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Posts posted by BamaATL

  1. Another thing to consider, I read the other day that there were intercepted calls from the Russian Railroad honchos which indicated that they were concerned about a serious shutdown of the system due to, and I promise I'm not making this up, ball bearings (cue Fletch).  Another thought may well be that by doing this, it will further exhaust an already extremely strained Russian logistics system.   Basically, they may well have Intel that Russia has no real meaningful way to respond to this incursion, beyond air power, at least not in any meaningful quick way.  Given that Russian pilots are terrified of getting anywhere near the Ukrainians due to hand held anti-air, that may well be moot as well.  In an effort to bolster or even rally a defense for Kursk, the Russians may well completely starve other areas of ammo, food, etc. 

    Someone mentioned Sun Tzu above, and one thing he was big on fighting on the ground you want to fight on (classification of terrain, I believe he called it).   

    • Hook 'Em 4
  2. 10 minutes ago, Gatorubet said:

    The tactical situation is fascinating, but what stands out to me is a public relations standpoint of seeing Ukraine attack Russia. First, the Chef, and now the Ukrainians show how easy it is.

    The contract with Putin in Russian citizens is that they will put up with a whole lot, but it is absolutely essential that he provides security. If he can’t do that, then he’s not feared - and if he’s not feared, he’s no longer going to be in Power.


    I wonder if the thought is, preparing an offensive against the Russian fortified lines has proven incredibly difficult (at least within Ukraine), especially given the mine fields.  By advancing here, where there don't appear to be dense mine fields, the Ukrainians felt they could capture significant territory, and perhaps get Russia to pull men and material from the Karkhiv front?  Additionally, if they can manage to hold it for any amount of time, it thins Russian resources that can be diverted to Ukraine.  So is this a start of a one-two counter punch sequence?  If they detect any sort of troop movement in the Karkhiv front to reinforce Kursk, do they then make a move there as well.  If they can take an hold territory, quite frankly I think that's smart, because at the end of the day, that's a real bargaining chip to get back at least some of their territory if this enters some sort of mediation.  

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  3. 29 minutes ago, UTexasFight said:

    If you’re trapped on the space station until next year, you get a free pass on Christmas shopping right?

    if so,


    Just recently a group of 4 volunteers emerged from a 360 day Mars simulation.  Just imagine, if they'd been on a starliner flight they'd be nearly 1/6 of the time there for real.  

  4. 22 minutes ago, InkaUtexas said:

    I love how the CFO adjusted his Salary + Bonus.


    If anyone is interested, I think I can make 30 million dollars a year and get people stranded in space and killed in planes.  Hell, I'll do the job for $20 million.  My first action item is changing the slogan to "We make no promises."   

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  5. 15 hours ago, WBT said:

    Cuban Maijan Lopez won his 5th straight olympic gold in greco-roman wrestling, then left his boots in the ring to announce his retirement, Undertaker style.



    Really cool seeing the French crowd give him his due.  Neat moment.  

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  6. 23 minutes ago, immamac said:

    If there was ever a time to go fuck shit up somewhere it would be no and in Venezuela. 

    well ever since Noriega passed away, license plates have been way behind, perhaps we have found a suitable replacement.   Maybe Maduro will surrender after 30 hours of def leppard, or in more modern times we may need to up the ante with some black eyed peas.  

  7. 1 minute ago, Braff Zacklin said:

    Reminds me of a line from Waking the Dead. Forgive me, it's been decades and I'm paraphrasing here, but it went to the effect of:

    When you join a corrupt system, you become a part of that corruption.

    Let me put it this way, if Disney thought they could put a Putin Land in their theme parks and shake a dollar out of it, they'd do it so quickly your head would spin.  

  8. 4 minutes ago, Braff Zacklin said:

    Yup. Don't think John Cena is a bad guy. Just misguided here. Like, how much money do you need, bro? Would've thought he had accumulated enough to be independent by now.

    Mostly just disappointed that he would do something like this. But not surprised, unfortunately.

    Well, the reality is that if he doesn't do that, he's likely in breach of contract for promotional purposes.  So it isn't that he'd necessarily just lose potential future roles, the possibility exists that the studio would sue him.  

    Don't forget, this is Disney, you know the "family friendly" company, that does it's damn best to bankrupt every family in the world.  Also the largest casino owner in the world.   They could give a damn about global right and wrong.  

