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Posts posted by BamaATL

  1. 1 minute ago, InkaUtexas said:

    I guess you have not seen all the bad ass shit they are doing on the border for the refugees. 

    Between the good deeds from the people of both Poland and Romania, I just can't say enough.  Often times the world is a terrible place with people being awful to each other.  Every now and again, and it isn't often, something happens that just warms your soul.  Seeing how both of these peoples have reacted is one of those times.  

    • Hook 'Em 4
  2. 1 minute ago, RDCanecutter said:

    Putin picked up a good delivery gold bar off the ground and said to Bolsonaro "You just dropped this. It must be yours, it's not mine."

    Soon there'll be a Brazilian passport for João dos Putin arriving in the mail.

    Wonder if the Mossad would be interested in finding Joao dos Putin in Brazil.  I seem to remember them having some success with that in past in South America

    • Hook 'Em 4
    • Drool 1
  3. 1 minute ago, Pescado_Rojo said:

    So we find someone to give Putin a Sicilian Necktie. Then what? I assume we don't want Lavrov or Medvedev in power, as they were Putin acolytes. Who from the military that would be palatable to the west could take and hold power long enough for elections and a Russian return to the civilized world? The Defense Minister that got sacked? If he's still alive...

    Mikhail Gorbachev if he has the strength for it.  He is 91 I think, only down side.

  4. Just now, Immaculate Vibes said:

    So why are we escalating to the point that Putin using nukes is being tossed around like a decent possibility? 

    I’m rooting for Ukraine to stay free and Putin to get fucked, but why is this time different from all the other times Soviets/Russians have intervened in their neighboring states and we were more subtle in our actions?

    Putin is a dead man at this point.  Its just a matter of how, not if.  Cognitively impaired Putin would even recognize this.  Basically, if he agrees to pull out his troops, he dead because the Oligarchs will kill him for blowing their money.  If he orders a withdraw, its not as if the SWIFT removal will be stopped.  

    If he doesn't withdraw, odds keep going up that either the Oligarchs kill him, or he faces a full blown revolution and he gets Gaddaffi'd (stabbed in the ass to bleed out in a sewer).  

    If you know you are a dead man, and selfish prick, do you care about a launching nukes?  Who the fuck knows, maybe something will stick in your favor.  I think we are at this point.

  5. 31 minutes ago, Laxtonto said:

    If it can be shown he actually did it and "failed" in his attempt?


    I cant come up with a scenario where isn't killed by his own staff before everyone else goes for them.

    If he goes nuclear and succeeds it becomes a very weird game of deterrence and maybe short-range tactical strikes tied back some version of MAD. If he tries and fails or is stopped by another country's superior technology, then MAD is not on the table and now he can be labeled as a psychopath that needs to be put down from within before the rest of the world does it for their own protection.


    A guard dog can attack an intruder and people will still fear him, a rabid dog has to get put down.

    Well, my understanding is that an attempt at launch failure or otherwise would automatically trigger Article 5 presuming the launch is at a NATO target (fallout included).  At that moment, it would become a NATO command decision.  The French are in command of a ground response, though I'm not sure who would be in command of Air (I would have to imagine either the US or UK).  A NATO directed nuclear retaliatory strike I would also think would be either US or UK, possibly France.  I'm certain that whoever was authorized to strike by NATO would then have to be verified by that nation's Commander in Chief or equivalent.  

    Where this gets a bit tricky is that while I'm sure we done some war game scenarios with this sort of thing, to my knowledge we've never been remotely this close to actually having to do something like this.  

  6. 3 minutes ago, Parliament said:

    I have been thinking about starting a thread titled, "The long-term geopolitical implications of Russia's FAFO."  Might wanna wait a little longer though.  Don't wanna jynx things.

    But I'll ask the question, Is this changing the World more than 9-11?

    Well, I think the jury is largely still out on this, but in short I think it has the potential to wind up that way.  It all depends on the outcome of what happens in Russia.  If Vlad is ultimately ousted, then this is likely true.  I think its highly probably at this point that in order for Russia to reemerge into the financial west a few things are now going to have to happen.  1.  Vlad is gone, for good.  2.  Russia must agree to free and fair elections with monitoring from the UN.  3.  Russia must agree to nuclear disarming.  


    If this is how this ultimately plays out, then yes, it is more of a game changer than 9/11.  

    Also, as others have pointed out, armored warfare is dead.  We the improvement and technology and ease of training troops to use these weapons, having armored vehicles and tanks don't seem to much matter anymore.  Basically, the 3rd largest armored army in the world is getting its ass kicked by guerillas and a light military power, simply because we gave them the proper equipment.  

  7. Just now, MillerEP said:

    It hasn't fully fallen, there are still civilians and reservists there, but Russian vehicles and troops have penetrated into the city: 

    My bet is he wants everything East of the Dnieper River, He plans to erect a puppet government to ratify that decision so it'll revert to Russian territory. 

    I strongly agree that this is his end game in this.   I hope he gets a big shit burger of no.

