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Posts posted by BamaATL

  1. 1 minute ago, HOOKEM4 said:

    Elephant in the room....when do we push back harder against pootin? Sanctions and let Ukraine die as fodder. We think the sanctions will prevent future blood letting? I am not wanting all out nuclear war but at what point do we say, enough is enough?

    We've made about as big a push as we can, we've ground his economy to dust.  The only thing left is to get them pulled from the IMF, and to embargo the oil and gas.  Beyond that, any other military action save supplying weapons to the Ukrainians puts us in a shooting war/direct confrontation (WW3) with them.  As terrible as what is going on in Ukraine, we can do no more.  

    • Hook 'Em 6
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  2. 2 hours ago, atomheartbevo said:

    The vast majority of "ground forces" are not actual combat troops - maybe one actual infantry soldier versus 4 or more soldiers who are driving trucks, mechanics, medical, etc., etc.

    The percentages being tossed around of actually "combat ready troops" that Russia has committed is considerably higher than 10%.

    And with all of the truck losses, it won't matter how much he has in reserve, if he can't get them to the front, and not only get them to the front, but to do so in something other than fucking Isuzu Troopers.

    I always knew that fucking Joe Isuzu guy was no good.

  3. 5 minutes ago, Bobby_Batronic said:

    Clancy novel. The Bear and the Dragon. This war sets up that war quite well. 

    I've read several Clancy novels in my youth, I didn't find them interesting, just as I don't find them interesting now.  His prose was dreadful and in no way insightful.  I wish people would stop referencing them in real world situations.  The second Putin either backs down or is deposed our killed, I think the Chinese will act in an opportunistic manner.  

    Given the piss pour operation that Putin has unleashed in Ukraine, who doesn't think him weak?  Hell the Mongolians may well strike.  

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  4. Has anyone been tracking Chinese tank movements and deployments?  I'm betting the Chinese are thinking that if this continues they can easily annex Siberia and every thing east of the Urals.  That's another power that gives a damn about losing people, and the mineral wealth in the region might make it worthwhile to them.  

  5. 8 minutes ago, Rimbo said:


    The people most ardently against homosexuality are the closeted gays terrified they'll be found out. I believe it.

    I don't get the reference.

    Says you

    I know that this is all probably propaganda, but dear me, I want it so much to be true.

    Truth. Those claiming him doing so would be nonsensical are forgetting that he's not using any sense.


    Really feel for the Russian people, who are basically prisoners in their own country now.

    No, this is a bad idea. If he dies, he becomes just as powerful as a martyr. And sadly, he knows it, too.

    This is why the man has balls of absolute steel. He knows they're after him, he knows he's likely going to die, but he stays there anyway, because he also knows it's what's best for Ukraine.

    Who wouldn't follow him? He is, in every way, the anti-Putin.

    I got to thinking about this again, and if my math is roughly correct, the US defense budget 2022 is $770 billion, will exceed the Russian GDP by about $70 billion.  That's sort of mind boggling.  The that pre Ukraine it was already at least 50% of their GDP is crazy.  

    • Fuck Around and Find Out 1
  6. 2 minutes ago, Bobby_Batronic said:

    DOT says myth. Army says fact. 

    Ofcourse, the myth busted is that 1 in every 5 miles has to be a suitable runway. That seems like a bit much. I doubt that such a system was built and no one thought to put in a few strategic places for that very purpose. 

    I have no proof to agree with this, but I seem to remember this being the case, it's true to a degree, but grossly overstated.  Again, I have no proof to offer on this.  

  7. 5 minutes ago, FartingMonk said:

    It's snowing and most of those roads right now are mud.  We build our highways to be able to accommodate fighters.  A lot of.those roads are hardened dirt especially when you get out towards the country.  You'll blow a tire before you can take off or slide off the the snow.  I'm not saying.its impossible and I'm not a pilot. But I have a hard time believing anyone looking at the roads in Ukraine says yeah.  Mud and.snow I'll fly.my.jet.off.of.tjat.



    One of the true beauties of the Eisenhower Interstate System.  I can't recall how far, but I do know a certain percentage has to be flat by law to service as emergency run ways specifically due to cold war tensions.  Very forward thinking honestly.  

  8. 6 minutes ago, FartingMonk said:

    I think those are mainly just for the older weapons. And lots of hope the Javelins don't target you and are saved for tanks.

    I don't ever feel like a nuke is a justified response.  But if they did it I could see why they did it.  You can't say you're not choosing a side but you give something to.fogjt you with.  I'd be pretty pissed.

    Oh I agree as well, just thinking they won't and could use it as an excuse to do it is very real.  With that in mind, I think the only way this could work is if you have an airfield so close to either Hungary, Poland, or Romania that they won't do it because fallout into any of those countries could trigger an article 5.  A tactical likely wouldn't do that if for no other reason than the wind being against it.

  9. 2 minutes ago, GabrielsHorn said:


    Translation: The Russians entered the elevator to cover the area from the roof of the office building, and the Ukrainians turned off their power 

    Have to imagine it's not a great idea getting in an elevator while invading another country.  I know stairs suck, but generally they can't be turned off.  Lazy idiots.

    • Hook 'Em 2
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  10. You know who else is shitting their pants on this, the De Beers group.  For years they have paid both the Soviets and Russians to suppress the diamond market by not flooding the market with their supply.  Given the economic realities now present, I suspect smuggling these diamonds into the market will become a major focus.

    • Hook 'Em 3
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  11. 6 minutes ago, Francisco 2.0 said:

    Long twitter thread on the Russian military "logistics" so I spoilered it:


      Reveal hidden contents






































    This is a great read, and great news for Ukraine.  No trucks = no real ability to do any of this.  No way at all sustainable. 

  12. So according to Statista, Russia's GDP was 1.483 trillion in 2020.  Of that GDP only 4.9% was dependent on oil and gas, which right now is pretty much all they have going for them.  I'm by no means an economist,  but that looks like beyond disaster status and into absolute economic death penalty type status.  I know a GDP is more complex as this also accounts for internal trade, but I can't think for the life of me that this combined with the 4.9% would equal anywhere near 50% of their until ten days ago total economy.  

    Basically, I guessing near 50% of the Russian economy is gone, totally gone, for good.  That's great depression level of economy lost, without any clear path to recover it, ever.    

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  13. 1 minute ago, MillerEP said:

    We need to figure out a way to get humanitarian aid in there. There are 44 million Ukrainians, only 1.4 of which had fled. As these cities get cut off from food, medicine, water, and electricity like in Mariupol, we're about to sit by and watch millions starve to death.

    Question is could we start having Red Cross air drops in these areas or would Russians fire upon these?

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