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  9. 1 minute ago, Parliament said:

    John Cena seems like an otherwise genuinely good person.  I'm gonna grit my teeth and give him a pass on this one.

    He also butters his bread via major media company's like, if memory serves in this case, Disney.  They bow down to China because they want access to a media market with a billion people.  

    Cena had at point, and this may still be true, had granted more wishes in the Make a Wish program than anyone.  

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  10. 8 hours ago, InkaUtexas said:

    But as we saw with the USSR collapse, some of that shit gets sold as the collapse starts. I was  pondering this and the points made by all.

    1- When has Russia ever really been part of the West? Can it culturally assimilate now? Will it always have a chip on its shoulder?

    2- What does a post Putin look like? Central remains as the hold, or decentralized, republics break away. Can these become viable nations? Dagestan?

    So many options, possibilities, outcomes. hard to see a good one except the Eastern border of non-Russian Europe stablizes, but has to remain on guard. Russians have a long memory, and want glory. not a good combination.

    Those are problems I'd like to see us try to figure out.  


    6 hours ago, atomheartbevo said:

    This is honestly a scenario where I could see the US telling Ukraine To hold off, because a major risk with such an event (Russian government collapsing) could include the Russian military losing control of their nukes, which would be very bad and would scare the shit out of NATO.

    If Russia actually knew, which is a problem in and of itself, Putin wouldn’t have been at that event, at least not the real Putin.

    Still, even if they make a run at Putin, he wouldn't use nukes against Ukraine as some worry about, for a couple of solid reasons, the least of which is that Putin's troops can't operate in an NBC environment (even if they had the training, which they don't, they don't have the gear or vehicles), and then you have the fact that it would get him in trouble with China and other countries that might decide they don't want to be sanctioned out the ass for associating with Russia (the US and EU would put the economic smack down on anybody dealing with Russia).  Finally, there's no way to contain it - too far west to save Putin's troops and it drifts into NATO territory (either to the west or down over the Black Sea to Turkey) and then shit gets real, and too far east and it kills/injuries lots of Russian troops and contaminates Mother Russia itself.  Plus it puts a Western target on Putin's back and the man is paranoid enough as it is.

    No, if they had made a serious attempt at Putin and he survived, it allows him to mobilize the hundreds of thousands, maybe even up to a million young men, in Moscow, St. Petersburg, etc.

    We keep making the mistake of saying things like, "Putin won't do this, or won't do that" etc.  He's killed well over 1 million people at this point.  What's the difference to him between 1 million, 10 million, 100 million?  

    • Hook 'Em 4
  11. 16 minutes ago, SL Xpress said:

    It feels like a major mistake at this point for any country to agree to disarmament. If there's any lesson to be learned from the war for Ukraine, it's that one. 

    Just to be clear, I'm talking about them (Russia) having to trade nuclear weapons (as many as possible) for reentry into the global economy and world at large after the aforementioned dissolution.  

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  12. 13 minutes ago, Armybrat said:

    Best case is him being offed by one of his own scumbag minions.

    I'm not sure that is the best case anymore.  There are 22 individual Republics within Russia, and perhaps the best option here is internal rebellion.  If even one of these Republics begin to become a problem, the potential exists that more would follow suit.  Russia is overly dependent on natural resources, and if any of these start to threaten that, Putin would be forced to consider and deal with internal problems first.  If this were to last for any length of time, quite frankly he doesn't have the military resources to continue in Ukraine (as much of this has already largely been squandered).  Additionally, he would likely have to seriously start mobilizing actual Muscovites, which causes him potentially even bigger problems. 

    In the end, Ukraine's best bet may well be to fight until an internal collapse/rebellion is  underway.  In my view, the best possible outcome is the dissolution of Russia, with Russia proper contained east of the Urals and largely devoid of resources, and we all have to learn new countries, their spellings, and capitals.  If that were in fact to all happen, Putin or no Putin, they'd be begging to make horse trades with the West, which gives us the best possible chance at a major disarmament (that part wouldn't include a living Putin).  

    Slow decay and rot leading to dissolution is the best possible outcome, at least to me.  We'd then have lots of new problems on our hands, but hopefully ones we could resolve peacefully.  

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  13. 1 minute ago, tx 3 putt said:

    they’re foaming at the mouth to turn over brown v board of education 

    that's what's called foreplay in the Thomas household/RV.  

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