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Posts posted by BamaATL

  1. 1 minute ago, Sbbruin said:

    OK, I get the no fly zone participation red line.  But a couple of things- Putin has already said sanctions are tantamount to a declaration of war.  Second, he knows his bumbling buffoon army would be chopped liver in an actual conflict.  So playing it out, we (NATO) imposes a no fly zone.  Russian planes are shot down by NATO planes because you know Putin immediately puts it to the test.  Putin declares war on who, all of NATO?  And then what?  Do we really think he’s ready to push the button over that?  Because that’s the only way he stays in the game, and no way he ends the world over his ego.  Of course, if I’ve miscalculated, well…

    He's daring the world to fuck around and find out, I'm betting he's serious.

    I get with the idea of his language leaving us wondering why we don't just move on him.   The only way I think we could do this is if, there is world or NATO unanimous feeling we have no choice but to preemptively strike, which I think is unlikely.  Additionally, I would think that in order to act preemptively the world or NATO would have to be convinced we could destroy or disable his entire nuclear arsenal simultaneously.  I doubt we could do it, but maybe we can.  

    Our best course, at least right now, is to play the long game and choke him out economically.  It sucks for the Ukrainians, I get it.  I'm all for doing anything to help them short of provoking a shooting war between NATO and the US.  

    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Fuck Around and Find Out 1
  2. 2 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    And he or one of the others talking about this mentioned that batteries would have long since died in a lot of the vehicles from constant radio usage (depending on what they were running the batteries on).

    I'm beginning to think that its almost as if Putin hates the maintenance cost of the motor pool

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  3. 1 minute ago, AUS-97HORN said:

    *If true 

    thats a real bad look. 

    not that the Russians are going to follow any rules in an undeclared war, but that fucking guarantees every Ukrainian who surrenders to the Russians is going to be killed. 

    Might be fair to assume that is true already.  Nonetheless, I hope this isn't true.

  4. 4 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    Interesting.  Ukrainians get a bunch of aid/money.  Cargo plane flying out of a specific airport in Turkey from where the Bayraktar TB2 drones are shipped out of, to an airport in Poland.


    well that would be welcome news.  Seems they've had a good bit of success with those.

  5. 6 minutes ago, BachelorTrek said:

    I wouldn't be surprised if the US military had separate 2nd/3rd/etc. wartime GPSes (on completely different and unexpected frequencies) that is completely different from GPS the whole civilian world uses in order to defeat jamming of the GPS we all use.

    I would be shocked if we didn't have multiple systems for GPS, for all the reasons you listed.  I just got to thinking about all the ways you could exploit having aerial supremacy to help boots on the ground.  Got me curious, I'm sure my limited imagination has only scratched the surface.  Good points.

  6. 9 minutes ago, pantone159 said:

    This would be very difficult to do well. Any satellites would be moving over the ground very fast. (You can make satellites stationary on the ground, but you have to put them 20,000 miles up to do that, and anything that far away is useless for lasers or photos.) There would be the whole atmosphere to lase through which will deflect the laser somewhat. So it would be really hard to get a good targeting marker.

    Thanks, I didn't consider the geo sync orbit part of the equation and the distance issue combined with the residual refraction.  I suppose it would be far easier to have a targeting drone at 40k feet doing this sort of thing.  

  7. 1 minute ago, SL Xpress said:

    He's just talking about existing supplies, not the supplies in the whole country. He clarifies more is coming in another tweet.

    To me it's best not to think about any kind of quick end to this. Many of the experts I've read/listened to are talking about this in terms of years.

    That sounded extremely optimistic to me as well.  I'd find it difficult to believe they only had stockpiled munitions for 15 days of war, but given how much Putin and his sack of dicks oligarchs have stolen, who knows?  The other thing, with the world crashing down open him economically, his best play may well to propaganda that with the help of the west that his army was slaughtered by the "Nazi" Ukrainians and that the people need him to keep from having the country over run.  That's a lie he could use.  

  8. 1 hour ago, ShaggyBevo RIP said:

    If this is accurate, and I hope it is, that would mean potentially an immediate draw down and withdraw by Russian Army units within the next 36 hours or so.  I'm betting they had no such thought given to this possibility.  I'm betting that means they either won't order a with draw and just leave those guys in the cold to rot.  

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  9. 1 minute ago, KYHorn said:

    Was quite concerned when I first saw that, as my wife's retirement is directly implicated, but their total assets are >$28 billion, so $13 million isn't so concerning. Very odd though.


    Good news, didn't really think $13 million would be much more than a drop in the bucket, still does raise a question or two.  I would imagine this was something along the line of a group index fund buy, without really any one person making the decision.  

    • Hook 'Em 2
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