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Posts posted by BamaATL

  1. 1 minute ago, tx 3 putt said:

    WTF they going to do with kids ?  They’re going to kill time on the spot 

    they can’t feed and supply their own troops. 

    Apparently you aren't aware of just how awful the Chechen group is.  They have no qualms in killing children.  Look up Ramzan Kadyrov on google, this guy is terror to all of humanity.  And yes, they will kill kids.  

  2. 1 minute ago, flatdawgs said:

    Ah, fair point - could well be. I'm a beer or three in sitting at a Tucson pub. Yeah, if Kadyrov's thugs got the mayor, not a lot of hope there. 

    Still don't think the Quisling has a long life expectancy either. 

    On at least some level, the Ukrainians have shown mercy to at least some of the invaders, so who knows.  We don't have many confirmed reports of the Russians doing this at all.  Doesn't mean it hasn't happened, just nothing to confirm it.  If it's the Chechens, those fucking barbarians, I wouldn't hold out any hope.  My only hope is that if the Chechens are wiped out, it might put a shiver into Putin, he considers those psychos to be great.  

  3. 2 minutes ago, flatdawgs said:

    "Halyna" is a woman's name; in this case apparently a sitting city councilmember. Likely she will not win her seat again in a free Ukraine. Also likely, as you say, that she'll never get the chance. Pretty sure she's gone past the "shaved head collaborator" of Vichy France days. 

    I thought he was referring to Ivan Fedoriv, the former mayor, who I would presume is already dead, because it seems to me it was the Chechens who got him.  Seems to be one of their mo's.  

  4. 2 minutes ago, InkaUtexas said:

    The war is not going to end. I said before Bunker Dwarf went in he was going to push to the river and blast the cities. I stick with that. it is all the small peckered mole has left. 

    And I agree. I was in Bihac (Western Bosnia) watching the refugees come back after being kicked out of Austria and Germany after years of living there. So fucking sad. But countries can only sustain refugees for so long. Where do the Ukrainians go if Bunker Dwarf wins? 

    As for hate, well Europeans have a different way of seeing it than we do. You know that. 

    I gotta imagine its human nature to be generous until resources start to become scarce.  Hopefully we've all collectively learned that supporting refugee concentrated areas with aid and resources is critical to preventing ugly situations.  

    Unfortunately, it sure doesn't look like their is a quick path to victory here, the Bunker Dwarf is going to level all of the east, reprecussions be damned.  Even if his forward deploy is entirely slaughtered, he will just keep shelling away.  

    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. 1 minute ago, InkaUtexas said:

    Home and business. People need to see improvement now. They already did without. So how fast can you maximize impact to improve daily life. 

    There is a euphoria at the end of a war, but it fades fast. The suicide rate in Bosnia was almost nil during the war. A year after peace it jumped up. Focus on making lives better right away. Forget band aid projects, get them to work and build their homes. 

    That makes a lot of sense, I didn't think about the crushing depression that has to set in for many having to start over from scratch.  

  6. 5 minutes ago, InkaUtexas said:

    I design humanitarian and reconstruction support programs. I have done a lot in security assistance and reform. My experience is Bosnia, Afghanistan, East Africa and Latin America. I consult and tell companies how not to fuck up and how to design real solutions. I know supply chains and how to modify operational plans as needed. Gotta be flexible. But most important I know that working in these places suck and you have to be able to laugh and lead. 

    Have not been operational for about 7 years (single dad shit) so the time is right. 

    And except for being Navy ROTC at UT, I have always been a civilian. 

    So perhaps a stupid question, but since you have experience, which do you focus on first in a war torn area, water, power, or roads and transportation? 

  7. Just now, Brisketexan said:

    American law enforcement effort and pressure v cartels….cartels win.

    American industry/corporations with a profit motive v cartels….Bitch please.

    I would tend to agree, they'd look at this as more of a lucrative opportunity to do their business.  That said, I also know that part of their power depends on suppression of people.  If major industry moved in, they'd lose at least some of that power.  

  8. 43 minutes ago, NorthLoop said:

    @MillerEP if you were a younger single guy would you be thinking about going over there to fight? 

    I land on a different side of the equation, my wife is a two time combat veteran of Operation Enduring Freedom.  I'm a civilian.  She wants to go, because she is that angry over our collective lack of response.  I continue to explain why we can't, but right is right, and I have no good answer beyond saying politics.  She isn't wrong, what is being done to the Ukrainian people is disgraceful, and its very black and white.  

  9. 2 minutes ago, NorthLoop said:

    I hope you're right. And I think this is the thinking of all the western sanctions. Shit's gonna get rough there, and at some point that powder keg is gonna blow. 

    Regrettably, this optimistic thinking. Russia is still a very disconnected place.  There are really only two cities Putin has to present as doing well, St. Petersberg and Moscow.  He will, at all costs, continue to prop these two up.  Everywhere else is rightly fucked.  To the Russians in Moscow and S Petersberg, the rest of the country is filled with nothing but modern day serfs.  Ironically, these serfs are the ones in Ukraine as infantry with a few officers commanding (hello Wadi).  Russia is a "world power" with 2 cities, and then a bunch of shittier Macon's (GA).  

  10. 3 hours ago, Rimbo said:



    Not cool. The Russian people are victims, here. Not as much victims as the Ukrainians, obviously, but Putin's going to be paying the price for both people's suffering in Hell.


    Drinking a White Russian Ukrainian as I type this.

    The Russian people are not victims, nor are they innocents in all this.  They traded a bit of wealth in exchange for turning a blind eye to an autocrat.  They've had 25 years to affect internal change, yet continually chose to ignore this and the mounting problems that came with Putin, instead to take vacations in places like Thailand.  Saying that they turned a blind eye to it is actually generous, they in fact cheered it on.  Are they directly responsible, no, but I have (my own opinion, and mine only) a hard time feeling bad for their current plight, especially when you consider that there are people dead in Ukraine who are truly innocent and victims.  I'm not rooting for the terrors of massive austerity that are about to occur in Russia, but there is such a thing of reaping what you sow.  When you turn a blind eye to dictator because its economically agreeable to you in the short term, don't expect me to cry on your behalf when those chicken's come home to roost.  

    • Hook 'Em 4
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  11. 7 minutes ago, SL Xpress said:

    There's a lot of George Bush "Mission Accomplished!" in that write up.

    It's not exactly wrong, but the narratives Russia has encouraged and supported are not made up out of thin air, and they don't need Russia's influence to have a voice. 

    That said, the destruction of Putin's credibility, which is the root of the essay, is a huge blessing. 

    I'm thinking of shorting facebook tomorrow, lots of "posters" and activity are sure to missing.

  12. 2 minutes ago, Chopper said:

    I wasn't trying to be argumentative. Just pointing out the differences between the program Abramovich "qualified" under and what's ordinarily obtainable. He was able to jump the cue to obtain EU legal protection (that took effect immediately) and it seems almost impossible that it was done legitimately.

    Oh no worries, that may well be the case.  I didn't take it as argumentative in the slightest, and I'm certain that this guy slimmed his way in just as he slimmed his way thru life.  Fuck him. 

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