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Posts posted by BamaATL

  1. 2 minutes ago, BachelorTrek said:

    Blow the roads around them and those ruskies are TOAST!  #KillBox

    Given everything else that has gone wrong for the Russian Army, I am beginning to think that their attempt to siege Kyiv could very well end up with the Russians actually being surrounded and under siege themselves, that could be fun.  

  2. 6 minutes ago, ShaggyBevo RIP said:

    Never weaponize mean girls. That's Geneva convention level stuff.

    Good grief, this group of photo propaganda needs to stop.  I can hire a few models out of Atlanta, head up to the foothills, get some camo at an Army surplus store in Marietta and get these same types of photos for a total of 5k.  Hot girls sell, quit being stupid folks.  

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  3. 7 minutes ago, Nicole44 said:

    I don't know if that convoy is stalling or waiting for the other group to join. I can say this...huge war crimes being committed for what? 

    One man's ego, basically.  Putin is like an NFL owner, the worst kind, think Jerry Jones or Arthur Blank; I'll focus on the latter because its closer to me.  It's not enough to him that he's made it and has an NFL team, now he needs to build a stadium with Zeus's butthole for a roof as a testament to his own ego.  Never mind the fact that we have a perfectly good stadium.  He justifies his actions via murky bullshit, in this case a non existent boost the economic and gets local taxpayers to foot at least some the bill.  Meanwhile he sets the whole deal up to really only help himself.  People are stupid and we go for it.  Meanwhile he doubles his worth while the people are left making 4% per year against their own bonds and using the peoples credit (i.e. bond ratings) vs his profit margin.  

    Putin's this guy, except he's doing it on a national level (i.e. invading countries) with huge financial risk for his people, but he's hedged financial risk for himself.  In this case he has thus far badly missed, and there are other factors at play, but at least until the blow back he's always felt like he was too insulated to really get hurt financially.  He just thought he'd be getting his stadium with Zeus's butthole, metaphorically anyway.  

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  4. 13 minutes ago, Nicole44 said:

    Oh and btw I am not the only Zelenskyy fan...he has legions of them. He has not tweeted for nearly 12 hours which concerns, I don't know, millions of us following his tweets. Comedian turned actor turned politician turned leader turned hero. Meanwhile a certain actor named Sean Penn hitchhiked his way to Poland accomplishing nothing. 

    Look, I am not a fan of Sean Penn, I think he's been on the wrong side of a lot of things.  That having been said, I do give him credit for going to places that a lot of others wouldn't and trying to see a story.  When he tries to spin it a certain way is when he runs into trouble.  That having been said, I'm not going to begrudge the guy for at least giving an effort.  It's what happens after he gives the effort that questionable at best.  

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  5. 2 minutes ago, F250 said:

    Israel is the guy that you don't invite to the party because a fight will breakout. They are currently working with Russia and against Iran in Syria. If Israel sided against Russia it would definitely destabilize Middle Eastern affairs. 

    Fair Point, but the idea that Middle the East is stable is laughable in its own right.  The collective being against Iran would be a deal breaker for the Israeli's makes sense.  

  6. 42 minutes ago, BachelorTrek said:

    "Su-27 Returning From Romania Will Likely Be The Last Fighter Ukraine Gets For Some Time

    --As a lone Su-27 returns from Romania, it's becoming clear that the restocking of Ukraine's fighter fleet is unlikely to happen."


    Been thinking about alternatives to any NATO countries doing airstrikes and I got to thinking, what's stopping the Israeli's from flying a sortie or 20?  Russians did just rocket attack (albeit somewhat on accident) a major holocaust memorial.  They aren't NATO, but are flying USA made equipment, but legally operate independently from us.  Combine that with at least a significant cultural tie to Ukraine.  Additionally, I think Russia would be unlikely to engage outside of the combat zone as an attack on Israel would be an attack on the US via treaty.  Of course that all presumes that the Israeli's would be interested in such a move.  Bottom line the Ukrainians just need a few well done sorties and the entire tenor of this changes.  


  7. 19 minutes ago, Nicole44 said:

    This is pretty badass...also...


    As with everything right now, who knows if this is actually true, but I saw a post earlier where Japan recalled their ambassador to Ukraine and he refused, and sent for his samurai sword. Say what you will for that culture, but I do know that if a Japanese person asks for their sword, it's safe to say they are serious about fighting.  

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  8. 1 minute ago, Neonmoon said:

    No shit?

    my point was that people are celebrating a tad early with the 6,000 russian dead. It’s nice, but historically, they are willing to lose more. 

    A couple of things about that though.  In WW2 they were invaded, not the other way around.  They fought, as the Ukrainians are now fighting, to protect their homeland.  The people at that time didn't have access to the amount of information the people now do.  We know that not all Russians are getting the full picture, but at least some are.  Those two distinctions could have a very different reaction for the general public's stomach for death.  Given Putin's isolation in a Ural Mountain hardened facility, I'm not sure that general public could actually overthrow him.  However, public sentiment could persuade people actually near him to act. 

  9. 2 minutes ago, Eastwood said:

    We don't even know if Dead Hand is truly offline. Dead Hand is the guaranteed "final strike" mechanism the Soviets had. If the system detected a nuclear conflict and did not periodically receive a signal telling it that Russian command was still operational, it automatically launched a retaliatory strike. There are various views on the Intel behind it and some think that such a system doesn't exist, but it was still a potential issue with a successful decapitation strike.

    I suspect we would know this one way or the other at this point, but its for all these types of reasons the best ending here is to let either the oligarchs or russian intel or a combination of the two to end this with an internal coup d'etat.  

  10. 2 minutes ago, FartingMonk said:

    You trigger article 5 when NATO wants to trigger article 5.  The Slovenian embassy hopefully has been fully evacuated.  The embassy abandoned.  At that point.  It becomes building in Kiev.

    I would presume that it was empty, and have seen nothing that confirms or denies this.  I'm to the point of pics or it didn't happen sort of thinking.  So everything with a big grain of salt at this point.  

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