, the riflemen running around.  He was instrumental in Crimea, and subsequently the Donbas, but relieved after the plane was shot down.  Since then, he's largely been in Moscow.  

    Given his career, its odd that he has such seemingly unilateral ability to be critical of the MOD, wagner, etc.  His whole story in generally, well, odd.  

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  17. 2 minutes ago, tokamak said:

    I do, and that's the point I'm trying to make. Maybe I misunderstand what you're getting at.

    I buy that Russia is by-and-large incompetent, corrupt, and ill-prepared. What I'm struggling with is the idea that they are just complete morons and can be this bad at this, for this long, this consistently.

    Never under estimate the power of poor leadership.  

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  18. 4 minutes ago, The Dog said:

    Zaluzhnyi has said this. In fact, he's said that he hopes those fighting in the East "forgive" him because he is holding back some of their best kit for the coming offensive. Their plan is to integrate the new NATO kit into new divisions to perform their spring offensive. 

    That's why Russia is attacking with reckless abandon NOW because Putin knows when Ukraine starts their offensive he is fucked.

    Ever heard of an ambush?  You don't show your cards when you set one.  

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