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Posts posted by BamaATL

  1. 2 minutes ago, Scheiss Meister said:

    Russia is losing their best people and machines, with limited ability to replace either.  They are leveling cities in fits of impotence, since they cannot advance and take them.  Russia cannot, in any meaningful way, win this war.

    This is 100% accurate, the only thing that Russia can do is leave a trail of devastation.  Essentially speaking, we are watching one man's temper tantrum in motion.  Regrettably, he is going to leave places he wished to occupy and hold parades in; only to see them in ruin simply because he can't have them.  This man has no empathy for others, even his own supporters and military.  If he can't have it no one will.  He intends on exterminating entire cities, simply because it suits his ego; and he cares nothing of the cost to his own people.  

    • Hook 'Em 1
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    • Rage+1 2
  2. 4 minutes ago, TexasEd said:

    Think of all those lonely fraulines after the war took out all the men.

    You know, have kids with your mistress and then with your mistress's sister seems like you might be making your life a bit complicated, but maybe that's me.  Hell, I worked with a guy that had an affair with his wife's sister once.  I couldn't believe it.  Craziness, you guys will like this tid bit though, he was an Aggie.  

  3. 2 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    Yep.  This gets back to the Sun Tzu "build your opponent a golden bridge," or the "give him an offramp" that is often a key to resolving any dispute.

    The problem is, Putin's shittacular gamble and conduct has made it all but impossible to give him an offramp, or at least any offramp that he'd find acceptable.  For example, I think that giving Russia some "protectorate" role over Crimea, along with making Donbas a DMZ, with UN peacekeepers to ensure safety of all ethnicities therein, would be a "win."  But Putin won't see it that way, because those are not his goals at all.

    His goal is "destroy Ukraine as an independent state."  That's pretty tough to bargain with.  "So, you want me to die, to cease to exist.  How about we compromise, and I just get really sick for a while?"  That doesn't work.

    The other aspect that Zalenskyy himself mentioned, what if Putin honestly believe's there are Nazi's?  Is that not more scary?  That would make him so delusional negotiation is not remotely possible either.  

  4. Just now, SydneyCarton said:

    That's not fair to say. Some folks will squawk, but I mean, he was found to be a Russian intelligence asset by a Republican led senate. If you have something worth posting here, well, I'd say post it if it's germane to the war. 

    Well, he was refused exit of the country on a revoked passport trying to fly Dubai, where lots of the oligarchs are suspected to be, and given his past and ties to Ukraine,  I have to wonder how stupid you have to be to think that would work, or even why he would want to stir the pot.  I mean he's pardoned, why would he risk doing something to put him back on the radar.  

    • Hook 'Em 5
    • Fuck Around and Find Out 3
  5. 4 minutes ago, Saint Austin said:

    Even though Ukraine's doing awesome slowing Russia's advance, I'm still pretty concerned about Russian troops in the north and south linking up and cutting off a significant chunk of Ukraine's military in the Donbas. 

    I do worry about it, but the Russian forces have thus far been so ineffective, I think the Ukrainians will be able to prevent this.  Additionally, the deployment of the switchblade drones has yet to happen, and I think that will be an absolute game changer.  Those should be deployed shortly, and I think once they are the armor loses for the Russians is going to make what's happened to date child's play.

  6. 8 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:


    There is propaganda here, but I think there is a large degree of truth to this.  The Ukrainians in general seem physically stronger and healthier men (and women).  The kids we see in photos that are conscripts seem under developed physically for 17 and 18 year olds.  Not only are they not mature men, it's not even close to call them that.  Again, that is at least somewhat true and propaganda.  I can't recall seeing a Ukrainian volunteer or soldier look physically deficient.  Even some of the obit pics we get of the Russians, they don't look physically fit or well or developed; and many of those are even senior officers.  I think we have it wrong, the Russian's aren't Orcs, that would imply them being physically intimidating.  Rather, they look like trolls. 

    • Hook 'Em 4
  7. 3 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    Hell, driving around with a dead body for just 2-3 days is not really good for your mental health, and it just starts wearing you down, and that's not getting into the smell and other problems (if they're dead in combat, they've gotta be leaking fluids).

    That's not Domino's corporate policy

    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Haha 2
  8. 24 minutes ago, Constant said:

    Russia sucks. 

    Lots to take in with this one, but my favorite has to be the (paraphrased) exchange:


    Soldier : "We got bombed by our own guys"

    Father (I presume) :  "That's normal"

    Soldier:  I know its fucking normal, but's it a hell of a way to start breakfast"


    Good lord they blow ass.


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  9. 5 minutes ago, 27-25 said:

    Problem with Kaliningrad is that it's almost all Russian, about 85%.  Stalin probably depopulated every German, Pole, Lithuanian or anyone else with ties nearby from the area.  I suspect those Russians dream of nothing more than a land bridge back to the motherland.

    A few weeks into bread lines might have them change their tune.  

  10. 1 minute ago, 956 Worldwide said:


    China is not ever going to recognize any region that breaks away from their central government and declares independence, anywhere. They have a completely amoral foreign policy and their single principle is “no one gets to declare independence.” 

    That's a fair point, but the economic temptation for them on this might move the meter.  I do get that they are ingrained in their "One China" policy, but the economic benefits of this to them might have them turn a blind eye.

  11. 4 minutes ago, BabaYaga said:

    If they could identify a way to be self sustaining with energy/food, that's not the worst plan.  Guessing the rail is what brings a lot of that in.  

    I'm betting their be a quick recognition of Siberia by both us and China.  Additionally, both nations would be running to help them as quickly as possible with aid if for no other reason than to curry favor with the local population.  In that scenario, I'm thinking the citizens of Siberia would likely wind up living like the citizens of Kuwait in short order.  

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