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Posts posted by BamaATL

  1. 1 minute ago, BabaYaga said:

    So stop fighting, but move towards the thing that started the fighting in the first place?

    Bold strategy Cotton


    And coming from Erdogan of all people, just fucking weird.  It's Putin with a smaller dick, if that's possible.  Just fucking weird, I guess his upshot would be protection of some sort against an uprising?

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  2. Just now, Hermanator said:

    I just looked outside to see if I could see the giant meteor incoming. Because that's far more likely an occurrence than those greedy bastards refusing someone's money. 

    To be honest, most of these companies are cutting them off, not because of the invasion, but because whatever they are selling, Russians only have a worthless currency to pay them with.  It's just a good look to close up shop in Russia.  Happenstance  Don't give these companies too much credit.

    • Hook 'Em 4
  3. 9 minutes ago, clapclapclap said:

    Last I read, that flight from Russia was evacuation of diplomats.

    Meanwhile, in Kharkiv:


    As awful as this was, I can't help but think they missed.  Yes the shock wave was certainly deadly, but in terms of damage, they didn't hit what they meant to.  Russian missiles are at best quasi accurate and fired by people only quasi competent.  

  4. 1 minute ago, mchookem said:

    i mean i'm kinda curious as to exactly what he thought was gonna happen...🤔

    He thought he would get his way as usual.  Total bully thinking to be honest.  The saying fucked around and found out has never been more appropriate.  Leave out all the other factors, even the ones I just mentioned, but this is the actual truth.  He did it because in his entire adult life, he has never really had anyone stand up to him.  The people of the Ukraine are to be admired for a long time for this (regardless of how it ends), because other powerful people had this chance many times and refused out of either cowardice or turning a blind eye.  

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  5. 7 minutes ago, BamaATL said:

    Interesting point I read elsewhere, but nonetheless interesting:


    Putin forgot that he had personally stolen the military budget needed to maintain his own army.  Estimates put Putin's personal net worth anywhere from 50 Billion to 500 Billion, all of it stolen from the Russian the people.  We have don't have a great picture of his overall finances because he's done all this behind the scenes with the use of black budgets (i.e. military) hidden from people view in the auspicious national security.  


    So basically, he's projected huge military strength when in reality he's spent the last 20 years stealing the money needed to have said strength.  Here's the weird part, now he seems shocked that his military is barely functional despite the fact that he is the one who made it that way.  


    The cognitive decline argument I think at the very least has some valid points.

    Quoting myself must seem exceedingly self absorbed but I forgot to mention one other thing and I don't know how to edit here.

    I'm betting there are some dark money hedge funds shitting their collective britches right now, because if you have the best auditors in the world hunting down all this money, you know some of this lands in that world.  I wouldn't at all be surprised in the coming months and weeks a lot of the inexplicable venture capital running around is going to be tied to this.

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  6. Interesting point I read elsewhere, but nonetheless interesting:


    Putin forgot that he had personally stolen the military budget needed to maintain his own army.  Estimates put Putin's personal net worth anywhere from 50 Billion to 500 Billion, all of it stolen from the Russian the people.  We have don't have a great picture of his overall finances because he's done all this behind the scenes with the use of black budgets (i.e. military) hidden from people view in the auspicious national security.  


    So basically, he's projected huge military strength when in reality he's spent the last 20 years stealing the money needed to have said strength.  Here's the weird part, now he seems shocked that his military is barely functional despite the fact that he is the one who made it that way.  


    The cognitive decline argument I think at the very least has some valid points.

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  7. 1 minute ago, FartingMonk said:

    That has been the entire thing so far.  We are all saying no way they are dumb enough to do this and then they do it.  In my brain there is only two reasons they do a 40 mile convoy.  It is to draw out the Ukrainians army in full force to attack them.  Or it is to scare Zelensky of the sheer numbers.  Everyone says oh they are sitting ducks.  There are S400s in that convoy.  They would tear a fighter jet to shreds.  The only thing I would try on them right now is a drone in the front and a drone in the rear.  And hit the fuel.  If they get shot down at least you know they have some AA.  But I really think they are trying to beg the Ukrainians into attacking them in the open


    Sun Tzu - Art of War type stuff, present a target of opportunity that isn't that at all (paraphrasing of course, been a long time since I read that one)

  8. 2 minutes ago, Nicole44 said:

    Covid has really made women too comfortable whilst working from home/remote. I say this with all sincerity about myself as well. Now I get dressed up like I’m going to the office. Of course I have boyfriend now and so sex is very important to me. I need to have it. I can’t have my boyfriend have cognitive dissonance when he sees me look like a ragamuffin. Not cool. 

    Gotta say, I don't like this take, just my humble opinion.  I also don't care for this photo being put here without context.  Just because you do something doesn't make it societal norm.  Further, your sex life has nothing to do with anyone else's.  I get off on ragamuffin, so who the fuck are you?

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