  8. 1 minute ago, atomheartbevo said:

    Lest we forget, they've been playing with all kinds of chemical agents over the years.



    If you are willing to place the vacuum bombs into the field, it's not a stretch to think you would deploy biologic or chemical weapons in the field either.  As tough as the Ukrainians have been, and with the amazing amount of respect earned by the Ukrainians, against this kind of stuff they stand no chance.   The level of human slaughter is going to be awful if any of these weapon systems are actually deployed.  At this point, if we have direct knowledge that any of this type of stuff is going to be deployed I hope NATO will order airstrikes preemptively.  Should NATO fail do so with direct evidence of orders, I hope we will take executive action and strike.  Putin is either playing the ultimate game of Geneva brinksmanship or he gives a fuck at the Geneva Convention and he intends to thumb his nose at it.  I highly suspect its the ladder. 

    Playing NATO legal pussyfoot may well be over to be honest. For years we have played it safe, and yet here we are.  It may well be time to shock and awe on NATO terms.  The Russian calculus has never once considered that they would push us to the point of being shockingly aggressive.  Maybe its time.   

  9. 9 minutes ago, crash_davis said:


    If these are fired at all, I believe we have a moral imperative to act, if for nothing else to conduct air strikes to remove these weapons from the battlefield.  I hope NATO will make this decision, if they do not, I hope we will.  I know the potential consequences of this type of decision, but I believe that this is a bridge too far and we simply can't stand by without acting.  

    • Hook 'Em 6
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  10. 2 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    They aren't going to start a war with NATO, when they can't even handle Ukrainian civilians.

    While they fucked around in the Black Sea with some of the shipping they hit, it was not on the way to finding out.

    Oh, I actually don't think they will do it deliberately.  I think the townie/hick group of soldiers they have will fuck up on accident.  

  11. 1 minute ago, Newdoc said:

    There is way too long to go and too much complicated history to start slob knobbing our government and particularly Biden in this fiasco. The facts are that there are millions of Ukraine citizens in the line of fire of a crazy man, likely thousands of dead Russian soldiers involuntary slaughtered and the world‘s energy and economy looking fragile. I guess you can say the shit sandwich taste better than you thought but it’s still a bunch of crap and there needs to be an evaluation of how this could have been avoided if at all.

    Well to me this all screams the danger of not being energy independent.  You look at a lot of the world's shitshows, and much if it has a root in a country (or countries) having tremendous amounts of energy wealth then turned into economic wealth.  As a result of our need, and the rest of the world's need for energy, we all turn a blind eye to atrocities committed because we need that energy (be it oil, gas, whatever).  In a sense, we have unwittingly created the wealth and resources need for crazy people to have military might.  We need to be energy independent and we need to lead the world in this way.    

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  12. 14 minutes ago, Longhornlove said:

    I disagree, if intel has been spot on, why weren't weapons, supplies delivered ahead of the invasion? Why so reactive, why not be proactive? Maybe they were and that hasn't leaked but that doesn't appear to be the case.

    Well, this is sort of a chicken and egg thing.  If you had preemptively ramped up weapons to the Ukraine prior to the invasion by Russia you would have legitimized Russia's invasion.  In that case, the NATO members with more rosey relationships with Russia certainly wouldn't have give full support for the situation as we see now.  For example, under that scenario, I highly doubt a country like Hungary would have given support for SWIFT removal.  Basically, despite the fact that we seemingly knew this was inevitable, if we had acted preemptively everyone could simply say we caused the invasion thru our provocative actions.  

    All that having been said, I certainly hate the fact that the Ukraine and its Armed Forces and Civilians are for right now being left to fend for themselves (albeit now with lots of weapons now headed their way).  

    I do think that shortly, either deliberately or accidentally, the Russians will do something that triggers Article 5.  The question at that point is will we do something retaliatory on a commiserate level or we will in turn up the ante (i.e. say they hit a convoy, we we return in kind or will we up the ante to include air support).  If NATO begins air support operations Russian will be done in Ukraine in hours.  Does Vlad then up the ante?  

    • Hook 'Em 3
  13. By no means am I a financial expert, but I am wondering what this all does to the solvency of Deutsche Bank, which has long had rumors of being heavily tied to the Russian Mob?  Would SWIFT removal of Russia have an impact on them and their solvency in the event the Russian Mob stuff is true?  (Assuming that the money laundering is that readily obvious).  Anyone an expert on that side of this?

    • Fuck Around and Find Out 1
  14. 19 minutes ago, Ghost of LL said:


    I'm a guy that makes light of a lot of things; and I am sure there is a martial joke to be had here (in fact my sick brain actually thought of some punchlines).  That having been said, I'm strictly at loss here.  This really brings it all home to me, the horror of this madness.  (If this is true)  We have two young people on a beautiful day in their young lives immediately having to turn to horrid reality; which any number of days may well be their last.  That fact that some rich prick 1000 miles away from them may well end up killing them and never being held responsible is beyond disgusting.  

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