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Everything posted by BamaATL

  1. I'm gonna venture a guess the North Koreans haven't seen anything like this
  2. Early voting in Georgia starts tomorrow, I will provide livish local updates based on my experience. Also driving people to polls upon the request, so hopeful to get a lot of requests. Though I live in a Republican area, I'm hopeful to see lots of diversity and lots of women tomorrow at the polls.
  3. My wife watches the ID channel all the time, so by default, I do as well. People kill each other over the most mundane of things, and when money is on the line, oh boy. It doesn't seem to matter if it's even over a trivial amount, such as a few thousand dollars. It also seems to not to matter what socio-economic class either; generally then if it's "upper crust/class" it's just a question of a few hundred thousand dollars. It'll be a classic episode if we find out this guy was living high on the hog on her dime (to include running around), beating her for all his failings, and then killed her for "ruining" his life when she is planning to leave. This tale is about every 3rd episode. Money, or lack there of, or even the threat of not having it, can make people absolute monsters.
  4. They should have turned all the windmills in the area off a few days in advance, we would have had the greatest massacre of rascals in human history.
  5. I can't recall a single kind thing ever said about Jared Leto at all, from anyone. Throw this on the pile.
  6. The power of self hatred should never be underestimated. I can only speak for myself, so opinions and experiences may differ and I certainly respect that, however any time I've ever met someone that deeply cared (or seemed to have some level of hatred) about someone else's orientation I've always walked away thinking something's not right with that person. Most people I know, straight or otherwise, couldn't care less about what other people are doing. It's really freaking weird to me with these folks why they care so much about someone else's business. I suspect the tweeter is by and large correct, it's some weird form of self loathing finding expression. I really believe that people that are comfortable with who they are, regardless of any type of orientation, just don't have these thoughts. This would be sad were it not so pathetic and dangerous.
  7. You are more polite that I am, I get them from Barry Loudermilk's campaign and have repeated told them, "get fucked you treason tour guide".
  8. It's part of his OnlyFans act. Stop judging.
  9. Does make you sort of wonder what happened to the born again virgin Christine O'Donnell (not really, who fucking cares), but damn, her lunacy would seem minor by today's standards.
  10. Yeah, it's one thing to slow land it on a drone ship, but this goes bad and it blows up the tower and the pad. I'd give it 50/50 they abort or miss the pad, and only about a 10% shot this works on the first try.
  11. Starship gets FAA approval for 5 and 6, 5 is stacked and has a launch window for tomorrow at 8 am. Booster catch at the pad is expected to be attempted.
  12. Did you watch Tennessee last week?
  13. What a shitfest.
  14. He did
  15. I don't think he hates anyone, he's just the king of stupid hyperbole. He should do great in wrassling.
  16. Well, I can only speak for myself, but no. I wasn't expecting a great season. Though there are ample delusional fans that were.
  17. I'm 100% you can't do that over the snapper, but I also thought that on anyone else.
  18. Quick, check on Courtney.
  19. Maybe not, she might be dead in a tub.
  20. If past is prologue Courtney better get ready for a straight jacket.
  21. Awesome, we get to play more defense!
  22. Not defenseless
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