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Posts posted by BamaATL

  1. 2 minutes ago, Fico said:

    Allegedly it was air to air kill to boot. Epic failure if true to let a Ukrainian fighter anywhere near a heavy. Or maybe that Ukrainian pilot is that good. I'll take both.

    Shortly after 9/11 I worked in an office complex across the street from Dobbins Air Force Base in Marietta, GA.  If you will recall, around that time we lost a spy plane near China (or in China, I can't recall the particulars offhand).  At any rate, a deal was worked out and the plane was returned to Dobbins (we have a Lockheed facility attached).  The Antonov was hired as the cargo plane.  I happened to be at a light when it landed, and mind you I was used to seeing CJs land all the time.  It was crazy how big it was, and to be honest sort of baffling to think that it had another plane inside of it.  I think the two that we shot down are actually smaller models, but nonetheless enormous in their own right.  It's down right shocking to me that the Russians would put these in the air without having secured the airspace, it would be akin to shooting at blimps for fighters. 

    If, and of course this is a big if, these were indeed paratroopers, I would have to think they are a part of the Russian Elite Echelon troops, which would constitute a major loss to what I previously read was an approximate number of 30,000.  To potentially lose 250+ of those elite troops is mind boggling.  Considering they may have already had hits to their Elite forces, this is adding up quickly.  Let us hope so.   

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