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Posts posted by BamaATL

  1. 9 minutes ago, BachelorTrek said:

    Analysis by many say that IF this Dead-Hand/Perimeter still works (unlike much of the ruskie shit), that it measures for signs of a nuke attack. There won't be a nuke attack, so how is it going to be triggered?

    Countries taking their land back won't use nukes..... they'll just take the land back that the ruskies stole from them since the ruskie military is shit, and the dithering, leaderless ruskies won't be able to do shit about it as their command & control is in disarray from not having a leader. 

    In a leaderless scenario, that means Moscow will be silent while the power-struggle ensues. And their military never does anything if Moscow is silent.


    If the Star Trek "Doomsday Machine" aka "the horn of plenty death" comes for us, we're all fucked anyway.  Lulz.

    That's not how it is designed to work.


    It's designed to work presuming that it can no longer reach missile command.  Meaning that if all of a sudden if the system can't verify their version of the nuclear football, it will respond.  Stupid engineering as it is, we can't discount this as a possibility.  I imagine our intelligence community has an idea as to the veracity of this system, which I would trust far more than our speculation, but to dismiss this outright would be a bit nutty.  

  2. 2 minutes ago, immamac said:

    If you invade russia and don't have nukes you are getting nuked. this is stupid. 

    It's an interesting take, several posters keep saying that its unthinkable that Russia will launch nukes, but then an argument against counter aggression by aggrieved nations or states is that it would be met with immediate nuclear deterrence.  The truth is no one knows.  Militarily, the Russians have proven themselves a paper tiger against western weaponry, but their saving grace is their nuclear deterrence.  I suspect that they will show willingness sometime in the next week or so to deploy these weapons, but in a way such as not to trigger an article 5.  In a sense, to deter acts of aggression by aggrieved parties, but also out of vengeance for their military failure in Ukraine.  I think we are without a doubt the closest we've been to a nuclear exchange since the Cuban missile crisis, and in fact we may well be closer.  I believe it will be a tactical deployment, but I do believe it will happen.  

    Basically, you can't have it both ways.  If you think it's impossible that the Russians will actually launch offensive nukes, you can't argue the point that they will use them for defense.  It's either they have the will to use them or they don't.  I highly suspect that Putin has the will to use them in either case.  

    I've been wrong before, hopefully I will have the opportunity to be wrong again.  

  3. 6 minutes ago, JesusSweatDuck said:

    I guess the real question is, will the Russian leaders follow through with the order, or not.  Human kind hopes for the latter

    I think his plan now is level Kyiv in an attempt to decapitate leadership, and he will do so with a nuclear weapon under a false flag of chemical weapons from the Ukrainians, think Kharkiv as an area to do this, it's leveled anyway.  So he would realize a chemical attack in Kharkiv then justify a nuclear strike at Kyiv.  Ugly shit, and lots of people will die, but he doesn't care about any of that at all.  He's deluded himself into thinking that this will break the will of at least eastern Ukraine, from the Dnieper River east.  

    Will his nuclear command follow his orders?  I'm not holding out hope.  

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  4. 4 minutes ago, Macanudo said:

    Not to shit on a veteran but I highly doubt a guy called back from Ready Reserve is privy to that kind of intel.  

    However, fuck Putin.  

    I'm sure not, and even if he is talking here would be a no no, or anywhere for that matter.  But us calling up reservists isn't a great sign either.  

  5. So the elite echelon was moved by air to Novosibirsk?  I'd say that's not a good sign, as two of the giant mountain bases are supposed to be at Kovinsky Kamen and Mount Yamantau.  In 2020, interesting info came out from Putin himself regarding this and his nuclear command.  


    Neither of these are very far from Novosibirsk.  I think this is a big signal, he intends to fire a nuclear weapon of some sort in the next day or so.  If our resident Navy guy says he's back in and its going to get interesting in the next few days, I suspect that if he does indeed launch, we will in fact retaliate and will sink his nuclear submarines as a first measure.  This is a very scary time.  

  6. 29 minutes ago, elfenix said:



    The ultimate problem with war, and just how fucking stupid it is; is that we never really can calculate the loss of talent.  Some of us are somewhat smart, some of us are somewhat gifted in other ways.  We don't get many Einsteins, Hawkings, Mozarts, etc.  Who know's if one is being lost in this nonsense?  Fucking pointless, so angering, and such a tragedy.  

    And as for the video and her skills, amazing, even a bit haunting.  

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  7. Just now, rpspeed said:

    seems to be a lot of random ships being targeted.


    PANAMA CITY (Reuters) -Three Panamanian-flagged ships have been hit by Russian missiles in the Black Sea since Russia's invasion of Ukraine last month, Panama's Maritime Authority said on Wednesday.

    One ship sank, the maritime authority said in a statement, but there were no casualties reported. The two others remain afloat with damages.


    Lulz - they can't sink merchant ships, fucking idiots.

  8. 1 minute ago, Pato del Muerto said:

    Is there anything stopping us from delivering them to the front lines to get a nice paint job and Ukrainian flag, then flying them ourselves from some base in Kansas or Colorado?  It’s not like they are physically tethered. 

    That's another thing, prove it.  This is clandestine enough to work.  

  9. 2 minutes ago, BabaYaga said:

    Exactly.  Can you imagine a group of Predators armed with Hellfire missiles entering the space.  

    This, Ukraine won't be the ones asking to have the airspace closed, the Russians will be begging for it to happen.  Hell, if those are in fact deployed, the Uke's will have air control in short order.  

    • Hook 'Em 1
  10. 1 minute ago, Hefeweizen said:

    So a strongly worded letter?  Nice.


    I think the most incredible takeaway so far is that the Donbas area has been turned against Russia.  That takes serious talent, to destroy an allied region and turn it into an enemy.

    Well, that long twitter thread posted last page goes into significant detail about why.  Russian control=thug rule.  Those people have been terrorized by thugs for going on 8 years and now is their chance to be free of it and they are jumping at the chance.  

    Putin=government by goons, and that's what he exports.  

    • Hook 'Em 1
  11. 8 minutes ago, Nicole44 said:

    I would love this 100%! An uprising! The problem is: power has been systematically taken from the people over time. Nazis perfected this. People become the proverbial frog in the boiling water. You take a few things away. And promise other things. Blame everyone else for why the people don’t have these things you promised. It works and we see it at work not just in Russia. 

    I've been thinking on this, if there is a mass uprising within Russia, it wouldn't shock me if tactically nuked one of his smaller own cities as a false flag.  Do you really put it past the guy?  I don't.  

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