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Everything posted by BamaATL

  1. The red mirage is going to begin to fade with Trump at about 2 million Georgia from the looks of it, then it starts to be nothing but margins in cities. Clarke and Chatam barely reporting anything.
  2. Dekalb County just dropped, 68% reporting, on the margin at 82% more or less the same as 2020 percentage wise.
  3. Certainly would have preferred more comfortable indicators in Georgia, like clear Red losses, but thus far still tracking ok given the offsets.
  4. Also, magic number 50% for either candidate will be north of 2.5 million at a minimum.
  5. Red from 2020 is getting a point or 2 redder, and Blue from 2020 is getting bluer at nearly the same rate. Bigger counties should overtake.
  6. Cobb County just dropped, 59% reporting Harris leading 58%, Biden won with 56%
  7. Yes 159, and Dems typically only win 13-18 counties.
  8. No, just at the moment looks like its head for a repeat nail bitter. Would, long way to go though.
  9. Clayton County just dropped 86%, 1 point better than 2020 Harris, 69k Dem votes with 69% reporting. There was concern about turnout here, this is great news
  10. Cherokee County GA even compared to 2020, with 77% reporting
  11. Sorry, short hand, didn't mean to confuse, lots coming in quickly
  12. Forsyth County GA Harris +3 40% reporting
  13. Bad news Hall County GA Trump +3 69% reporting
  14. That's fucking shocking right there. Reynolds Plantation is out there, super wealthy.
  15. Rockdale County, GA Harris +6 against 2020 Metro Atlanta
  16. My wife likes John King on the Magic Wall, so yeah...
  17. Dude on CNN just claimed pussy made him vote.
  18. Truce for the evening, and if we win, ya'll can fucking have it.
  19. Red Mirage incoming, small counties are pumping out data in GA
  20. correction, would represent a 4 point uptick to Harris, obviously more to count.
  21. Only significant drop in GA is Douglas County, 65% Harris, with 74% reporting. From memory, that's about on 2020 margin
  22. CNN is making their exit polls gospel at the moment
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